
De Mattei Believes He Knows Viganò's "Ghostwriter"

Roberto de Mattei published on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (June 23) more on his claim that Archbishop Viganò uses a "ghostwriter." Viganò has forcefully denied de Mattei's claim. According to De Mattei …More
Roberto de Mattei published on CorrispondenzaRomana.it (June 23) more on his claim that Archbishop Viganò uses a "ghostwriter."
Viganò has forcefully denied de Mattei's claim. According to De Mattei, the "ghostwriter" is a certain Pietro Siffi, 52, who uses different pseudonyms, among them "Cesare Baronio" (OpportuneImportune.blogspot.com). He helped organising Viganò's May 2020 appeal collecting the signatures using his name and email.
De Mattei argues with what he calls a "stylometric" research and compares Viganò's and Siffi's texts, their lexical and stylistic elements. Both use similar phrases, creative words and ideas like “idol” for Vatican II, “Montinian rite” for the New Mass etc. Besides verbal coincidences there is "the same tone," de Mattei believes.
Siffi stopped publishing on his blog in 2020 when Viganò started writing more frequently. De Mattei questions not Siffi’s intelligence but his integrity. Venice born Siffi was a seminarian with PiusX and with Institute of Christ …More
What happens when you promote a demonic injection, you become the demons slave with the desire to attack Holy men.
Actually A Catholic
I have been on the Lepanto Foundation's Email List for a long time. I have been grateful for the good work they have done.
Today I sent CANCELLED with them because:
1. de Matei's promotion of the ABORTION TAINTED so-called COVID vaccine -- which Viganò rightly called him out on.
2. This new smear campaign against Viganò which raises legitimate questions as to whether it is RETALIATION and DEFLECTION …More
I have been on the Lepanto Foundation's Email List for a long time. I have been grateful for the good work they have done.

Today I sent CANCELLED with them because:

1. de Matei's promotion of the ABORTION TAINTED so-called COVID vaccine -- which Viganò rightly called him out on.

2. This new smear campaign against Viganò which raises legitimate questions as to whether it is RETALIATION and DEFLECTION and which is being FACILIATED BY LEPANTO FOUNDATION.

I CANCELLED and hope MANY others do as well in the hope that Lepanto Foundation gets the message and gets back on track.
Ave Crux
I am really wondering -- and troubled -- about what has happened to De Mattei. He seems to have lost it.
First he found it necessary to inform all his Catholic readers that he defends -- and recommends as such -- the so-called "moral liceity" of an experimental vaccine which would not even exist had it not been for the murdered babies whose harvested tissue and organs facilitated its production, …More
I am really wondering -- and troubled -- about what has happened to De Mattei. He seems to have lost it.

First he found it necessary to inform all his Catholic readers that he defends -- and recommends as such -- the so-called "moral liceity" of an experimental vaccine which would not even exist had it not been for the murdered babies whose harvested tissue and organs facilitated its production, a previously unheard of, first-time-ever genetic experiment being foisted on the entire world's population by the very global establishment he has always eschewed. Why....?

And now he comes out accusing Vigano of having a "double" -- to what end? Even if the absurd assertion were true, it's the content published under Vigano's name that is of consequence and of interest. I could care less if Vigano or someone else writes his material -- I agree with the position entirely. It's cogent, exceptionally insightful, rational, clear-thinking and coherent with Catholic teaching.

What President, for example, has ever consistently written their own material....? And yet, is it their platform that is of consequence, not who drafted the words with which it is communicated.

And for this, De Mattei felt it necessary to attack and to discredit Vigano publicly....?

I am beginning to wonder if De Mattei is well....
Maybe there are two De Mattei's rather than two Vigano's ?
Ave Crux
@Carolina03 😉 Hilarious....it sure seems that way. He's acting completely out of character with his past "persona".... I used to consider him a worthy representative of sound Catholic thought and reasoning. Alas....! It feels like we are in the Land of the Body Snatchers....
Sensus Fidelium
DeMattei is all about the vaccine. Vigano has been very effective at getting more not to take the dangerous experimental gene therapy injection
De Mattei challenges Vigano to confirm or deny
Full text here, corrispondenzaromana.it/…-real-author-of-the-writings-of-archbishop-vigano/More
De Mattei challenges Vigano to confirm or deny

Full text here, corrispondenzaromana.it/…-real-author-of-the-writings-of-archbishop-vigano/
If you often use the phrase "Bugninian-Montinian rite", you don't do it on GTV. @V.R.S. A comments search shows this is the first time.
It's just another cunning riddle to keep you absorbed. Please try again later.
PS When you fail again I'll provide you with a hint.
Your riddle is neither cunning nor does it particularly interest me, bro. I haven't failed again any more than the last time I ran you and your nonsense out of the English-section of GTV.
What I said was correct and nothing you've presented shows otherwise.
Then, here comes the hint : check the Polish language part of the forum.
What you say in Polish is not what you say in English. You made a claim in English, in the English language section, about an English statement. My observation remains correct. ;-)
"What you say in Polish is not what you say in English"
Quite an interesting idea. Are you a Muslim who tells me that if I quote the Quran in other language than Arabic then I do not quote the Quran?
If you write ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" in English, undoubtedly that phrase translates into something different in Polish. If memory serves, the Polish word for "rite" is "obrzed".
So what I said remains correct A comments search shows this is the first time you've used the phrase "Bugninian-Montinian rite" on GTV.
Your example fails, btw.. No wonder considering the source.. ;-) Many Muslims …More
If you write ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" in English, undoubtedly that phrase translates into something different in Polish. If memory serves, the Polish word for "rite" is "obrzed".

So what I said remains correct A comments search shows this is the first time you've used the phrase "Bugninian-Montinian rite" on GTV.

Your example fails, btw.. No wonder considering the source.. ;-) Many Muslims insist only an Arabic Quran is the true Quran and contains all the nuances of that lanugage. Further, many will, in fact, refuse to take an oath on a Quran that is not in Arabic. Go be uneducated somewhere else. :P
"If you write ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" in English, undoubtedly that phrase translates into something different in Polish"
No, it translates into a very similar phrase "ryt Bugniniego-Montiniego" having the same meaning.
" If memory serves..."
Neither memory, nor intellect.
"Many Muslims insist only an Arabic Quran is the true Quran and contains all the nuances of that lanugage"
"If you write ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" in English, undoubtedly that phrase translates into something different in Polish"
No, it translates into a very similar phrase "ryt Bugniniego-Montiniego" having the same meaning.

" If memory serves..."
Neither memory, nor intellect.

"Many Muslims insist only an Arabic Quran is the true Quran and contains all the nuances of that lanugage"
Exactly. And you revealed the same kind of mentality.
"No, it translates into a very similar phrase "ryt Bugniniego-Montiniego" having the same meaning."
Similar is not identical. You just supported my original comment. This is the first time you've used ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" on GTV. A similar meaning is not the same as identical words. The latin "pugio" might mean "dagger" but the words "pugio" and "dagger" are entirely different.
"Exactly …More
"No, it translates into a very similar phrase "ryt Bugniniego-Montiniego" having the same meaning."

Similar is not identical. You just supported my original comment. This is the first time you've used ""Bugninian-Montinian rite" on GTV. A similar meaning is not the same as identical words. The latin "pugio" might mean "dagger" but the words "pugio" and "dagger" are entirely different.

"Exactly. And you revealed the same kind of mentality."

By saying, "exactly" you concede your example fails. :D

If I share that mentality, it's with good reason. Translations are frequently inaccurate and rarely (if ever) convey the full nuance of the original language.

Referring to the example I just gave, a "pugio" refers to a very specific kind of dagger used in Roman times, while "dagger" can refer to any double-edged knife anywhere all over the world. Most have radically different appearances and many have entirely different styles of use.

Are you done? ;-)
atreverse pensar
Not De Mattei. They both use the same expressions, because those expressions are true.
Viganó goes to the heart of the matter, unlike you.
Ok, I admit I often use the "Bugninian-Montinian rite" phrase. Am I the Vigano's doubler, doooctor!?
atreverse pensar
So is.
@Patrick m OConnor
I think he works for "St." Hermeneutics of Continuity. For whom does H.E. Vigano work? - I wish I knew it.
@Patrick m OConnor
I prefer common sense to all those womanly periods and PMSes. And common sense tells me: if HE Vigano takes part in strange interreligious events like the Jericho March, then he is not necessarily "heaven sent".