
On the Street: Horrible Profanation

The Daughters of Saint Anne in Santiago, Chile, were alerted on March 28 by a woman that hosts were lying in the street next to their convent. It turned out that two ciboria with hosts were stolen from …More
The Daughters of Saint Anne in Santiago, Chile, were alerted on March 28 by a woman that hosts were lying in the street next to their convent.
It turned out that two ciboria with hosts were stolen from the tabernacle in the nearby Grotto of Lourdes which belongs to the Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes.
At around 4.30 p.m., the Superior of the sisters started picking up hosts from the street. Other hosts were found further down the road.
The parish priest, Assumptionist Father Pedro Pedraza wrote in a statement, “Forgive us, O Lord, because you were thrown away like rubbish, and for what we dare to do to you!”
Picture: © Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Santiago de Chile CC BY-SA, #newsVljuqpkqqk
@Jayjayem Gee You're being "judgy" when you say, "you people on this website are so 'judgy'". But that's okay when YOU do it, yes? ;-)
Jayjayem Gee
That's a ridiculous reply...nonsense!
You are doing what you accuse others of doing: being "judgy". That accusation: "You people on this website are so 'judgy' " is also being "judgy". Since you claim that argument is "nonsense" then YOU must show how your judgement of people on this website is NOT being "judgy". Good luck. ;-)
How are you feeling today Ultraviolent?
I'm feeling splendid. I'm not asking the same because, truth told, I don't care how you're feeling. @Rafał_Ordure
Jayjayem Gee
wow...you people on this website are so "judgy" - great Catholics...excellent Christian spirit...want to be just like you...not
There is a place and a time for everything we are all free to comment up to our conscience and have a good conversation
We dont know if hosts were consecrated ,if they were ,let us not make jokes out of it
Defeat Modernism
It's a good thing the new rites of ordination and the new mass are both invalid. No Real Presence in the Novus Ordo Cult of Man
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That is true. In my parish, I see women and old,old nuns (habitless femminists of course), going up to the altar, opening the tabranacle, and handing out hosts for "Eucharistic ministers" to the sick, as if they were cookies. No genuflection, no respect. Typical of everything from the Vatican II Church. I am ashamed of it, from Pope on down, and am sorry that I've been stuck growing up in the Vatican …More
That is true. In my parish, I see women and old,old nuns (habitless femminists of course), going up to the altar, opening the tabranacle, and handing out hosts for "Eucharistic ministers" to the sick, as if they were cookies. No genuflection, no respect. Typical of everything from the Vatican II Church. I am ashamed of it, from Pope on down, and am sorry that I've been stuck growing up in the Vatican II Church in the 90's-early 2000's, just as my parents were stuck in the late 1960's. I envy the kind of great Pope and Church my grandparents grew up with in the 1930's-40's, even though it was in Japan and not Philadelphia, Pa. 😍
I love the Latin Mass-but if the Novus Ordo is invalid explain the Eucharistic miracles that happen during and from it.
Defeat Modernism
@DRDAHM Even the Satanic Priests of Pharaoh were able to perform the same miracles as Moses. So too can faithless protestants and other false sects perform what appear to be miracles of healing, exorcism but it doesn't mean they are of God. Satan would love to keep people in the Novus Ordo as it is his creation to damn souls and keep them away from the True Mass and the True Faith. There was a …More
@DRDAHM Even the Satanic Priests of Pharaoh were able to perform the same miracles as Moses. So too can faithless protestants and other false sects perform what appear to be miracles of healing, exorcism but it doesn't mean they are of God. Satan would love to keep people in the Novus Ordo as it is his creation to damn souls and keep them away from the True Mass and the True Faith. There was a Catholic Nun (Sr. Magdalena of the Cross) in the 1500s who performed all sorts of miracles but it turned out she made a pact with the devil. She deceived many people who thought she was a holy saint. This is her story Sister Magdalena of the Cross -The nun who made a pact with the devil
Katja Metzger
Everyone wants the fruits of the cross, but few are willing to carry it.