
New Cardinals: Mediocrity, Apparatchiks, And No Dialogue

Francis’s new cardinals are “objectively mediocre” and “appendices of himself,” MarcoTosatti.com (October 26) writes, “It’s not the person, their merits, or the position they hold that is rewarded …More
Francis’s new cardinals are “objectively mediocre” and “appendices of himself,” MarcoTosatti.com (October 26) writes,
“It’s not the person, their merits, or the position they hold that is rewarded but loyalty.” Here some comments on them:
- Marcello Semeraro: “ultra-faithful bloodhound”
- Mauro Gambetti: Bergoglio’s “altarboy”
- Mario Grech: “slavish executor” of Francis’ will
- Augusto Lojudice: “banner bearer of Bergoglio’s drab pro-imigration Church”
- Enrico Feroci: “former director of Caritas”
- Raniero Cantalamessa: said that Covid-19 has “nothing” to do with the Creator - Silvano Tomasi: confidant of Parolin, first-class machinator, whealer-deeler, liquidator of Cardinal Burke and Fra’ Festing at the Order of Malta and its future special delegate, ally of the Boesenlager brothers, great manipulator. Tosatti stresses that Francis tells the world that "dialogue is important" and that "we are all brothers” but has never (!) allowed meetings of the cardinals after a concistory. …More
For all who try to say that Pope Francis isn't REALLY all about LGBTQ rights and legalizing permanent near occasions of sin.
De Profundis
Still baffled that retired Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput was never made Cardinal - a witness to the faith, influential and intelligent.