
No Link? Sexologist Parolin Denies Reality

Homosexuality is not "a cause or a typical aspect of the abuser", writes Cardinal Parolin - who apparently considers himself a sexologist - in a foreword to the book Il Dolore della chiesa di fronte agli abusi [The Pain of the Church in the Face of Abuse].

It is inconceivable that Parolin would have written a foreword to a book entitled The Pain of the Church in the Face of Abortion, because the killing of unborn children is supported by the oligarchs.

Parolin claims that it is “a serious and scientifically untenable association” to link sexual crimes and homosexuality.

However, official Church statistics show that concerning Catholicism 80% of cases of clerical abuse are of homosexual nature and involve young men in their teens.


Problem is that people with bad sexual intentions are looking for places where prey is readily available for them. For this reason many of those bad apples find in the church a place to get what they want. This way bad people with sexual aberrations agglomerate in seminaries. And then finally they get "power" and will even find themselves approved by the heads of some seminaries. This because some …More
Problem is that people with bad sexual intentions are looking for places where prey is readily available for them. For this reason many of those bad apples find in the church a place to get what they want. This way bad people with sexual aberrations agglomerate in seminaries. And then finally they get "power" and will even find themselves approved by the heads of some seminaries. This because some of them found that becoming the head of the seminary is like becoming the wolf taking care of the herd of sheep, taking a sheep or two from time to time. Then between them they will start approving assignations to position with much prey. Mechanisms like that skew the numbers. The Catholic Church is a magnet for abusers, so the church is full of them not because abusive is a characteristic of catholics.
The problem is that the good shepherds never listened to Jesus when He said:
Matthew 10:16 Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
And this way the church became corrupted. The good shepherds only wanted to be as innocent as doves, not as shrewd as snakes. And now the bad apples are shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves. Unfortunately that is also the tactics of the devil. A dove is the perfect disguise. Or a wolf in sheep's cloth. Or a sexual abuser in a cassock.
Kaye Beth Stover
Mister Parolin, you really said ''not typical'' ?
Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted so…More
Mister Parolin, you really said ''not typical'' ?

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted so…
Dr Bobus
His comments manifest arrogance and ignorance--in fact, plain stupidity.. Most of the abuse cases involved young adolescent boys--not girls.
It is obvious that Parolin is as good at Psychology as he is at diplomatic affairs, having engineered the sell-out of Chinese Catholics to the Chinese Communist Government.
Parolin is out of touch. The sooner he exits the stage, the better the Church will be.More
His comments manifest arrogance and ignorance--in fact, plain stupidity.. Most of the abuse cases involved young adolescent boys--not girls.

It is obvious that Parolin is as good at Psychology as he is at diplomatic affairs, having engineered the sell-out of Chinese Catholics to the Chinese Communist Government.

Parolin is out of touch. The sooner he exits the stage, the better the Church will be.
Hear what Cardinal Raymond Burke has to say about Parolin's ridiculous comments:
The World Over June 8, 2023 | HOLY COMMUNION: Cardinal Raymond Burke with Raymond Arroyo
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Parolin.Tagle,and Zuppi all hope to be Pope in a very, very short time. They are in for a huge anti-Francis awakening at the conclave to elect his successor, and are in for a bigger disappointment. None of them will be pope!
Dr Bobus
Tagle and Zuppi, who were papabile only in the fantasies of the news media, have no chance--especially now.
Ditto Parolin.More
Tagle and Zuppi, who were papabile only in the fantasies of the news media, have no chance--especially now.

Ditto Parolin.
Wilma Lopez
@Dr Bobus Whom do you consider papabile?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I was just thinking, isn't it terrible.......there are no good orthodox and traditional candidates/papabile, they are all too old! I wish Francis would hurry up and pass from the scene so that PERHAPS someone good could be elected.......and also before he has a change to create any more of his homo loving filth as cardinals.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori we know some great Papabile..like Eminence Cardinal Muller, Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary), Eminence Cardinal Eijk(Archbishop of Utrecht, Nehterlands), Eminence Cardinal Sarah, Eminence Cardinal Burke....I think Muller, Burke, Sarah much older....maybe Erdo or Eijk will be much better...even though not them....just really hope Lord will send to us …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori we know some great Papabile..like Eminence Cardinal Muller, Eminence Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary), Eminence Cardinal Eijk(Archbishop of Utrecht, Nehterlands), Eminence Cardinal Sarah, Eminence Cardinal Burke....I think Muller, Burke, Sarah much older....maybe Erdo or Eijk will be much better...even though not them....just really hope Lord will send to us Orthodox Pope..Fast time...but these days I am not sure....I heard the news today....Bergoglio is much better...feels so horrible.....I can't want see much longer to Bergoglio's Papacy...but Bergoglio papacy much longer possible...and another Bergoglio too....it's make me much sorrow....this time..Orthodox members going to hide, underground Church.....hmm.......many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Sarah will turn 78 (the age Ratzinger was elected) he won't be too old for the next two years. Erdo will turn 71 and is the perfect age. Ranjith is young enough. So is Muller.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Thank you John, I forgot about Erdo. I not so sure about Ranjith, but Muller seems a good choice. Sarah would be best. I just wish Bergoglio would take a little trip to his reward ion the next few weeks months. Teaching is over for me on Friday for the year, and aside from 2 trips to the Jersey Shore, there's not much happening. The election of a new Pope would be a surprise, and …More
@John Fritz Logan -Thank you John, I forgot about Erdo. I not so sure about Ranjith, but Muller seems a good choice. Sarah would be best. I just wish Bergoglio would take a little trip to his reward ion the next few weeks months. Teaching is over for me on Friday for the year, and aside from 2 trips to the Jersey Shore, there's not much happening. The election of a new Pope would be a surprise, and an event which would be celebrated for weeks if it happened this Summer.... I hope Bergoglio is doing worse than we think.
Isn't that a sad thing to have to wish on a Pope.....but considering the wreckage of the Church caused directly and purposfully by Bergoglio and his thugs these last 10 years, he was asking for it. I'm 28, and hopefully live to be old enough to see maybe 3-4 more Popes after apostate Bergoglio. But I feel sorry for people in their 60's and 70's because the next Pope might be their last. Let's hope it's a good orthodox man open to Catholic tradition, and not a heretic apostate homo-loving clone of Bergoglio.😂
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is terrible to have to wish for that yes.
We still haven't gotten a photo from Bergoglio. If he does get out of the hospital I still think he is declining fast.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is terrible to have to wish for that yes.

We still haven't gotten a photo from Bergoglio. If he does get out of the hospital I still think he is declining fast.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -I read yesterday at the daily press briefing in the morning from the Vatican that aside from being stable, Bergoglio was given some sort of physical respiratory therapy, but he has no fever. I thought that sounded odd, so I texted my uncle who is a Cardiologist in Los Angeles, Ca. what that means. He said it does NOT mean that he was just assisted to walk around a little. It means …More
@John Fritz Logan -I read yesterday at the daily press briefing in the morning from the Vatican that aside from being stable, Bergoglio was given some sort of physical respiratory therapy, but he has no fever. I thought that sounded odd, so I texted my uncle who is a Cardiologist in Los Angeles, Ca. what that means. He said it does NOT mean that he was just assisted to walk around a little. It means that Bergoglio is having some symptoms of respiratory trouble/congestion, and that he could have been put on a nebulizer or given oxygen. A nebulizer is a machine where the patient sits and breaths in medicine thru a tube which helps open up constricted air passages and reduces inflammation, it also helps break up congestion. My uncle said that there is a danger for Bergoglio to have pneumonia, because that is a VERY common setback for any patient, but especially very elderly patients n the hospital who are largely confined to the bed and can't move around. It is ne of the major infections people pick up in hospitals....that and sepsis ( which Bergoglio seems clear of) My uncle said Bergoglio can't get up and move around because the net/mesh (I forget the term my uncle used), to strenghten the abdominal wall after surger for the hernia might slip out of place, requiring Bergoglio to head back to surgery again.
As a last question, I asked him if he thought that Bergoglio would be back to normal in a few weeka and if he would live afew more years. His answer-- No. The mesh put in place has to be watched so it doesn't rupture/slip. His personal opinion is that Francis will look alot different when he finally does come out of the hospital, and that each setback like this takes alot out of very elderly people. He said to expect more complications/hospitalizations before the end of 2023. My uncle's estimate for Bergoglio-----18 months at best.
I told him that's too long, and he laughed. He liked that answer.🤪
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori That gives a lot of clarity. But 18 months at best... so wha at worst? Also, this is assuming he doesn't have cancer and other stuff right?
Your aunt thought he looked like a cancer patient didn't she?More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori That gives a lot of clarity. But 18 months at best... so wha at worst? Also, this is assuming he doesn't have cancer and other stuff right?

Your aunt thought he looked like a cancer patient didn't she?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, 18 months is that's assuming he doesn't have cancer, and the meds at the Gemelli said that last year it was benign (that's good, because I would not wish that on anyone). My Uncle didn't say timeline of survival what would be the worst....he was just giving a clinical opinion that he didn't think that Bergoglio wold be around for more than that.
Yes, my Aunt said he looked …More
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, 18 months is that's assuming he doesn't have cancer, and the meds at the Gemelli said that last year it was benign (that's good, because I would not wish that on anyone). My Uncle didn't say timeline of survival what would be the worst....he was just giving a clinical opinion that he didn't think that Bergoglio wold be around for more than that.
Yes, my Aunt said he looked like a cancer patient in the face (she's a nurse, but not a doctor so maybe she's just guessing, because she's seen alot of cancer patients and other illnesses). I thought sometimes he looks sick too.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Meds at Gemelli said what he had in 2021 was benign but never admitted to cancer.
He looked sick a lot even before this.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Meds at Gemelli said what he had in 2021 was benign but never admitted to cancer.

He looked sick a lot even before this.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -I think if something is benign, then it's not cancer....the person doesn't have cancer (at least in the colon where Bergoglio was operated on) They would know by now if it were somewhere else.
I forgot to mention that my uncle said Bergoglio is getting bloodwork tests done probably 2x daily, mostly to monitor that there's no infection starting. Not only pneumonia, but sepsis....…More
@John Fritz Logan -I think if something is benign, then it's not cancer....the person doesn't have cancer (at least in the colon where Bergoglio was operated on) They would know by now if it were somewhere else.
I forgot to mention that my uncle said Bergoglio is getting bloodwork tests done probably 2x daily, mostly to monitor that there's no infection starting. Not only pneumonia, but sepsis....which is a deadly killer of many patients who survive major operations, only to die from sepsis, which is basically blood poisoning. It spreads throughout the body causing massive organ failure especially liver and kidneys. If it went that far, Bergoglio would be dead in 1-2 days. Apparently no problems for Bergoglio so far. That's nice, because I hate hospitals, and don't wish ill health on anyone.
But would I be happy to see Pope Francis out of the hospital, up about, making more apostate heretic pro-homo appointments and flying off to WYD and Mongolia.
Hell no !!! 😂.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I honestly don't believe that he was telling the truth. He said Francis had never reacted badly to general anesthesia... what??? No other illnesses or pathologies?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan I guess we'll never know until Bergoglio is dead 😂 . Remember back in 1963, the Vatican lied about John XXIII's terminal stomach cancer up until 8 days before he died. Actually, John XXIII was up and doing work until 2 weeks before he died. That was amazing. And he never went to the hospital. They said he'd not survive the operation.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Exactly but it really seems to me like too many coincidences in a row.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Here's the latest headline from FOXNEWS in the USA about Pope Francis "
Pope Francis still undergoing respiratory therapy, blood tests normal
But the fact he is undergoing respiratory therapy is a complication.....and not a good one😉More
@John Fritz Logan -Here's the latest headline from FOXNEWS in the USA about Pope Francis "

Pope Francis still undergoing respiratory therapy, blood tests normal


But the fact he is undergoing respiratory therapy is a complication.....and not a good one😉
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan thanks a lot...John...you like my comment....do you think Bergoglio will be gone???? I heard another terrible news...Cardinal Batista Re said...Bergoglio will come back really soon...he said...Bergoglio is very healthy now...hmm....it's means..maybe Bergoglio will be much longer??? ah...so terrible...I told you....I can't pray for his recovery...his time will much longer....we will …More
@John Fritz Logan thanks a lot...John...you like my comment....do you think Bergoglio will be gone???? I heard another terrible news...Cardinal Batista Re said...Bergoglio will come back really soon...he said...Bergoglio is very healthy now...hmm....it's means..maybe Bergoglio will be much longer??? ah...so terrible...I told you....I can't pray for his recovery...his time will much longer....we will have much huge damages...Holy Catholic Church changing to another religion....So I much pray...We will get Real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time..but not sure..these days...if, if Lord will send not to Orthodox Pope..fast time...Bergoglio will much longer or we will see another Bergoglio, worst than Bergoglio Pope....I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and Kenjiro will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer....I think this time..worst than that time....just really hope Lord will send to real Pope, Orthodox Pope fast time..if, if he will send to Orthodox Pope..fast time...please give met to Loyalty...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung The news with Batista Re is interesting. Why did he mail the cardinals to say Francis would be coming back in advance even though we haven't had a photo yet?
Clement Jaeho Chung
@John Fritz Logan yes! yes!!! so I much worry about this situation....I think if, if Bergoglio will come back....I am sure..he will much, much horrible than before!!!! 2021 years...after his hospital life....he said about limit to our great Tradition..Latin Mass....now....oh..Lord...I told you John...if Lord will send not to Orthodox Pope..fast time...Bergoglio will much longer or we will see another …More
@John Fritz Logan yes! yes!!! so I much worry about this situation....I think if, if Bergoglio will come back....I am sure..he will much, much horrible than before!!!! 2021 years...after his hospital life....he said about limit to our great Tradition..Latin Mass....now....oh..Lord...I told you John...if Lord will send not to Orthodox Pope..fast time...Bergoglio will much longer or we will see another Bergoglio, worst than Bergoglio Pope....I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and Kenjiro will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer....I think this time..worst than that time....just really hope Lord will send to real Pope, Orthodox Pope fast time..if, if he will send to Orthodox Pope..fast time...please give met to Loyalty...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Netherlands Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always sorry..I many annoying to you...but really happy learning a lot to you too....take care again....
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung More horrible than before? I think he will be even more tired and worn out while Parolin runs the scene and Parolin is terrible but not a radical.
His attack on the tridentine mass proved to backfire and he has declined since. I feel rather relaxed,More
@Clement Jaeho Chung More horrible than before? I think he will be even more tired and worn out while Parolin runs the scene and Parolin is terrible but not a radical.

His attack on the tridentine mass proved to backfire and he has declined since. I feel rather relaxed,
Malki Tzedek
Someone who pretends to be an apostle when he is an apostate.
Parolin LIES….he lies brazenly and boldly in his vain attempt to succor sodomites and their vile, unnatural, filthy abominations. He is not blind, nor ignorant in his quest to normalize perversion. He knows full well the truth of this matter, and that he cannot hope to cover that which is uncoverable. Like Judas Iscariot, however, he has sold his soul to the deceiver, not for thirty pieces of Silver …More
Parolin LIES….he lies brazenly and boldly in his vain attempt to succor sodomites and their vile, unnatural, filthy abominations. He is not blind, nor ignorant in his quest to normalize perversion. He knows full well the truth of this matter, and that he cannot hope to cover that which is uncoverable. Like Judas Iscariot, however, he has sold his soul to the deceiver, not for thirty pieces of Silver, but for a chance at the Papal Throne. Willingly, he has chosen to embrace damnation and the darkness of degeneracy. May God rebuke him, and may Saint Michael and the Angelic Hosts of Heaven cast him down to the lowest abyss, with all those who hate Holy Mother Church and God’s unalterable, immutable TRUTH.