Gloria.TV News on the 20th of June 2016 Pontifical Nonsense: Last Thursday, during the opening of a pastoral conference of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis not only claimed that – quote – “a big …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of June 2016
Pontifical Nonsense: Last Thursday, during the opening of a pastoral conference of the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis not only claimed that – quote – “a big majority of our sacramental marriages are null” and that many concubinages are true marriages. Referring to Jesus’ meeting with the adulteress Francis also said that Christ was – quote – “a little behaving like a fool”, and by saving her from being stoned – quote – “he failed against morality”. Francis also claimed that Jesus was not – quote - “clean”.
Misguided: On June 6th TV2000 which belongs to the Italian Bishops’ Conference invited three practicing homosexuals which Avvenire, the daily of the of bishops, called – “Christian LGBT”. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana points out that this expression is an oxymoron not less scandalous than the expression “Christian abortionists”. The outcome of the program was that God approves everything we do. Amoris Laetitia was quoted in support of this misguided …More
la verdad prevalece and 2 more users link to this post
la verdad prevalece
La FSSPXA publicó en sus noticias: "Francisco alaba al concubinato, que puede dar más gracias que algunos matrimonios – 16 de junio del 2016 Reconocer en este estado pecaminoso una gracia sacramental como si fuera un verdadero matrimonio católico porque existe un amor humano duradero y fiel, es una mentira diabólica que no puede engendrar otra cosa que laxitud moral, desórdenes familiares y …More
La FSSPXA publicó en sus noticias: "Francisco alaba al concubinato, que puede dar más gracias que algunos matrimonios – 16 de junio del 2016 Reconocer en este estado pecaminoso una gracia sacramental como si fuera un verdadero matrimonio católico porque existe un amor humano duradero y fiel, es una mentira diabólica que no puede engendrar otra cosa que laxitud moral, desórdenes familiares y la decadencia en una sociedad que ya de por sí es permisiva. Y claro que significa enviar más almas al infierno. " ✍️
Ccsdawson shares this
alex j
My wife and I, married in a Catholic church, raised five children, and as of today, we have 18 grandchildren. Does Pope Francis dare to infer that all are " bastards"?
la verdad prevalece
These are heresies and blasphemies. Let Bergoglio be accursed.
Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel[a messenger] from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed!
la verdad prevalece
😡 🤒 🤮
Gloria tv news:
«Disparates Pontificio:
El jueves pasado, durante la apertura de una conferencia pastoral de la diócesis de Roma, Francisco no sólo afirmó que - cita – “una gran mayoría de nuestros matrimonios sacramentales son nulos” y que muchos concubinatos son verdaderos matrimonios. Sino que Refiriéndose al encuentro de Jesús con la mujer adúltera Francisco también dijo que …More
😡 🤒 🤮
Gloria tv news:
«Disparates Pontificio:
El jueves pasado, durante la apertura de una conferencia pastoral de la diócesis de Roma, Francisco no sólo afirmó que - cita – “una gran mayoría de nuestros matrimonios sacramentales son nulos” y que muchos concubinatos son verdaderos matrimonios. Sino que Refiriéndose al encuentro de Jesús con la mujer adúltera Francisco también dijo que Cristo estaba - cita - “Comportándose un poco como un tonto”, y por salvarla de ser lapidada - cita - “él fallo contra la moral”. Francis también afirmó que Jesús no estaba – cita - “limpio”.
Francis also said that Christ was – quote – “a little behaving like a fool”, and by saving her from being stoned – quote – “he failed against morality”. Francis also claimed that Jesus was not – quote - “clean”.
I am lacking words on such bad papal statements
Dr Bobus
Schönborn's sickness is in his backbone not his brain
Leonard Wessell shares this
@BobbusMaximus: Pope Bergoglio loves to produce insecurity... He and his office may become the first victims of this state of insecurity.
Nomen est omen : Schönborn the SICK Cardinal
Uncle Joe
If the majority of Catholic marriages are invalid what does this make of our children?By this same reasoning the majority of ordinations must be invalid. What about a certain Papal resignation caused by coercion ? Just asking.