
Drive-Through Ashes in Michigan

St. David’s Episcopal Church of Southfield held a “Drive-Thru Ashes” event on Wednesday at their property’s driveway. St. David’s Rector Chris Yaw told The Christian Post that the event was first …More
St. David’s Episcopal Church of Southfield held a “Drive-Thru Ashes” event on Wednesday at their property’s driveway.
St. David’s Rector Chris Yaw told The Christian Post that the event was first observed a few years ago to minister to those “too busy” to attend an Ash Wednesday service.
“Episcopal churches have been doing what they call ‘ashes on the go’ for a long time.” Last year well over 500 cars stopped by.
“When 500 people drive by and want ashes on Ash Wednesday, it tells you that people want to pray more than they are able to give time to do so,” Yaw interpreted.
Rien à foutre des épiscopaliens : on a bien assez à faire avec les conciliaires !!!
The natural, logical conclusion of cremation's inherent lack of respect for the human body.
"...Yaw interpreted". 😀 Hey! Take a look! I do believe that road is actually paved with good intentions!
Novella Nurney
But did they have purple glitter in them? ' cause you can't be repentant of your sins going into Lent AND support the " marginalized, periphery of all things sparkly and gay ....without purple glitter. This abomination is brought about by the" Glitter-Ash Wednesday", a " Christian Coalition " to show " love" and support for the LGBTQ + Community and " affirm them in thier special spiritual gifts".…More
But did they have purple glitter in them? ' cause you can't be repentant of your sins going into Lent AND support the " marginalized, periphery of all things sparkly and gay ....without purple glitter. This abomination is brought about by the" Glitter-Ash Wednesday", a " Christian Coalition " to show " love" and support for the LGBTQ + Community and " affirm them in thier special spiritual gifts". What colour should the ashes be for supporting and affirming Adulterers? Gluttons? Sins of Pride? Etcetera.