Pope Francis Repeats His Abu-Dhabi Nonsense

"God is one," Francis preached during his visit to the prison of Verona on 18 May: "Our cultures have taught us to call him by one name, by another name, and to find him in different ways, but he is …More
"God is one," Francis preached during his visit to the prison of Verona on 18 May: "Our cultures have taught us to call him by one name, by another name, and to find him in different ways, but he is the same Father for all of us. He is one".
Francis is wrong. It was not the "cultures" that revealed God's name, but God himself through his revelation to Moses (Ex 3) and more fully in his Son, Jesus Christ.
The theory of "finding God in different ways" contradicts what Jesus Christ says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (Jn 14:6).
Francis also proclaimed the following banality: "All religions, all cultures, look at the one God in different ways." But what matters is not different ways but the right way.
Then Francis came up with the trick of giving his blessing to the inmates, but only in silence, "so that everyone can receive it from God in the way they believe [or don't believe]". He began a childish game: "One minute of silence and …More
Tony M
Nonsense is not a strong & accurate enough word. Try....heresy....blasphemy.....also pagan....and the man himself ....a long entrenched apostate!!! Hence, impossible for him to be a valid Pope!!
If anyone disagrees with me on this...please feel free to explain where I have got this wrong and why.
Tony M
In Argentina Bergoglio supported the superstitious cult of the pagan idol Gauchito Gil
In Argentina Bergoglio supported the superstitious cult of the pagan idol Gauchito Gil
Bergoglio supports an indigenous 'priest' who continues to practice paganism
Bergoglio supports an indigenous 'priest' who continues to practice paganism
"The gods of the pagans are demons!" (Psalm 95.5 or 96.5, depending upon which translation of the Bible one uses). "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known." John 1:18.
Louis IX
All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. 19Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
Matthew 28:19-20
IMHO many of the modernist churchmen, such as Francis believe or agree with the Traditionalist school, that there is an ultimate being or Reality, that ancient man recognized this in a duality of psyche and matter and expressed in a pure state of religion and ritual in which the ancient societies expressed through a hierarchical caste system of king, priest, warrior, merchant and farmer. Many …More
IMHO many of the modernist churchmen, such as Francis believe or agree with the Traditionalist school, that there is an ultimate being or Reality, that ancient man recognized this in a duality of psyche and matter and expressed in a pure state of religion and ritual in which the ancient societies expressed through a hierarchical caste system of king, priest, warrior, merchant and farmer. Many modernists believe all of the historical religions contain these metaphysical truths of the ancient pure religion but expressed culturally in different ways. All have traditions that are ways to this ultimate reality. But they overlook all of the contradictions and dead ends and cul-de-sacs in the non-Catholic religions failing to accept that Catholicism is the fullness of that ancient- religion, the religion of Adam, Eve, and Able and that other religions are mixed with many errors even if they contain elements of truth.
This Pope is the Caiphas of the Church today.
Billy F
Chaplain of the New World Order!!! The Heresy of Indifferentism!!! Right out of the Enlightenment Freemason Playbook!
Boanerges Boanerges
Clearly the prophet of One world religion
Denis Efimov
Yes, because he is a recidivist, obstinate, a public and notorious heretic and apostate. Of course, this is my personal opinion, with which probably hundreds of millions of his adherents may disagree.
Ivan Tomas
I do not desagree with you.
And it's even more than just a personal opinion.
It calls sensus fidei.