Live Mike
26 years ago, Fr. Malachi Martin perfectly described these "Bergoglian" times during an interview with Bernard Janzen, New York City, 22 March 1997
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Live Mike
@V.R.S. I suspect at one time Malachi Martin ran with the bad guys but later he responded to a great grace from Heaven and changed sides. Sometimes we forget don't we, that there are such cases in Sacred Scripture e.g. Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul). Those on GTV, who are always looking for the defects in a man's past may be mighty surprised when the Good Lord reviews the record of their entire life on …More
@V.R.S. I suspect at one time Malachi Martin ran with the bad guys but later he responded to a great grace from Heaven and changed sides. Sometimes we forget don't we, that there are such cases in Sacred Scripture e.g. Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul). Those on GTV, who are always looking for the defects in a man's past may be mighty surprised when the Good Lord reviews the record of their entire life on the day of their particular judgement. At that time, I suspect those GTV members will cry out for the same Mercy they are unwilling to grant to others they have deemed irredeemable and rejected them as such.
Yes but St. Paul disclosed and condemned his previous behavior (cf. e.g. Acts 22) and Fr Martin have not done such a thing.
He did not disclose information he got as the plot insider in the 1960's but preferred to write his "faction" as he called it about other things.
Imagine EWTN in the 90s listening to Father Malachi instead making a cult of JPII . May be the consecration of Russia would of happen earlier
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Earlier than what?! It didn't happend at all!