
Francis Is a “Donkey” – Argentina's Most Successful Politician

Javier Milei won the primaries held in Argentina on 13 August to choose candidates for the presidential election.

He opposes the system parties (Peronists/Socialists and Conservatives) that have ruined the country, and calls Francis an "ass", a "donkey", "ignorant", "the representative of the evil one in the house of God", and "bad sh*t", accusing him of a "left-wing cult based on hatred, envy and resentment."

"Francis seems to me to be one of the worst and most nefarious characters because being a Jesuit, he promotes communism, which was an economic, social and cultural failure", he said.

In August 2018, Milei wrote on Twitter, "@Pontifex_es, you who like the SHIT about social justice, it would be good if you started by distributing the riches of the Vatican to the poor."

In September 2018, "Dedicated to you @Pontifex_es leftist son of a b*tch who goes around the world proclaiming communism. You are the representative of the evil one in the house of God. LONG LIVE FU**ING FREEDOM!"

In 2020, Milei asked on television, "What is social justice? It is envy. Envy is a capital sin, we should inform the imbecile in Rome, who defends social justice, that it is theft and that it goes against the commandments."

Milei's voters are mostly young people in their 30s to 50s who are fed up with the establishment and Francis who stubbornly insists on failed recipes from the 1960s.


The riches (treasures) of the Vatican do not belong to the pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless this guy!!! I hope he becomes Argentina's new President. He calls Pope Francis exactly what he is. He has courage! Even if they had to be polite about it, too bad some of the Church's own Cardinals in the Vatican and elsewhere don't start criticizing Bergoglio as well.....even if in a less brutal way.
But regardless, this guy is right, 100%.
Be careful (from wiki): Regarding his romantic life, he is not married and has no known partner as of August 2023;[74] he indicated in an October 2017 interview with La Nación that he champions free love.[146] On a local television program in June 2020, he disclosed his involvement in several threesomes and his role as a neotantra instructor, describing himself as a tantric sex instructor,[147]More
Be careful (from wiki): Regarding his romantic life, he is not married and has no known partner as of August 2023;[74] he indicated in an October 2017 interview with La Nación that he champions free love.[146] On a local television program in June 2020, he disclosed his involvement in several threesomes and his role as a neotantra instructor, describing himself as a tantric sex instructor,[147] claiming to be "capable of remaining three months without ejaculating".[148] In August 2023, The Daily Telegraph characterized him as a "rock singer and tantric sex instructor",[125] while The Guardian referred to him as a "former tantric sex coach".[9] While Milei identifies as Catholic,[149] he has been critical of the Catholic Church under Pope Francis, whom on different occasions he called a "Jesuit who promotes communism", "an unpresentable and disastrous character", and "representative of the evil one on Earth".[74] He also reads the Torah daily and has visited the grave of Orthodox rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Milei expressed contemplation about converting to Judaism but said that observing the Jewish Sabbath could pose challenges if he were to become president.[145]
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@foward -He has a weird lifestyle for sure, but as long as he calls Francis EXACTLY what he is, he's fine. Notice not many Catholics have come to rally to Francis' defense....bishops or otherwise!! Good riddance 🤪 🤪 🤪 😂
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? even though we don't have talking...but I always thinking our great memories..and our great talk...really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people...I am doing well too....you are 100% right!!! Even though not perfect...but Javier Milei said about strong truth!!! Bergoglio is a so stupid Communist!!! I am really sorry about …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? even though we don't have talking...but I always thinking our great memories..and our great talk...really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people...I am doing well too....you are 100% right!!! Even though not perfect...but Javier Milei said about strong truth!!! Bergoglio is a so stupid Communist!!! I am really sorry about so many Cardinals, Bishops are silence about Bergoglio....so horrible situation...and I think so many, many Orthodox Catholic People are naive too...be cause they said about this...Pope Francis's convert, repentance..so stupid!! we don't need to this Prayer..instead....we must, must pray to the Lord..please send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time...so I feels much great to Milei's message...I am sure..if, if Milei win to President of Argentina...Bergoglio feels so horrible..really hope it....and these days I told you always....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your post. I'm well, and am preparing for another school year of teaching...my 4th consecutive year at my public highschool. Sorry if I don't respond to you fast. I'm getting ready to go back to classes, and have been reading all the e-mails with attachments and letters the school is sending out. Next Friday we have a Teacher in-house confreeence, …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your post. I'm well, and am preparing for another school year of teaching...my 4th consecutive year at my public highschool. Sorry if I don't respond to you fast. I'm getting ready to go back to classes, and have been reading all the e-mails with attachments and letters the school is sending out. Next Friday we have a Teacher in-house confreeence, which I am sure will be lectures on how we now must support and promote the LGBTQ agenda in our school....in other words, make them feel welcome and appreciated. 🤮
Yes, I think this guy in Argentina is fantastic, and I hope he wins the presidency. He calls Bergoglio exactly what he is. The more who do so, the better. And I think the tide is rising aganst Bergoglio and his Vatican.....finally.
I think Francis' Synod will generate enormous opposition around the world, and basically explode in his face, and all those who support him.
I've disliked Pope Francis from the very first moment he came out onto the balcony of St. Peter's in 2013 without the proper papal mozzetta and stole. I knew he was going to be trouble.....but I never assumed so much.
The good thing is, his time left is very short.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It's not just being against the Argentinian; look at what is said about Milei, he considered converting to Judaism, he had an immoral personal life.
On the other hand, I understand the Argentinians' weariness with communism.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@foward -Many times people convert, or consider converting to another religion because they find nothing in their own religion that sustains them spiritually. It is a disgrace that the Catholic Church discarded its own strong religious heritage with the Latin Mass and everything that went with it, and replaced it with "make-it-up-as-we-go-along" crap. The garbage which is the Novus Ordo of Paul VI …More
@foward -Many times people convert, or consider converting to another religion because they find nothing in their own religion that sustains them spiritually. It is a disgrace that the Catholic Church discarded its own strong religious heritage with the Latin Mass and everything that went with it, and replaced it with "make-it-up-as-we-go-along" crap. The garbage which is the Novus Ordo of Paul VI is celebrated a million different ways.....which is why no one goes to it. Although I would go bank to the Buddhist heritage of my family of over 500+ years ago before I would ever become a bible-based Pentecostolist or evangelical christian like so many millions of Latin American peoples are doing because their Catholic Church discarded its own tradition, I can understand why they do leave. Likewise the Germans and Austrians who quit the Church because they hate the "Synodal Way", and all the other deviant garbage the Novus Ordo has produced since 1965.
Jan Joseph
Zowel het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie als de aankomende synode zijn linkse communistische initiatieven. Geloof en politiek staan haaks op elkaar. In Nederland hebben na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie twee protestantse politieke partijen en een Rooms katholieke partij, onder druk van de oecumene, een nieuwe partij gevormd, het CDA. Een puur linkse communistische partij. Gelukkig hebben ze na 40 jaar …More
Zowel het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie als de aankomende synode zijn linkse communistische initiatieven. Geloof en politiek staan haaks op elkaar. In Nederland hebben na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie twee protestantse politieke partijen en een Rooms katholieke partij, onder druk van de oecumene, een nieuwe partij gevormd, het CDA. Een puur linkse communistische partij. Gelukkig hebben ze na 40 jaar nog slechts 5% van de stemmers, van de oorspronkelijke 50% over.
@Jan Joseph There has been “leftist” factions promoting, advocating, advancing and attempting to implement a “leftist” agenda in the Church, for as long as there has been a Church. Such madness did not start with the Second Vatican Council nor will it end with October’s General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The sooner we all realize, understand and acknowledge that fact, the better …More
@Jan Joseph There has been “leftist” factions promoting, advocating, advancing and attempting to implement a “leftist” agenda in the Church, for as long as there has been a Church. Such madness did not start with the Second Vatican Council nor will it end with October’s General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The sooner we all realize, understand and acknowledge that fact, the better off the whole Church will be.
Aaron Aukema
@SonoftheChurch According to the Church's own laws and traditions, that is not entirely true. Canon 188 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law tells us what happens when clerics publicly defect from the faith. How would they publicly defect from the Faith? Heresy and Schism, for which no declaration is necessary, as it is self-imposed (as St. Paul teaches us in his Epistle to Titus). Seeing as modern leftists …More
@SonoftheChurch According to the Church's own laws and traditions, that is not entirely true. Canon 188 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law tells us what happens when clerics publicly defect from the faith. How would they publicly defect from the Faith? Heresy and Schism, for which no declaration is necessary, as it is self-imposed (as St. Paul teaches us in his Epistle to Titus). Seeing as modern leftists reject the Church's condemnation on socialism and communism, they are manifest heretics...that would mean they may "identify" as Catholics, but really aren't, as Pope Pius XII tells us in Mystici Corporis. They are outside the Church, and we are to have nothing to do with them.

This is why the Council of Trent defined the Church as Immaculate, and perfectly united: individuals, when they manifest ideas that run counter to the Church's teachings and do not correct themselves, are not part of the Church. This is also why the idea of "imperfectly united" as Vatican II teaches is not only wrong, but a condemned error (condemned by Pius IX, Gregory XVI, Pius XI, and Pius XII).

It maybe true that there have been those who are well meaning and aren't aware of their error, but that is a different story.