
Bishop Strickland dénotes the universalism (teached by Bischop Rey)

Full transcript of Bishop Strickland’s message: In this time of great turmoil in the Church and in the world, I must speak to you from a father’s heart in order to warn you of the evils that threaten …More
Full transcript of Bishop Strickland’s message:
In this time of great turmoil in the Church and in the world, I must speak to you from a father’s heart in order to warn you of the evils that threaten us and to assure you of the joy and hope that we always have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The evil and false message that has invaded the Church — Christ’s Bride — is that Jesus is only one among many, and that it is not necessary for His message to be shared with all humanity.
This idea must be shunned and refuted at every turn.
We must share the joyful good news that Jesus is our only Lord and that He desires that all humanity for all time may embrace eternal life in Him.
Once we understand that Jesus Christ, God’s divine Son, is the fullness of revelation, and the fulfillment of the Father’s plan of salvation for all humanity for all time, and we embrace this with all our hearts, then we can address the other errors that plague our Church and our world which have been brought about by …More
Opera 369
Don't disappoint your 'flock', Bishop. Stand tall and do what 'aka francis' did when some bishops, theologians and priests asked him to
'resign': aka francis totally ignored them. You do the same Bishop, IGNORE HIM. They cannot drag you out, because your 'flock' would be 'soldiering'!
@Juan 453
Si le magistère des princes de l'Eglise vous rend triste, ca vous regarde.
Moi ca me passionne en ces temps troublés.
Votre hochet semble plutôt de les accuser sans preuve.
Que Dieu m'en préserve.