
Curia Cardinal Believes: Biden In "State Of Grace"

Curia Cardinal Peter Turkson thinks Communion should be given to abortion US president Joe Biden.

Turkson told Mike Allen on HBO (October 3), “If you say somebody cannot receive Communion, you are basically doing a judgment that he is in a state of sin.” When asked if Biden is in a “state of sin,” Turkson replied, “No.”

Turkson wants to deny Communion only in “extreme cases,” such as known murderers - as if abortion were no murder. CrisisMagazine.com’s Eric Sammons commented on Twitter.com, “Being a Cardinal seems to be a ‘state of sin’ these days.”

Another commentator posted a guide for the examination of conscience which asks the questions, “Did I content to, advise, or actively take part in an abortion? Do I realise that this is a very grave crime?” Knowledge of the fundamentals of the faith is not a prerequisite for becoming a cardinal today.

Picture: © HBO, #newsGsjatctzlz

He says that to reassure himself that he is in the state of grace.
Jan Joseph
Geachte Curiekardinaal Turkson,
Het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat uit het Evangelie, de Tien Geboden en de Zeven Sacramenten. Abortus wordt in de Tien geboden streng verboden. Dat betekent dat mensen die voor abortus zijn nooit Rooms Katholiek kunnen zijn en ook de Heilige Communie niet mogen ontvangen. Dat geldt ook voor president Biden en ook voor Curiekardinaal Turkson. Curiekardinaal Turkson …More
Geachte Curiekardinaal Turkson,
Het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat uit het Evangelie, de Tien Geboden en de Zeven Sacramenten. Abortus wordt in de Tien geboden streng verboden. Dat betekent dat mensen die voor abortus zijn nooit Rooms Katholiek kunnen zijn en ook de Heilige Communie niet mogen ontvangen. Dat geldt ook voor president Biden en ook voor Curiekardinaal Turkson. Curiekardinaal Turkson moet daarom in de lekenstand worden teruggezet.
He is like some other clergy ,everyone will be saved
Malki Tzedek
And this cardinal is in the 'state of confusion'.
(CCC) Para. 2272 "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life." (CCC) Para. 1868 "Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them... -by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them; - by not disclosing or not …More
(CCC) Para. 2272 "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life." (CCC) Para. 1868 "Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them... -by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them; - by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so; ..."

Cardinal Turkson either doesn't know his Catechism, or he forgot it, or he's choosing to ignore it. None of those options are flattering for a "Prince Of The Church"

Guaranteed Mike Allen from HBO would pounce on a pro-lifer immediately if the Catechism contradicted them like that.