
New Low: Francis Meets Pelosi

The Vatican announced that Francis received today "the Honourable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, with her consort, and following." Pelosi is not …More
The Vatican announced that Francis received today "the Honourable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, with her consort, and following."
Pelosi is not "honourable" but a ruth- and heartless abortion politician. Francis has a soft spot for "devout Catholic" baby-killer politicians.
Therefore, Rocco Palmo commented that, by receiving Pelosi, Francis has sent "more signals than a 3rd base coach at the Baseball World Series" to the US bishops, and has distanced himself from the criticisms of Pelosi's San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone.
Palmo noticed that the desk-side chair used by Pelosi during the audience usually denotes a “friendly” audience while a “formal” would use the seats across the desk.
Pelosi addressed a Roman October 7 G-20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit. Ironically, she also met with the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting "Integral Human Development" (pictures) whose head, Cardinal Turkson, recently came to the conclusion …More
He is selling the Catholic Church down the river.
two socialist politicians ????
Facts Not Lies
"Two socialist politicians entered the Vatican"...
Fill in the joke... I thought up too many good ones to limit... so, I leave it to your enjoyment to complete.More
"Two socialist politicians entered the Vatican"...

Fill in the joke... I thought up too many good ones to limit... so, I leave it to your enjoyment to complete.
Misery enjoys company!
Jan Joseph
En zo wordt het Rooms Katholieke geloof van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie een politieke ideologie.
Wat is het verschil, het geloof is gebaseerd op het goede, op God, een politieke ideologie is gebaseerd op het slechte, op de Duivel.
Het Goede is, hoe kan een mens hier en hiernamaals gelukkig worden en het Kwade is, hoe kan de mens naar de macht grijpen om andere mensen zo ongelukkig mogelijk te …More
En zo wordt het Rooms Katholieke geloof van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie een politieke ideologie.
Wat is het verschil, het geloof is gebaseerd op het goede, op God, een politieke ideologie is gebaseerd op het slechte, op de Duivel.
Het Goede is, hoe kan een mens hier en hiernamaals gelukkig worden en het Kwade is, hoe kan de mens naar de macht grijpen om andere mensen zo ongelukkig mogelijk te maken.
Why are these people smiling? They can obviously not see the look on Christs face or the wound in His heart!
Where is her covering? She should have been veiled in the presence of the Holy Father. As should all women received in audience with His Holiness.
Look at how happy he is in meeting with this demoness. Maybe that's why he is so happy
Aw, c'mon. Show some charity... ;-) At his age, with that gut, one decent bowel movement is a major source of joy.
Rand Miller
"Birds of a feather..."
This is how Pope Francis legitimizes an abortion advocate without ever contradicting Church teaching on the subject. Echoes of his meeting with pro-homo Father James Martin, SJ.
More pics - both smile
John A Cassani
It’s not a new low. It’s right at the level he’s always been at, ever since he made his first wretched appearance in a white cassock.
Jan Joseph
Weer een signaal dat paus Franciscus niet Rooms Katholiek is en door een staatsgreep van politici benoemd. Alle besluiten van paus Franciscus zijn ongeldig. Paus Franciscus is een vloek voor de Rooms Katholieke kerk, paus Franciscus veroorzaakt een catastrofe.
What crisis in the Church?
Statement from Pelosi, Francis “is a source of joy and hope for Catholics…challenging each of us to be good stewards of God’s creation, to act on climate, to embrace the refugee, the immigrant and the poor, and to recognize the dignity and divinity in everyone”
Louis IX
Pelosi cares about two things, wealth and power. I hate to think what mischief she is conjuring during her visit to Italy.
If the Pope when meeting with Pelosi advised her how wrong what she is doing regarding abortion and for her to repent ,than he is doing an act of charity towards her and those that promote abortion ,if the Pope did not take this opportunity to do that ,then its an act of omission on his part and its as bad ,We will find out soon if she continues pursuing and pressing for abortion
Goodness me! - He's heaps smaller than he was in the below picture. Or is NP growing? 😲 Or, Is that the real a) Francis b) Nancy Pelosi? or are they both imposters? Is he standing with one foot in Hell? - Is she levitating? etc....
Louis IX
I don’t think he is long for this world.
Interesting photo... everyone who is a pro-life Catholic is wearing a mask. ;-)
Nancy sits down with HER pope in HER Vatican
chris griffin
When conscience, this bright lamp of the soul (cf. Mt 6:22-23), calls "evil good and good evil" (Is 5:20), it is already on the path to the most alarming corruption and the darkest moral blindness. EV 24
Freaking shameful.
Man in white has sympathies for?