
Martyr Bishop’s First Interview

Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland spoke to LifeSiteNews.com (November 12) about his unjust removal from office. • “It's a sad day for me, but I am strong in the Lord.” • “For me personally, it is a …More
Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland spoke to LifeSiteNews.com (November 12) about his unjust removal from office.
• “It's a sad day for me, but I am strong in the Lord.”
• “For me personally, it is a storm.”
• “I rejoice to remain a successor of the apostles.”
• “St John the Baptist [who was beheaded by King Herod] has been a model for me.”
• “I don’t know what tomorrow holds.”
• “Please include prayers for Francis.”
• “No matter the darkness, Christ is light.” • “Forces in the Church, right now, don’t want the truth of the Gospel”. • “They want to delete significant portions of Sacred Scripture.” • “People from within the Church want to reverse the direction.” • “The Diocese of Tyler is in great shape”, “blessed with many seminarians”, “financially strong”. • “I am so proud of the priests in the diocese.” • “I threatened many in the power places with the truth of the Gospel.” • “If you wanted to change [the Gospel], then I am a problem.” • “The Body of Christ is going through a passion now.” …More
@Tony Smith In what way spineless? Bishop Strickland is accepting that God has allowed Francis to be/act as pope and is therefore accepting his removal. That is how I see it, in my humble opinion.
Angie W.
🙏 🙏 🙏 God bless you, Monsignor Joseph Edward Strickland 🙏 🙏 🙏
✍️Poor Bergoglio with his open apostasy is making the millstone on his neck increasingly heavier. Scripture says that it is impossible for an apostate who has rebelled against God to convert. And since Bergoglio despised the Blood of Christ by trampling on the Law of God, he only awaits eternal punishment for his betrayal.
Tony Smith
I feel his response was spineless. I don't think we should comply with evil.
@Tony Smith "spineless"? What would you have done? Or more importantly what have you yourself actually done?
Tony Smith
Look I think he shouldn't have complied.
religions shares this
Fr. Gerald Murray, on Strickland: “I know of no canonical crime he’s accused of having committed that would deserve removal. The Pope hasn’t told us why he did this, and the Holy See’s omission of stating the reason calls into question the canonical integrity of the process.”
True Mass
Bishops must stand publicly with Strickland. Declare! Call your Bishop.
I'm Spartacus!
Wilma Lopez shares this
Fr. Gerald Murray, on Strickland: “I know of no canonical crime he’s accused of having committed that would deserve removal. The Pope hasn’t told us why he did this, and the Holy See’s omission of stating the reason calls into question the canonical integrity of the process.”
Sally Dorman
“I really can't look to any reason except I've threatened some of the powers that be with the truth of the Gospel,” said Strickland
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