After Pachamama: Cardinal Plans to Turn St Peter’s Into Sodoma Basilica

Homosexual concubines will be able to receive [pseudo] blessings in St Peter's Basilica, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti promised at a press conference. According to (11 January) he said that …More
Homosexual concubines will be able to receive [pseudo] blessings in St Peter's Basilica, Cardinal Mauro Gambetti promised at a press conference.
According to (11 January) he said that so far nobody had asked for it.
But after Gambetti's announcement, homosexual propagandists will be happy to take the opportunity to use St Peter's for their cause.
Gambetti announces to unrepentant homosexuals that he will move "in linearity" in the "furrow of what has been traced".
He justifies his blasphemy with the Church's "closeness" to people "in whatever situation they find themselves" (sic), which means that he also welcomes paedophiles, National Socialists, and Mafiosi. In St Peter's there is no "closeness" to priests who want to celebrate the Roman Mass.
Gambetti believes that his blasphemy shows "the world" the "motherly face" of the "Church".
Picture: Mauro Gambetti © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDujvqfymdg
Wilma Lopez shares this
JamesMartinType Blessings coming in St. Peter's Basilica
English Catholic
Sister Lucia of Fatima told Cardinal Caffarra that the devil's decisive battle would be over marriage and the family. Of course, both marriage and the family are adversely impacted by the promotion of homosexuality. Her prophecy has come to pass: Caffarra Sr. Lucia Final Battle between the Lord and Satan, marriage and family--Aleteia
"Motherly"- He keeps using that word. I don't think it means what Gambetti thinks it means.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio promotes Marxist Gay/Black liberation pseudo-theology
Father Paul Kramer said: “The antipope and
his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no wonder: for Satan …More
Bergoglio promotes Marxist Gay/Black liberation pseudo-theology

Father Paul Kramer said: “The antipope and
his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to their works.
Credo .
Don't be surprised to witness the conversion of Pope Francis, before he flees Rome and goes into exile! Venerable Sr. Lucia of Fatima, pray for the conversion of poor sinners, especially those who are most in need of Thy Mercy. 🙏 "The Rosary is the protection of the Mother of God against the enemies of the Catholic Church. To Mary we must fly. We wish to see it offered more widely in all places …More
Don't be surprised to witness the conversion of Pope Francis, before he flees Rome and goes into exile! Venerable Sr. Lucia of Fatima, pray for the conversion of poor sinners, especially those who are most in need of Thy Mercy. 🙏 "The Rosary is the protection of the Mother of God against the enemies of the Catholic Church. To Mary we must fly. We wish to see it offered more widely in all places and at all times! The great Virgin of the Rosary is the most potent Help of Christians." Pope Leo X111. 🙏 "One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world!" Mother of God to Saint Dominic. 🙏
@Credo . I also hopefully pray for the conversion of the Pope!
Credo .
@frawley & Liam Ronan. Don't be surprised if the whole church & world will be a witness to this 'Miracle'. What if Pope Francis stops breathing; Is shown 'hell' & returns completely converted! He tries to warn the laity but nobody listens; and all 'hell' breaks loose. Hence his fleeing Rome. It's only a long shot thought, but if Pope Francis is shown 'hell; It's probably the only thing that will …More
@frawley & Liam Ronan. Don't be surprised if the whole church & world will be a witness to this 'Miracle'. What if Pope Francis stops breathing; Is shown 'hell' & returns completely converted! He tries to warn the laity but nobody listens; and all 'hell' breaks loose. Hence his fleeing Rome. It's only a long shot thought, but if Pope Francis is shown 'hell; It's probably the only thing that will convert him! 🤔
Precisely, even if at the last minute, while a person breaths, there is still a hope for conversion. We should never stop praying for him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This finally shows the pure evil of Pope Francis and his Cardinals and associates. I hope the result is a massive walkout from the Vatican II Church of the Italian people, Romans, the emptying of what's left of seminaries and seminarians to the SSPX and other traditionalist seminaries that are being established and built all thru Italy even as of today ( 1 near Milan, another near Florence, and 1 …More
This finally shows the pure evil of Pope Francis and his Cardinals and associates. I hope the result is a massive walkout from the Vatican II Church of the Italian people, Romans, the emptying of what's left of seminaries and seminarians to the SSPX and other traditionalist seminaries that are being established and built all thru Italy even as of today ( 1 near Milan, another near Florence, and 1 in Naples)...none of which have any affiliation with the Francis "church", but are fully backed by zealous young priests, and enthusiastic faithful. There is also the great Archbishop VIgano and his organization which is helpign restore/repopulate traditional monasteries with a new generation of monks and nuns.
These people like Vigano and others might be considered schismatics by those still attached to the Francis church, but in a generation, when the Catholic Church has had a line of good Popes again, and the Church is Catholic again, these people who may be called excommunicated or schismatics now, will very much be viewed as holy men and even on the road to Sainthood....heroes who did their best to save the CAtholic Faith and tradition in the face of monstrous evil from the Vatican itself.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Luke 817 --Yes, I remember that prophecy of St. Francis. I thought he meant around his own time it would happen.....but the more I read it, it pertains to now. I don't know why I have this feeling, but I have ever since I saw Pope Francis at Christmas.....but I don't think he is going to be around this time next year. Something about his face/eyes. My great-Aunt looked like that in a nursing home …More
@Luke 817 --Yes, I remember that prophecy of St. Francis. I thought he meant around his own time it would happen.....but the more I read it, it pertains to now. I don't know why I have this feeling, but I have ever since I saw Pope Francis at Christmas.....but I don't think he is going to be around this time next year. Something about his face/eyes. My great-Aunt looked like that in a nursing home, and she was dead before the end of the year (2017). JUst a weird, blank look in the face. 🤪
chris griffin
@Luke 817 @Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The last part of the prophecy of St. Francis is about abortion... “Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it”.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@chris griffin -That sounds like Pope Francis again. Many Catholics have said he doesn't come out as strongly pro-life like past POpes, and the former JPII Institute which was a pro-life foundation I think Francis filled with homosexuals and apostates and downgraded the pro-life message.
As I have said here previously, don’t be surprised to see the Pope himself perform the first blasphemous “blessing” of sodomites or lesbians there in Saint Peter’s Basilica or in some other very public place in the Vatican, or even on one of his Apostolic Journeys. There can be no doubt or denying that he’s going to do it. If for no other reason than to defy and mock the resisters and to show …More
As I have said here previously, don’t be surprised to see the Pope himself perform the first blasphemous “blessing” of sodomites or lesbians there in Saint Peter’s Basilica or in some other very public place in the Vatican, or even on one of his Apostolic Journeys. There can be no doubt or denying that he’s going to do it. If for no other reason than to defy and mock the resisters and to show the whole Church and the entire world exactly where he stands. God help us all.
Yes, but then the last word is God's. They may tempt Him all they want...