Disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon

This is a disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer global head of R&D and Chief Science Officer) who is one of the world’s most qualified and highly experienced immunologists.More
This is a disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer global head of R&D and Chief Science Officer) who is one of the world’s most qualified and highly experienced immunologists.
Still not persuaded? Ask yourself why all governments at once made the same 'mistakes' in terms of policy responses, all of which inclined to maximise the number of deaths attributed to covid19. Why they've persisted with lockdowns, long after it had been proven that they do not work. Why masks were widely mandated even though they knew they don't work. Why they deployed a PCR mass testing system which still hasn't been characterised in relation to false positives.
Why Govts were comfortable with withdrawal of medical services which has directly & predictably lead to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. Why they've lied about asymptomatic transmission, thus causing fear of everyone. Why they've spent money on maintaining fear and placing a …More
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Cuthbert Mayne
@ miles - Christi let’s hope and pray that you or no one in your family die the agonising death, of being drowned in your own respiratory fluids, as most Covid deaths do, if and when you get Covid.