
Shocked Oakland Bishop Starts Acting

Fewer than one-third of Catholics believe that the Eucharist is Christ’s Body and Blood, the Pew Research Center found in a recent poll.

“I find this shocking,” Oakland Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, wrote in a pastoral letter.

Therefore, he called for a diocesan Eucharistic Congress on June 19-20 at his Cathedral, CatholicVoiceOakland.org (February 10) writes.

The webpage quotes Father Brandon Macadaeg, the Cathedral's rector, saying that in parishes where he served and introduced Eucharistic Adoration, he has seen a transformation on young people and families.

“We know we will succeed when we build a culture of prayer around the diocese,” Father Macadaeg said.


The first thing to do is to return to the Vetus Ordo; as long as they remain in the novus ordo, it will serve no purpose whatsoever. And then... but you have to start at the beginning, and the rest will come later.
Thors Catholic Hammer
As witnessed and proved many times worldwide antipope francis refuses to kneel in front of the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament thus indicating either his contempt for same or refusal to accept.
Therefore it is entirely to be expected that the 2/3 rd of Catholics follow him and think as he does.
This bishop also continues to support the antipope so he needs to stop complaining
De Profundis
True faith Comes from the true Mass
Thors Catholic Hammer
True faith is a gift of God.
Both the Novus Ordo and the Tridentine mass are valid sacrifices
and help to strengthen faith.
Having attended both forms many times it is sad to see supporters of the Tridentine form make the ludicrous argument that it is a superior rite etc etc.
The essence of both rites is identical.
"Both the Novus Ordo and the Tridentine mass are valid sacrifices"
Guess which one Thor goes to, given his repeated criticism for communion on the tongue? If you guessed the Mass with the clowns and the parrots, you chose correctly.More
"Both the Novus Ordo and the Tridentine mass are valid sacrifices"

Guess which one Thor goes to, given his repeated criticism for communion on the tongue? If you guessed the Mass with the clowns and the parrots, you chose correctly.
This was in better (poorer) days
I just love this picture. It says more than you can express.