A good read to share for Catholics in the U.S. who think the USSA isn’t communist already.

The Influence of Marxism in the United States Today - Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Archive & Guild

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J. As the title of our conference indicates, we plan to cover two areas of an …
Please list which Communist countries allow law-abiding private citizens to own suppressed, fully automatic firearms. I'll wait... ;-)
Live Mike
Father John A. Hardon, S.J. Archives MP3 Audio Archives (3405)
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Jesus said you can not serve two gods ,Well when most society is removing God from all parts of society ,the void is fulfilled with,communism and all other evil idiologies .We need to come back to Truth to God ,and praising Him not offending Him
"Look who owns...federal reserve, etc." Here's a picture clue, genius... ;-)
Christ was a Jew, too. Something you bigots always choose to forget when spitting the word, "Jew". Whatever happened to wikipedia? Whatever happened to reason? Pic related.
2 more comments from Ultraviolet
That doesn't change what I said. Christ was a Jew, too, and you haven't shown otherwise. If The Talmud became part of the Jewish Faith after Christ's time, what of it? St. Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas also wrote after Christ's death as well. That doesn't make our faith a different religion any more than it does for Judaism.
"which ceased to exist with the coming of Christ, "
Contradicted by Paul …More
That doesn't change what I said. Christ was a Jew, too, and you haven't shown otherwise. If The Talmud became part of the Jewish Faith after Christ's time, what of it? St. Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas also wrote after Christ's death as well. That doesn't make our faith a different religion any more than it does for Judaism.

"which ceased to exist with the coming of Christ, "

Contradicted by Paul , in the same 1 Thessalonians 2:14 you bigots always use to justify hating Jews. If the religion ceased to exist as you claim, then Paul wouldn't have referred to them.

Matthew 27:51 shows God's anger at those leaders who orchestrated His Son's death. It says nothing about their religion or how it can be observed You won't quote the passage because it doesn't support your claim. :P
You always editorialize like this when you fall short on facts. "Cringe" or not, it's a chronologically accurate analogy. Yes, the Talmud is full of errors. So is every non-Catholic religious book ever written, including Christian ones. But errors don't bother you Jew-haters. Jews bother you. "Get back to me when you figure out the difference." How ironic your words come back to haunt you.
Louis IX
The human race abandoned the truth of revelation for the materialism of the so called enlightenment. Oldest story in the world, literally.