
Pope Francis Helped Legalising Euthanasia In Italy

Italy has legalised euthanasia on December 14. According to the new law Italians can write “living wills” and refuse medical treatment including hydration and nutrition. Hospitals and doctors will be …More
Italy has legalised euthanasia on December 14. According to the new law Italians can write “living wills” and refuse medical treatment including hydration and nutrition. Hospitals and doctors will be forced to collaborate.
In November, Pope Francis said to the Pontifical Academy for Life, that people may refuse life-prolonging medical treatment without excluding hydration and nutrition. According to La Repubblica Francis’ speech was necessary “to overthrow the last resistance of some Catholics and to convince at least a group of them to give their consent” to the law.
The Italian Bishops conference did not speak out against the law.
Picture: © Lara Farhadi, CC BY-NC, #newsLhezegdgsw
Rafał_Ovile The fact of the matter is that one can conjour up all sorts of conspiracy theories (probable or otherwise) and still be left we that fact that Benedict stepped down. One can read what you like into Benedicts statements but he stepped down. Canonically there is no precedent for this but there are precedents all the time for bishops doing it. There is nothing in either the Church's theology …More
Rafał_Ovile The fact of the matter is that one can conjour up all sorts of conspiracy theories (probable or otherwise) and still be left we that fact that Benedict stepped down. One can read what you like into Benedicts statements but he stepped down. Canonically there is no precedent for this but there are precedents all the time for bishops doing it. There is nothing in either the Church's theology or her canon law that says the job of a pope or a bishop is until death. It follows that when Benedict stepped down and Francis was elected in his place Francis as bishop of Rome became Pope. Arguing that Benedict is still pope is, in secular terms, 'treason'.
BrTomFordeOFMCap please read my comment and consider the whole context which you disregard. From the first homily prophesizing wolves' attacks to the pope Benedict's full address succeeding his declaration. Please understand that no one can accord any pope-like title to a validly elected pope, as Benedict XVI was, and change the nature of the Petrine Office what canonists have concluded. I agree …More
BrTomFordeOFMCap please read my comment and consider the whole context which you disregard. From the first homily prophesizing wolves' attacks to the pope Benedict's full address succeeding his declaration. Please understand that no one can accord any pope-like title to a validly elected pope, as Benedict XVI was, and change the nature of the Petrine Office what canonists have concluded. I agree certainly there is one true pope and in consequence Benedict XVI has not decided to dress up as a false like-pope figure by law of non-contradiction. If you disrespect arguments of pope himself who decided to remain enclosed in Petrine Office (see address Feb. 27), Catholic canonists and writers who raised concerns and doubts as to the situation then I can't help you...
Rafał_Ovile You miss my point. There is only one real pope because there can only be one bishop of a diocese and the bishop of Rome is Francis and that makes him pope. Benedict is only accorded an honorary title much as Americans call ex-presidents 'Mr President'. Benedict has no jurisdiction, no authority. I wish he had stayed on but he didn't. One cannot make him Pope by wishing it.
BrTomFordeOFMCap Emeritus is nominal while in reality most simply title BXVI a "pope". Nevertheless, pope Benedict XVI explained his status which there is no analogy to Bishops, Professors etc. considering the unique nature od papacy. There were also many contradictions which makes the case more complicated. Importantly, papal emeritus figure in the Catholic hierarchy has any real foundation. After …More
BrTomFordeOFMCap Emeritus is nominal while in reality most simply title BXVI a "pope". Nevertheless, pope Benedict XVI explained his status which there is no analogy to Bishops, Professors etc. considering the unique nature od papacy. There were also many contradictions which makes the case more complicated. Importantly, papal emeritus figure in the Catholic hierarchy has any real foundation. After the announcement of abdication, (not resignation ) professor of canon law Manuel Jesus Arroba at Pontifical Lateran University warned and said “Juridically there is only one pope. A ‘pope emeritus’ cannot exist.” Therefore, only one man should be called and dress as pope...
Rafał_Ovile "Pope emeritus" is an honorary term akin to professor emeritus but the latter is no longer a working member of the university. "Pope emeritus" was invented to cover an unusual situation. P. Benedict resigned (for whatever reasons) as bishop of Rome and thus ceased to be Pope of the Universal Church. Francis (for good or ill) is the bishop of Rome and is thus the Pope. Sedevacantists …More
Rafał_Ovile "Pope emeritus" is an honorary term akin to professor emeritus but the latter is no longer a working member of the university. "Pope emeritus" was invented to cover an unusual situation. P. Benedict resigned (for whatever reasons) as bishop of Rome and thus ceased to be Pope of the Universal Church. Francis (for good or ill) is the bishop of Rome and is thus the Pope. Sedevacantists etc can have all the spittle-flecked nutties they like (it seems that it takes very little to trigger them) but the bishop of Rome is the Pope and who occupies the See, occupies the throne.
Católicos Apostólicos
Bergoglio 6 February 2016: I remember the death of a priest friend. He was an apostle, a man of God. But he had been in a coma for a long time, a long time.... The doctors were saying: “we don’t know how he is still managing to breathe”. Another priest friend came in, approached him and spoke to him. He heard him. “Let the Lord take you. Let yourself go forward. Have faith, trust in the Lord”. …More
Bergoglio 6 February 2016: I remember the death of a priest friend. He was an apostle, a man of God. But he had been in a coma for a long time, a long time.... The doctors were saying: “we don’t know how he is still managing to breathe”. Another priest friend came in, approached him and spoke to him. He heard him. “Let the Lord take you. Let yourself go forward. Have faith, trust in the Lord”. And with these words, he let himself go in peace. 🤦 😡

🤦 Bergoglio quoting Primo Mazzolari: "I love Judas too, he is my brother Judas."
Católicos Apostólicos
Bergoglio Respects Those Who Commit Suicide
On Heaven and Earth, pp. 92-93: “There was a time when they did not perform funerals for those that committed suicide because they had not continued on towards the goal; they ended the path when they wanted to. But I still respect the one who commits suicide; he is a person who could not overcome the contradictions in his life. I do not reject him.”
The previous Popes they always stand for sacradness of life ,this one is very preocupied with UN resolutions "a lot of them are antichristian " ,We need a real ,moral ,loving guardian of the Faith and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ,not a politian
“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now
Bilderberg Objectives
The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:
— “one international identify (observing) one set of …More
“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning Now
Bilderberg Objectives
The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:
— “one international identify (observing) one set of universal values;”
— centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;
— a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;
— “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;
— manufactured crises and perpetual wars;
— absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;
— “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;
— using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”
— expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;
— making NATO a world military;
— imposing a universal legal system; and
— a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”
He supports only the orders of the United Nations Agenda 30 and the Bilderberg clan which includes the world depopulation by abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, poverty, vaccinations, arms exports etc.
BrTomFordeOFMCap 1. Pope Benedict XVI did not resign which he confirmed himself and Secretary Abp. Ganswein... 2. Also the whole Hierarchy titles Cardinal Ratzinger "pope emeritus Benedict XVI" which confirms he did not resign. He only abdicated forced to act by unjust attacks revealed by "St. Gallen mafia", other opposition and disloyalty among his Princes... P.S. The case of Holy Spirit is applicable …More
BrTomFordeOFMCap 1. Pope Benedict XVI did not resign which he confirmed himself and Secretary Abp. Ganswein... 2. Also the whole Hierarchy titles Cardinal Ratzinger "pope emeritus Benedict XVI" which confirms he did not resign. He only abdicated forced to act by unjust attacks revealed by "St. Gallen mafia", other opposition and disloyalty among his Princes... P.S. The case of Holy Spirit is applicable to modernist and sedevacantist cases as the first believes in total infallibility whilst the latter rejects pope "tota suum" as heretical and self-excommunicated. This situation however is unprecedented and even makes sedevacantists "go nuts" because they reject pope BXVI.
Rafał_Ovile Francis is Pope because he is bishop of Rome. Benedict resigned as bishop and Frnacis was elected in his place. One reason why some people are so shocked at his statements is that they have swallowed the dodgy theological opinion that the Holy Spirit picks the Pope. Once one believes that then one does not need much evidence of fallibility in a Pope to declare him not to be one! What …More
Rafał_Ovile Francis is Pope because he is bishop of Rome. Benedict resigned as bishop and Frnacis was elected in his place. One reason why some people are so shocked at his statements is that they have swallowed the dodgy theological opinion that the Holy Spirit picks the Pope. Once one believes that then one does not need much evidence of fallibility in a Pope to declare him not to be one! What neat trick of the devil! Better to believe that the Holy Spirit assists the electors in choosing the Pope. That fits the ups and downs of Church history far better. As for Francis himself and his stances: PRAY and MAKE REPARATION!
Católicos Apostólicos
😡 traitor 😡 Bergoglio is the vicar of George Soros. 🤨
If this is true en.news then may be it is time for remaining Catholics to stop calling Francis "pope" and finally recognize true Pope Benedict XVI.