
Francis On German Schism, "Dialogue Is Very Important"

Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda, Germany, wrote on Diocese-Fulda.de after a April 17 meeting with Francis that the conversation, which lasted more than thirty minutes, was marked by "understanding, …More
Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda, Germany, wrote on Diocese-Fulda.de after a April 17 meeting with Francis that the conversation, which lasted more than thirty minutes, was marked by "understanding, dialogue and trusting exchange" and "without time pressure".
Given the tensions with the bishops of the German Synod Church, "dialogue" was very important to Francis, he said. The topics discussed were Fulda diocese, the German Synod Church and the universal Church.
The audience was granted at short notice. Gerber is in Rome for talks on priestly formation. Francis only engages in "dialogue" with enemies of the faith, never with Catholics.
Gerber is in favour of the invalid ordinations of women, of homosexualism and against celibacy.
Simon North
"Dialogue is very important" except for Catholics who reject the god of Vatican II and the post-conciliar counterfeit church that created it.
It's the story of the Golden Calf, relived in contemporary salvation history. The post-conciliar hierarchy of the counterfeit church has aped the feckless Hebrews who created an image of god to their liking under the hierarchy of the Aaronic priesthood, and …More
"Dialogue is very important" except for Catholics who reject the god of Vatican II and the post-conciliar counterfeit church that created it.

It's the story of the Golden Calf, relived in contemporary salvation history. The post-conciliar hierarchy of the counterfeit church has aped the feckless Hebrews who created an image of god to their liking under the hierarchy of the Aaronic priesthood, and said, "Behold your God!"

Why did they do it? Because they grew tired of the One True God. Ring any bells?
Get behind me Satan someone said that to the first Pope