A group of Catholic men praying the Rosary together before one of them gets married. Yesterday in Detroit.More
A group of Catholic men praying the Rosary together before one of them gets married.
Yesterday in Detroit.
True alpha males and true friends. Well done gentlemen.
Dear @Ultraviolet. The picture doesn't show a marriage, did Eva say this? Just a couple and a blessing priest (obviously from the old rite).
Since you asked Fischl, no Eva did not say it did. Nor did I say that Eva said this and for that matter I did not say it did either. When you double-check (as I'm sure you will), please notice the word "marriage" never once appeared in the post you're citing.
Now that we both hopefully understand who didn't say what, for "just" a blessing (yeah, that's all, no big deal, right), my previous …More
Since you asked Fischl, no Eva did not say it did. Nor did I say that Eva said this and for that matter I did not say it did either. When you double-check (as I'm sure you will), please notice the word "marriage" never once appeared in the post you're citing.

Now that we both hopefully understand who didn't say what, for "just" a blessing (yeah, that's all, no big deal, right), my previous observation still applies. The bride's head is uncovered which is contrary to the traditions of modesty. Worse, the groom put less effort in dressing than he would for an interview to secure any professional position, particularly the sort capable of supporting a family -a Catholic family I'll add.

Actions speak louder than words, my man.

Sure, they're nicely dressed for a night out, though even using that benchmark, some restaurants do still have a "jackets required" rule for the gents. They're classy places, though admittedly not as classy as a church.

Which, when you think about that for a moment says something not particularly flattering about what's shown here. Namely, our future groom is willing to stand before God and petition His favor with less dilligence than he'd put into reservations at the Four Seasons or Galatoire's.

If this was a Novus Ordo church, yeah, they're good to go, even for their Big Day. But like you noted... This ain't that. :D
It's this couple (pic one month ago)
Am I correct in noting the groom didn't see fit to put on a suitcoat and tie for the sacrament of holy matrimony? Apparently the bride has the Novus Ordo's disdain for the mantilla, too.
I mean, sheesh. Sure, there are plenty of husbands who show up to Mass dressed like this dude.
They're also fathers with big families who got up before the sun rose to a.) help their wives wake, bathe, and dress …More
Am I correct in noting the groom didn't see fit to put on a suitcoat and tie for the sacrament of holy matrimony? Apparently the bride has the Novus Ordo's disdain for the mantilla, too.

I mean, sheesh. Sure, there are plenty of husbands who show up to Mass dressed like this dude.

They're also fathers with big families who got up before the sun rose to a.) help their wives wake, bathe, and dress 4+ sleepy, slightly cranky children, b.) make sure everyone has brought their missals, extra diapers, wet-naps, medication, and depending on the weather jackets, scarves, mittens, hat before c.) getting their brood into the family van and d.) driving hundreds of miles one way to attend a traditional Latin mass in the next state over. So it's understandable why they end up looking a little rumpled.

Funny thing though, their spouses tend, without exception, to be the sort of parishioners who always cover their heads and manage to KEEP them covered, even when their littlest ones are enthusiastically tugging on the garment in question.

Ah well... it's Detroit. Enough said.
Brother Timothy Marie
Obviously the priest is making a special blessing, NOT the Sacrament.
Glad to see any good news from the region where I was born.