
Too Late: Francis Slams Law And Endorses Those Who Made It

Francis Slams Law But Endorses Those Who Made It

Francis sent a November 22 letter to eight Argentinian pro-lifers who four days earlier had asked for his help against an Argentinean abortion bill.

The bill was introduced by president Alberto Fernández last week. Francis’ letter was published by LaNacion.com.ar (November 24). “Is it fair to eliminate a human life to solve a problem? Is it fair to hire a hitman to solve a problem?”- Francis writes.

However, Francis verbal hand-out doesn't convince, after he supported pro-abortion Fernández' election campaign, signalled that he would not oppose abortion, and kept silent about it until it's now too late.


De Profundis
Summary: Francis encourages Argentine women opposing legal abortion. “I admire their work and their testimony” and “thank them from the bottom of my heart for what they do, and that they keep going,” he wrote in a Nov. 22 handwritten letter
That's how Francis works, condemns abortion when it has been safety voted in. He supports abortion. Not a word on Ireland's radical abortion law when he visited.