
Archbishop Turns Communion in the Hand Into New Super-Dogma

Mobile Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Alabama, openly threatened priests who distribute Holy Communion properly [on the tongue], “If any priest cannot follow archdiocesan regulations, it will be necessary …More
Mobile Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Alabama, openly threatened priests who distribute Holy Communion properly [on the tongue],
“If any priest cannot follow archdiocesan regulations, it will be necessary for him to refrain from the celebration of public Masses,” Rodi wrote in a May 20 letter obtained by LifeSiteNews.com. This means that Communion in the hand has become a new super-dogma. For Rodi, it is "the only way."
In Mobile Archdiocese, restricted public masses began on May 12. Snitches had complained about priests who were not distant enough when distributing Communion and did not disinfect their hands after touching someone.
Medically, the form of distribution Holy Communion doesn't make any difference because the coronavirus is transmitted via aerosol.
Picture: Thomas Rodi, #newsYkyhsobqct
Hugh N. Cry
Betcha he’s a pouffe
Roberto 55
There are two possibilities why he is doing this:
1. He is uneducated in this matter and fears for his life or
2. He is doing this on purpose - so, he is destroyer of the Church, but anyway, he shouldn't be a bishop of the Church.
Dr Bobus
And 3. He is afraid that the archdiocese could be sued.
An answer of heaven: "If any bishop cannot follow natural law and divine law in regard to the adoration, reverence, and care to be shown to the Son of God in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, it will be necessary for him to refrain from the hope of reaching eternal glory. This matter is too serious for us to take any other approach than one of extreme sacredness for the salvation of souls."
"This means that Communion in the hand has become a new super-dogma." -at least in Alabama and only as long as parishioners keep tithing/ donating.