
Francis Names Compromised Cardinal As New Camerlengo

Pope Francis has named Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the Carmerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. Farrell is a Bergoglio courtier, a radical relativist and deeply involved in the McCarrick and other abusesMore
Pope Francis has named Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the Carmerlengo of the Holy Roman Church.
Farrell is a Bergoglio courtier, a radical relativist and deeply involved in the McCarrick and other abuses.
His nomination is the prove that Francis protects the liberal Old Boys club and is not interested in renewing the Church.
After the death of a pope and until a successor is elected, the camerlengo serves as Vatican City's acting sovereign.
Picture: Kevin Farrell, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsErnzprzgbo
McCarrick lives on in his "nephews" Tobin, Farrell, Cupich. That they are Francis' favourites reveals all lot about him
The word is not compromised....it's LIAR and HERETIC
A compromised bishop is a FrancisBishop, a default. Maybe Frank and Kevin want to try trade boyfriends.
De Profundis
Farrell lived with homosexual Cardinal McCarrick but heard and saw nothing. Farrell, the confidant of McCarrick. What a trusty pair of hands. Francis thinks we're all idiots.
Nothing gay to see here, move along.
In this "era of synodality" all important posts seem to be centralised by a very small clique of political allies.