"God Will Punish the World in a Terrible Way" "God Will Punish the World in a Terrible Way" In December 1957, Mexican Father Agustin Fuentes conversed with Sister Lucia, the only seer of Fatima, who …More
"God Will Punish the World in a Terrible Way"
"God Will Punish the World in a Terrible Way"
In December 1957, Mexican Father Agustin Fuentes conversed with Sister Lucia, the only seer of Fatima, who then was still alive, in her convent in Coimbra, Portugal. Back in Mexico, he revealed what Sister Lucia had told him. Tempi di Maria published excerpts on Italian Gloria.tv.
Heaven’s Punishment is “imminent”
Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes that Our Lady said that nobody paid attention to her message in Fatima. “Believe me, Father,” Sister Lucia said, “God will punish the world in a terrible way. Heaven's punishment is imminent.” But, this was over sixty years ago, and the imminent punishment seems not to have materialized.
The Year 1960
Sister Lucia specifically alleged that the year 1960 would be a “very sad year for everyone” if the world did not pray and do penance. She could not give details because it was still a secret. There is no indication that the world started praying and doing …More
The full interview can be found in French here: catholique.forumactif.com/t230-le-grand-c… .
The above conclusions are erroneous. In fact, the announced punishment did indeed arrive: it was the usurpation of the Papacy (novusordowatch.org/…/smoke-signals-w…) and Vatican II that followed, provoking the Great Apostasy and finally the coming of the Antichrist, for Sister Lucia specifies that she is …More
The full interview can be found in French here: catholique.forumactif.com/t230-le-grand-c… .
The above conclusions are erroneous. In fact, the announced punishment did indeed arrive: it was the usurpation of the Papacy (novusordowatch.org/…/smoke-signals-w…) and Vatican II that followed, provoking the Great Apostasy and finally the coming of the Antichrist, for Sister Lucia specifies that she is not announcing a material punishment but a spiritual one, the material punishment only arriving at the fall of the Antichrist. As everyone expected material punishment, they missed the true interpretation of this important conversation which the conciliar fought against.
Dr Bobus
1. There was nothing new that came from Vat II. All the controversial elements had already been happening. The only difference was that Rome decided it could no longer control them.
2, There were also Progressives who were advocating them. To paraphrase Chesterton: The Progressive often knows what is wrong but seldom knows what is right.
3. There is nothing contradictory about chastisement …More

1. There was nothing new that came from Vat II. All the controversial elements had already been happening. The only difference was that Rome decided it could no longer control them.
2, There were also Progressives who were advocating them. To paraphrase Chesterton: The Progressive often knows what is wrong but seldom knows what is right.
3. There is nothing contradictory about chastisement being both material and spiritual.
En décembre 1957, le père mexicain Augustin Fuentes s'est entretenu avec Sœur Lucie, la seule voyante de Fatima, qui était alors encore en vie, dans son couvent de Coimbra, au Portugal. De retour au Mexique, il a révélé ce que Sœur Lucie lui avait dit. Tempi di Maria en a publié des extraits sur …More
En décembre 1957, le père mexicain Augustin Fuentes s'est entretenu avec Sœur Lucie, la seule voyante de Fatima, qui était alors encore en vie, dans son couvent de Coimbra, au Portugal. De retour au Mexique, il a révélé ce que Sœur Lucie lui avait dit. Tempi di Maria en a publié des extraits sur Gloria.tv en italien.

Le châtiment du ciel est « imminent ».

Sœur Lucie a dit au Père Fuentes que la Vierge avait dit que personne ne prêtait attention à son message à Fatima. « Croyez-moi, Père », a dit Sœur Lucie, « Dieu va punir le monde d'une manière terrible. Le châtiment du ciel est imminent. » Mais, c'était il y a plus de soixante ans, et la punition imminente ne semble pas s'être matérialisée.

L'année 1960

Sœur Lucie a spécifiquement affirmé que l'année 1960 serait « une année très triste pour tous » si le monde ne priait pas et ne faisait pas pénitence. Elle ne pouvait pas donner de détails car c'était encore un secret. Rien n'indique que le monde ait commencé à prier et à faire pénitence. Néanmoins, 1960 ne s'est pas distinguée en termes de tristesse.

Voulait-elle parler de marxisme culturel ?

Sœur Lucie a souligné que la Vierge a dit « à plusieurs reprises » que « la Russie sera l'instrument choisi par le Ciel pour punir le monde entier si nous n'obtenons pas d'abord la conversion de cette pauvre nation ». À l'époque, la Russie était l'Union soviétique. Peut-être, Sœur Lucie voulait-elle parler du marxisme culturel qui s'est répandu de l'Union soviétique vers l'Occident où il sévit encore.

Trois raisons

La Vierge n'a pas dit à Sœur Lucie que les Derniers Temps étaient arrivés, mais Lucie avait trois raisons de le croire. Premièrement, la Vierge lui a parlé d'une bataille finale imminente entre le diable et la Vierge. Ensuite, Notre-Dame lui a donné deux derniers remèdes contre le mal : le Rosaire et la Dévotion au Cœur-Immaculé de Marie. Le troisième était que le monde n'avait pas prêté attention au message de Fatima.

[On trouvera l'intégral en français de cet entretien ici : catholique.forumactif.com/t230-le-grand-c… .
Les conclusions apportées ci-dessus sont erronées. En effet, le châtiment annoncé est bien arrivé : ce fut l'usurpation de la Papauté : catholique.forumactif.com/t11-il-y-a-60-a… et Vatican II qui s'en suivi, provoquant la Grande Apostasie et finalement la venue de l'Antéchrist, car Sœur Lucie précise qu'elle n'annonce pas un châtiment matériel mais spirituel, le châtiment matériel n'arrivant qu'à la chute de l'Antéchrist. Comme tous s'attendaient à un châtiment matériel, ils sont passés à côté de la véritable interprétation de cet important entretien que la conciliaire a combattu d'ailleurs.]
The imminent chastisement was Vatican II. The most severe chastisement God could inflict on us was to take away the real mass and have it replaced with a protestant service. The vast majority of Catholics simply didn't care and still don't.
Dr Bobus
The miracle of the sun at Fatima, which produced terror among those who were present, seems to reference a material chastisement, not merely Vat II
"imminent"??? over sixty years ago? This sounds like the "Doomsday Clock" which is just "seconds" away from the immediate outrbreak of nuclear war and has been since 1947. :P Oh yeah, now it includes "climate change" too.
This Lucia Gloria TV is referring to looks like the imposter, no wonder her prophesy are in contradiction, and it neve came to fulfillment.
What is the greatest punishment?
⚫Skinning alive
⚫Drowning in water
⚫Burning by fire
⚫Taking the Mass away
That's a picture of the impostor Lucia. We are being punished with an impostor church. The true Seer disappeared around the same time the true Church did. Impostors put in place.
Some say she was poisoned like Pope Pius XII.
mattsixteen24 there is no evidence through scientific report proving with certainty and liability of being impostor sister Lucy. All reports I have studied are based on potential probabilities. Thereby there is no impostor sister Lucy unless proved otherwise. There are however great forces of evil, from the left to right, working hard to inhibit beatification of sister Lucy and undermine the Message …More
mattsixteen24 there is no evidence through scientific report proving with certainty and liability of being impostor sister Lucy. All reports I have studied are based on potential probabilities. Thereby there is no impostor sister Lucy unless proved otherwise. There are however great forces of evil, from the left to right, working hard to inhibit beatification of sister Lucy and undermine the Message of Fatima.
@rafal_ovile this evidence is pretty convincing sisterlucyimposter.org/the-evidence/
mattsixteen24 thank you for providing link to source which confirms what I have stated in my previous comment, i.e. " All of the following opinions set forth above are stated to a reasonable degree of medical probability"
@rafal_ovile yeah, you didn't study anything from that website in such little time you responded. You just put forward your opinion instead of reading the evidence.They look nothing alike nor act alike. The impostor Lucia doesn't even know how to receive communion. Face is different. Different temperament. Impostor always happy acting and contradicts church teachings. Different handwriting, doctored …More
@rafal_ovile yeah, you didn't study anything from that website in such little time you responded. You just put forward your opinion instead of reading the evidence.They look nothing alike nor act alike. The impostor Lucia doesn't even know how to receive communion. Face is different. Different temperament. Impostor always happy acting and contradicts church teachings. Different handwriting, doctored photos, etc.
J G Tasan
Only God knows... sighed...
"But, this was over sixty years ago, and the imminent punishment seems not to have materialized": so you deem as nothing what has come yo pass? The wars have killed millions; in Irak, there were 1,5 million Christians, now there are 150.000; drugs; the destruction of Church and family and the innocence of children; ABORTION has killed more than 2 billion; contraceptives: divorce, sins against nature …More
"But, this was over sixty years ago, and the imminent punishment seems not to have materialized": so you deem as nothing what has come yo pass? The wars have killed millions; in Irak, there were 1,5 million Christians, now there are 150.000; drugs; the destruction of Church and family and the innocence of children; ABORTION has killed more than 2 billion; contraceptives: divorce, sins against nature; DRUGS; the rate of rape, kidnappings and homiclde: there are like 10.000 "common" homicides a day in the world... and you say that 1960 is not a name of sorrow: it's the symbol of this debacle, the total eclipse of God and, then, humanity. It's a huge punishment, look at the Church, beyond recognition!!!!