
Archbishop Ladaria: Church Cannot Ordain Women Validly

The exclusion of women from the priesthood is part of the Catholic faith, according to Archbishop Luis Ladaria, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Writing in the Osservatore …More
The exclusion of women from the priesthood is part of the Catholic faith, according to Archbishop Luis Ladaria, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Writing in the Osservatore Romano (May 29) Ladaria calls this an indubitable, unchangeable and settled doctrine. It worries him that voices in some countries question the "definitiveness of this doctrine”.
One of these voices is Vienna Cardinal Schönborn who argued in April that future popes or councils could introduce an ordination of women.
But according to Ladaria the impossibility of ordaining women belongs to the “substance of the sacrament” instituted by Christ, and the Church has no competence to change this.
Picture: Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, © José Santamaria Cruz, CC BY-SA, #newsBnhosudwgv
Ladaria fait comme Müller en son temps à propos de la famille : une critique, mais l'Antéchrist fait passer la chose. Depuis Vatican II, on a l'habitude de ce genre de truc.
Good. Yet along will come someone in favour who questions that. The usual.