
Benedict XVI Has Produced Tensions - Cardinal Müller

There is only one Pope and his name is Francis, said Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller at a recent book presentation (Kath.net, 8 June). However, he criticises Benedict XVI's 2013 resignation for having …More
There is only one Pope and his name is Francis, said Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller at a recent book presentation (Kath.net, 8 June).
However, he criticises Benedict XVI's 2013 resignation for having produced a tension in the Petrine ministry and in the Church "that has no parallel historically and has not yet been dogmatically dealt with".
In this context, Müller also mentions the media attention and spatial proximity as well as the length of the parallel lifetimes of Benedict XVI and Francis. In any case, the resignation of a Pope for reasons of age and health must remain the "strictest exception,” he said.
A pope may resign according to canon law, but he is not appointed by Christ as president of an assembly who can retire into a well-deserved retirement. This is contrary to the mission and authority he has received.
Müller also finds a tension between divine mission and the law of the Church in the forced resignation of bishops at 75. He only comes to terms "pragmatically" with this. …More
Sally Dorman shares this
Cardinal Müller addresses controversies surrounding two pontiffs, says Francis is pope
Benedict hasn't produced tensions. Those are produced by the "Benedict Buddies" who insist he didn't "really" resign.
Onzin, paus Pius Xll was de laatste echte Paus.
Paolo F
Dan is de Kerk al sinds een aantal generaties onthoofd en nu dus feitelijk dood. Dat lijkt me stug.
"...has not yet been dogmatically dealt with," translates to "we have no idea what to make of the resignation and/or the election of a supposedly new pope who, dogmatically, may not be the pope at all. But he is for you guys."
Whatever Mueller. The doublespeak is digging your deeper and deeper when a simple admission of "I don't know and cannot say with dogmatic authority," would suffice. Why? …More
"...has not yet been dogmatically dealt with," translates to "we have no idea what to make of the resignation and/or the election of a supposedly new pope who, dogmatically, may not be the pope at all. But he is for you guys."

Whatever Mueller. The doublespeak is digging your deeper and deeper when a simple admission of "I don't know and cannot say with dogmatic authority," would suffice. Why? Because that's the truth.

Haven't we been scandalized enough already??? Seriously.
Sure looks like some are desperate to squelch those 'rumors' that Francis is going to step aside soon.
"that has no parallel historically and has not yet been dogmatically dealt with".
Well if there is no legal basis in canon law nor tradition for the actions of Pope Benedict then it follows that..........
Now don't go messing Mueller up with logical conclusions. They only get in the way of holy speak. That's theology on the knees like another lovely with a winning smile.