
There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

After Pope Francis confessed he is “not afraid of schisms”, everybody speaks about schism.

Let’s be serious: Schism is a fantasy from glorious times gone by. The present remainder of Paul VI’s “Church of the Council” is so eroded that there is not even enough strength left for a schism.

There is a powerful secularized Modernist party that is promoted through the channels of the oligarch media. This group is loved by the world, by those who hate the Church, and by lapsed Catholics.

These Modernists do not need a schism because ever since the Council, the Church is in their hands. More importantly, a liberal schism would be an enterprise without faithful. “Modernist religion” attracts nobody. Nobody will give their life for liberal ideology. Liberals know this.

The other party, the Catholics, are a dispersed flock, totally pushed aside. They still give their lives for the Lord. Let them make a schism: nobody will care about it, least of all the rotten hierarchy.

No, the future will not bring a schism. It will bring a general decomposition of the Church. The Modernists are winning, but their “Church” is falling to pieces.

The Protestants have gone down this path before. Same method, same result. But the Modernists don’t get it.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsSaplmvarej

Tigga shares this
'These Modernists do not need a schism because ever since the Council, the Church is in their hands.'
The supernatural Faith still lives in the hearts of God's children.
Our Lady of Good Success Ora pro nobis.
St Michael the Archangel. Happy Feast Day!
We rejoice with Heaven.
Absolutely false, I’m afraid, @dowd. Your argument makes a joke of Our Lord’s Word: “And the gates of Hell shall not prevail.”
It is none other than the Antipope himself—to be clear Antipope Francis the Apostate, who placed himself in schism ab initio when with malice aforethought he usurped the Seat of St. Peter.
The schism began on the first day of this Anti-Papacy.
Q. for Padre Reto Nay. Why …More
Absolutely false, I’m afraid, @dowd. Your argument makes a joke of Our Lord’s Word: “And the gates of Hell shall not prevail.”

It is none other than the Antipope himself—to be clear Antipope Francis the Apostate, who placed himself in schism ab initio when with malice aforethought he usurped the Seat of St. Peter.

The schism began on the first day of this Anti-Papacy.

Q. for Padre Reto Nay. Why do you presuppose—as a false base premise—that Antipope Francis is “Pope.”
where were you for the past 50 years???
the schism began with the so called "vatican council 2" ... you are well behind of the news!
Agree totally. The only alternative for serious Catholics will be an underground Church or sedevacantism. The Catholic Church hierarchy today is secular humanist and likes it that way. And 80-90% of Catholics like it this way too. And why not.?
The Modernist secular humanist Catholics like their sexual freedom and a practically assured eternal life endorsed by the Pope no less. What do Traditional …More
Agree totally. The only alternative for serious Catholics will be an underground Church or sedevacantism. The Catholic Church hierarchy today is secular humanist and likes it that way. And 80-90% of Catholics like it this way too. And why not.?

The Modernist secular humanist Catholics like their sexual freedom and a practically assured eternal life endorsed by the Pope no less. What do Traditional Orthodox Catholics have to offer? Hardship and sacrifice hardly stand a chance. Vatican II intended to Protestantize and Church and it has worked like a charm.

What we should expect now is divine intervention to show that God is still in charge of His Church. Our Lady of Good Success told us this would happen centuries ago. But few listened. Now our stance is to pray, do penance watch and wait. God have mercy on us all!
Ludovic Denim
Sedevacantism is not serious at all by believing that the Church would be abandoned and no more apostolic... Una Sanctam Catolicam Apostolicam...(and Roman)
Sedevacantism doesn't believe the Church has been abandoned. Go to Novus Ordo Watch and assure yourself. Make a comment like you made to me and see the response you receive. novusordowatch.org
WTF ?? those peoples are not "sedevacants" ... they are FULL CATHOLICS but, for the moment, sill waiting for a Pope afthe the last one, died
I agree. Why the WTF indication of consternation?
Angie W.
St. Vincent Ferrer teaches that all who join a false pope are schismatics. All who have joined the false Pope Bergoglio have left the Church of Jesus Christ. There is a current schism becaus this schism consists in joining Bergoglio and separating from Jesus Christ. The bergoglian sect join the antichrist. This is the great apostasy and the great deceiver Jorge Mario Bergoglio has fooled much of …More
St. Vincent Ferrer teaches that all who join a false pope are schismatics. All who have joined the false Pope Bergoglio have left the Church of Jesus Christ. There is a current schism becaus this schism consists in joining Bergoglio and separating from Jesus Christ. The bergoglian sect join the antichrist. This is the great apostasy and the great deceiver Jorge Mario Bergoglio has fooled much of humanity by pretending to be a pope so all those who have joined Bergoglio have left the Catholic Church and joined the rebellion against God that leads the apostate anti church.
Dr Bobus
Francis is saying that those who opposed him are headed for schism. He's blaming the problems not on himself but others.
In the conclave of 2013 there were many Cardinals who voted for a 1970s Jesuit without asking themselves how much his 1970s Jesuit formation affected him.
This is the second time that conservative Bishops were victimized by their own complacency. The first time was of course 1962…More
Francis is saying that those who opposed him are headed for schism. He's blaming the problems not on himself but others.

In the conclave of 2013 there were many Cardinals who voted for a 1970s Jesuit without asking themselves how much his 1970s Jesuit formation affected him.

This is the second time that conservative Bishops were victimized by their own complacency. The first time was of course 1962 to 1965
Ludovic Denim
There will be a schism because they intend so, but not from Cardinal Burke and the others that are too weak and possibly not that sincere as well as the Cardinal Zen from HK that asked the Novus Ordo and now plays the dissident towards China... The schism has been prophesied by Our Lady of Akita in her message that anyone can find on Youtube and this apparition is acknowledged by the local bishop. …More
There will be a schism because they intend so, but not from Cardinal Burke and the others that are too weak and possibly not that sincere as well as the Cardinal Zen from HK that asked the Novus Ordo and now plays the dissident towards China... The schism has been prophesied by Our Lady of Akita in her message that anyone can find on Youtube and this apparition is acknowledged by the local bishop.

It makes decades now that they prepare us to accept sacrilegious communion with non-Catholics so for the small number of true Catholics that understand what's going on, their plan has certainly taken account this number and to silence them in a way or an other. That's why Jesus Christ asked if He'll find the Faith when He comes back... The others are just a few too among those that still practice their faith and most of the practitioners are not aware of what's going on. They're not informed that it's a grave sin to take part to an assembly with non-Catholics and most Catholics don't disturb themselves in order to make them know what they would highly likely appreciate to know for most...

Blessed Virgin Mary warned us that this false church will accept the compromises and so certainly it means that in order to destroy the small remnant of peoples that are not enough aged and still having the faith, they certainly will make the Protestants come in our Churches as most of the Masses are already for most Protestant, up to 80% according to some studies, and that already Protestants are even sometimes coming taking a sacrilegious communion. What Pope John-Paul 2 did at Assises was just the start and the global idea to where they want to lead us. With the kiss on the sacrilegious book called Koran, John-Paul 2 made it more obvious. And with the help of the freemasons in all the Western countries that made come a huge number of Islam's followers, they have enough of them to change anew the Mass and to ask them to perform in the churches as they already do sometimes in order that their church doesn't fall in pieces... They have the money, they can pay some pipers. It's why they set up a financial fraud with Bretton Woods and the end of the gold-standard in order to push debt and flood the Western countries with fake money in order that peoples stop to look after the graces of God in the Catholic Church after the new Mass. They succeeded well as there is less than 1% that still go, the other ones dazzled by the prodigies of our debt-economy... Only the true faithfuls will have to yank themselves from this false church, so the schism is coming and will be definitely real as only will stay heretics and propagators of heresies.

All this will be fixed with the 3rd World War. The prophecy of Pope Saint Pius X - and the one revealed by the children of Fatima which is the same - will happen. A Pope will be killed on a mountain by peoples looking like an army and a Pope will trample upon the corpses of his prelates at Rome. Then the Papacy will return to a good Pope who will restore the Catholic church in a really short time. Of course, the Catholic Faith will be again victorious. That's what was said by Our Lady of Fatima about the final battle between God and Satan according to Sister Lucia, and of course the Victory is for God.
I believe the threat of schism is real. In fact it is already upon us. Schism means at root separation from Christ.
Francis is and has been from the beginning in schism from Christ. This has become more and more clear over the past six years and the process of separation is becoming more dramatic and accelerated.
Francis manifested his loyalties a year ago when he dared wield a Stang—an occult …More
I believe the threat of schism is real. In fact it is already upon us. Schism means at root separation from Christ.

Francis is and has been from the beginning in schism from Christ. This has become more and more clear over the past six years and the process of separation is becoming more dramatic and accelerated.

Francis manifested his loyalties a year ago when he dared wield a Stang—an occult black-magic totem—at his Mass at the Youth Synod.

Francis is the clear and present danger to the Flock. Precisely because he is a false pope leading the people into a church of Hell. Which doesn’t exist on his reckoning, as he whispers sweet nothings to the intended victims.

Whitened Sepulcher. Black Heart.
This priest is preaching despair. He should be preaching the excommunication of heretics and schism from apostates! Such things are not sins, they are the virtuous response to sin. Don't let Bergoglio get you accept the wrong notions and wrong morals which he himself promotes!
We are already in schism in the very facts of the existence of two pops at a time, one is the true pope the other a false pope, those who go with the false pope are in schism.