This is "Zaouli" dance of Central Ivory Coast and is labelled as the most impossible dance in the world!
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Zaouli: World's Craziest and Most Difficult Dance!
African Dance Style (Zaouli) | The Most Impossible Dance in the World ExplainedMore
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Zaouli: World's Craziest and Most Difficult Dance!
African Dance Style (Zaouli) | The Most Impossible Dance in the World Explained
Jerzy Franciszek Marciniak shares this
Czyli choroba niespokojnych nóg.
Nowa pandemia z Afryki rodem.
Andre Ob
Mnie ten taniec się podoba; podziwiam sprawność tych tancerzy
nihil quicquam
Zaouli de Manfla Ten dopiero szaleje, video z oryginalną muzyką
Lilianna w ogrodzie
Nie widzicie , że to od szatana?
Andrzej Maciej Szaleś
O kurwa 😱 Biedroń na Love Parade 😂
I think maybe James Brown coulda' done it.
They eat a lot of beans there.
Very Creepy mask and horns but he must be in great aerobic shape.
Ivan Tomas
This kind of dance is not for real humans. See his horns and you will get my point.