Vatican Official Protests Olympics at French Embassy

The Paris Olympics are facing a massive condemnation after an apparent homosexual mockery of the Last Supper. Even many bishops are among the critics. Selected statements.

Homosexual activist Charles Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta and also an adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sent a message to the French ambassador in Malta: "I would like to express my distress and great disappointment at the insult to us Christians during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics when a group of drag artists parodied the Last Supper of Jesus."

TV scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, "This wasn’t French at all, but a display of American cultural imperialism, the goading and the power display of wokeness, establishing the new sacred – transgenderism, multiculturalism – and repudiating and mocking the old. […] Director Thomas Jolly apparently said beforehand of his opus, ‘I wanted everyone to feel represented’. This is a telling remark. Because ‘everyone’ doesn’t actually mean everyone, it means only the narcissistic elements of newly sacralised minorities. Nobody else exists."

Bishop Donald Hying, Madison, USA: „In reparation for the blasphemy in Paris, let’s fast and pray, renew our devotion to the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart and the Virgin Mary. May Jesus be adored and loved in every tabernacle throughout the world.”

Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain, on the "blasphemous and deplorable spectacle":
"1.Our culture is giving its last breaths in the midst of woke decadence.
2.- Fundamentalist Islamism rubs its hands together seeing how we ourselves are 'committing suicide' spiritually and physically.
3.- The Spanish connection with this French decadence was made clear by the journalist of TVE1, who in the television broadcast said: 'This deeply revolutionary, anti-clerical, anti-patriotic dance (...) is a tribute they wanted to make to the French culture, to Beelzebub […]'."

Coadjutor Bishop François Touvet of Fréjus-Toulon, France: "Like many others, I protest against this scandalous and serious insult to Christians the world over... not to mention the other outrages of the show."

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, USA: "Secular fundamentalism has now infiltrated the Olympics, even to the point of blaspheming the religion of over a billion people. Would they do that with any other religion?"

Conservative Bishop Stefan Oster of Passau, Germany: "An impressive [sic!] opening of hopefully peaceful games. However, the queer Last Supper was a low point and the staging was completely superfluous."





Sally Dorman shares this
Spain's Bishop Jose Munilla calls the Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony “blasphemous and deplorable” adding that: Our culture is giving its last breaths in the midst of woke decadence.... Fundamentalist Islamism rubs its hands together seeing how we ourselves 'commit suicide' spiritually and physically.
P. O'B
When you have been so soft on perversion for so long, words of protest have little moral power behind them.
True Mass
Nary a word from Francis? Hmmm
Sandy Barrett shares this
Liberalism has so rotted out minds that even many who are appalled by what happened in Paris frame it as a matter of offending people. No, it is about the evil of dishonoring God, and of undermining social and moral order, which requires being oriented to God above all.
Did Bergoglio condemn this travesty? Sadly I think I know the answer to that question. And no a Vatican office does not count.
The poor bishops actually think that they have any clout left. They have spent decades weakening the faith to almost extinction and wonder why nobody pays attention to what they say.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Catholic leaders join French bishops in condemning Last Supper scene at Paris Olympics opening
The French Bishops' response was hardly a condemnation; it was more praise with a small acknowledgement of the blasphemy. To contact the Catholic Bishops of France; Contactez-nous
Wilma Lopez
Bishop Andrew Cozzens, chair of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, issued a statement calling on Catholics to respond to the Paris incident with prayer and fasting.
Referencing the recent National Eucharistic Congress, Bishop Cozzens wrote, “Jesus experienced his Passion anew Friday night in Paris when his Last Supper was publicly defamed.“
“France and the entire world …More
Bishop Andrew Cozzens, chair of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, issued a statement calling on Catholics to respond to the Paris incident with prayer and fasting.
Referencing the recent National Eucharistic Congress, Bishop Cozzens wrote, “Jesus experienced his Passion anew Friday night in Paris when his Last Supper was publicly defamed.“
“France and the entire world are saved by the love poured out through the Mass, which came to us through the Last Supper. Inspired by the many martyrs who shed their blood to witness to the truth of the Mass, we will not stand aside and quietly abide as the world mocks our greatest gift from the Lord Jesus,“ the bishop wrote.
Ann Smith
Satan doesn't have much time left. Keep praying!