
Müller: Great Reset Wants Total Control, Surveillance State

There is a “chaos" of Covid measures, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told the Austrian activist Alexander Tschugguel (German video below, December 7). For Müller, the cause for this is a lack of knowledge …More
There is a “chaos" of Covid measures, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told the Austrian activist Alexander Tschugguel (German video below, December 7).
For Müller, the cause for this is a lack of knowledge about the virus’ dangerousness and an effort to use Covid to establish a surveillance state.
Müller refers to “representatives of the Great Reset” such as Klaus Schwab. They proclaim openly that Corona is an “opportunity” to push through their agenda which, for Müller, is based on imposture: “They want, with the help of modern technology and communications, to bring forth a new creation, a new man.”
But Müller clarifies, “I don’t want to be created and redeemed in the image and likeness of Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates or Soros or all these people who whiz off to Glasgow in private jets and then impose austerity and restrictions on the masses, as they call them.”
Jan Joseph
Goede en duidelijke visie, deze groep is er ook voor verantwoordelijk dat door een staatsgreep paus Franciscus kon worden benoemd tot paus. Mensen dit voor de Great Reset zijn de echte criminelen en fascisten op deze wereld.
Consecrate Russia and Our Lady will sort it!
As per the request from Our Lady revealed to us by Sister Lucia, such a thing can only be done by the Supreme Pontiff himself, in union with all the Bishops of the world.
Perhaps His Eminence’s time and effort would be better spent reproving and rebuking his heretical German brethren, who seem hell-bent on completing and perfecting the foul, diabolical work of their spiritual forefather and countryman, the perennial apostate, Luther, by leading the German Church over the cliff of damnation into full schism and a cataclysmic abyss of vile sodomy and perversion.
If …More
Perhaps His Eminence’s time and effort would be better spent reproving and rebuking his heretical German brethren, who seem hell-bent on completing and perfecting the foul, diabolical work of their spiritual forefather and countryman, the perennial apostate, Luther, by leading the German Church over the cliff of damnation into full schism and a cataclysmic abyss of vile sodomy and perversion.

If the good Cardinal thus applies himself, it may yet be, that he will, by the power of Christ and through the sweet mercies of Our Most Gracious Queen and Mother, prevail and compel them to return unto righteousness before it is too late and they will have thrusted the error-poisoned dagger of their deadly heresies through their own immortal souls.
DefendTruth shares this
“I don’t want to be created and redeemed in the image and likeness of Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates or Soros or all these people who whiz off to Glasgow in private jets and then impose austerity and restrictions on the masses, as they call them.”
Consecrate Russia obedience to the Mother of God!