A Bishop Apologises for Calling Biden “Stupid”

Monsignor Robert Gruss, Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan, apologised on Friday for calling abortion propagandist Joe Biden "stupid" during a recent talk (CatholicNewsAgency.com).

According to the language used in such cases, Gruss regretted that his comments were "taken out of context". He assured that he had spoken of "forgiveness" and not of holding grudges, including against pro-abortion Joe.

"I used the word 'stupid' in reference to President Biden and I recognise that it was a poor choice of words," Mgr Gruss said, "It was not meant to be disparaging and I apologise."

Linguists wonder how the word "stupid" can be used to describe a person without being "disparaging".


"I don't have resentfulness toward him, I'm sad for him... He's not living the life Jesus wants for him."
I wish this bishop had been in Saginaw when I lived there...
Sometimes an apology isn't really an apology, as when a politician says, "I'm sorry...that you were offended."
That is NOT what happened with this comment and subsequent apology. He apologized because his comment was not meant to be …More
"I don't have resentfulness toward him, I'm sad for him... He's not living the life Jesus wants for him."

I wish this bishop had been in Saginaw when I lived there...

Sometimes an apology isn't really an apology, as when a politician says, "I'm sorry...that you were offended."

That is NOT what happened with this comment and subsequent apology. He apologized because his comment was not meant to be disparaging. But his comment was accurate.

Personally, I think it was way too generous. Biden isn't ignorant or stupid related to the truths of the Catholic faith. He may be ignorant or "stupid" when it comes to how far he thinks he can wander as a prodigal. I have no idea. I know if he seeks God's will without duplicity he will know God's will, just like you and me.
Irishpol shares this
Francis's health must be better than advertised if he can jump into action that quickly.
Well I won't apologize for calling Biden a liar, a murderer, a hypocrite, a destroyer, and a pervert.
Mary Louise Veritas
No need for an apology.
Tony M
He now needs to apologise for apologising for calling Biden stupid!!!
John & James called sons of thunder today Bishops called son of silence
He should have said: "mind failure prone" instead.