Please to save the Latin Mass

Prominent artists, nobility, billionaire sign letter urging Vatican to not ban the Latin Mass

CV NEWS FEED // Almost 50 Catholic and non-Catholic British artists, writers, and nobility this week signed …
Trump vows to free jailed pro-lifers on Day 1.

Trump pledges to get jailed pro-lifers ‘back to their families’

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 25, 2024 / 10:50 am Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee in the 2024 U.S. …
It's who has the best policies not personality. However, when Trump wins, the Democrat-socialists will go into hyper drive in attempting to undermine …More
It's who has the best policies not personality. However, when Trump wins, the Democrat-socialists will go into hyper drive in attempting to undermine and hamstring his administration with frivolous lawsuits, espionage and leaks from gov agency hacks, and fomenting riots in American cities. Just be prepared.
chris griffin
@Father Karl A Claver... Excellent Father. Here is the wording... ""Man may never obey a law which is in itself, immoral and such is the case of a law …More
@Father Karl A Claver... Excellent Father. Here is the wording...
""Man may never obey a law which is in itself, immoral and such is the case of a law which would admit in principle, the liceity of abortion. Nor can he take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law or vote for it. Moreover, he may not collaborate in its application. "Declaration on Procured Abortion"
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Davis uses friendship, pulling people from KKK

Daryl Davis was once an aspiring and successful musician. He had played with Chuck Berry, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Muddy Waters. However, his true claim to fame, the legacy he has forged came in …More
Daryl Davis was once an aspiring and successful musician. He had played with Chuck Berry, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Muddy Waters. However, his true claim to fame, the legacy he has forged came in a very different way.
He went out of his way to befriend KKK Grand wizard, Roger Kelly. He spent years building trust between them and laying the foundation of what became a friendship. They broke bread at each other’s tables. They welcomed each other into their homes. Davis even went as far attending Klan rallies as a guest of Kelly.
Most importantly, Davis cultivated an atmosphere of listening. He didn’t hate Kelly because Kelly hated him. Instead he listened to Roger Kelly. And eventually, Kelly started listening to him. This lead to the two realizing they had far more in common than not.
In the end, Kelly denounced his ties to the KKK. So much so, he handed his hood and robe to Daryl Davis.
In total, Davis has seen over 200 klan members walk away from the KKK and hand over their robes …More
Dr Bobus
The Klan was also anti-Catholic
A friend has known Mr Davis for decades and confirmed this truly amazing account.
Archdiocese of Baltimore-Brainwashing for progressivism

Archdiocese of Baltimore Social Ministry - Brainwashing For Progressivism - Part 1

. Instead of Mercy High School, the location changed to Calvert Hall College Hight School. It's not far from Mercy, …
DC Knights call for Rupnik art removal

DC Knights call for Rupnik art removal

A Washington, D.C., Knights of Columbus council has called for chapel mosaics created by disgraced artist Fr. Marko Rupnik to be removed from the area’s St. John …
What does a pastor do when parishioners find "probably not consecrated" hosts?

Communion Wafers Found Discarded in Parking Lot of West Virginia Church After Easter Mass

Whoever spread the wafers on the ground did it while the Mass was being celebrated. Catholics who attended Easter …
Cardinal Gregory publicly pointed out that Biden embodies the phrase, "Cafeteria Catholic", especially with the life issues. It's important that Bp. Gregory be clear and unapologetic if he is to be a …More
Cardinal Gregory publicly pointed out that Biden embodies the phrase, "Cafeteria Catholic", especially with the life issues.
It's important that Bp. Gregory be clear and unapologetic if he is to be a shepherd to his flock.

DC Archbishop calls Biden ‘cafeteria Catholic' who 'picks and chooses' parts of the faith

Washington D.C.’s Roman Catholic Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory called the president a "cafeteria Catholic …
Father Karl A Claver
Way too little, way too late.
Well from the highly edited clip - the Cardinal said many correct things, so it was good to hear. It would be better if he'd call out Biden in his role …More
Well from the highly edited clip - the Cardinal said many correct things, so it was good to hear. It would be better if he'd call out Biden in his role as local ordinary bishop and tell him not to approach Holy Communion until he has repented of his obstinate dissent from Catholic doctrine like the archbishop of San Francisco did in the case of Pelosi.
Bishop Chapter anticipates Pope Francis

Bishop Chaput Resists Francis Ahead of New Document

Bishops of this kind have found that the status quo under Papa Wojtyła – with everything else that came before – is increasingly under attack. This …
Sean Johnson
Just another revolutionary modernist bishop being championed as a good guy. 1Peter5 must really be demoralized to be praising such types. Keep this …More
Just another revolutionary modernist bishop being championed as a good guy. 1Peter5 must really be demoralized to be praising such types. Keep this article in the back of your mind when reading anything else they write, as they’ve shown their own semi-modernist inclinations..
Catholic Vote WILL hold transactivists accountable.

CatholicVote Vows to Hold ‘Trans’ Activists Accountable After St. Patrick’s Funeral

CV NEWS FEED // After a group of LGBTQ activists used deception to hold a raucous “funeral” for a deceased “trans” …
A murky clarification

Vatican ‘Press Release’ Tries to Contain Global Rejection of Fiducia Supplicans

CV NEWS FEED // In what the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) described as a “press release,” the Vatican’s …
The only good thing here is that they are aware of the repudiation. Otherwise, pathetic.

We need more of this in the world.

...brings joy to my heart...
Jeffrey Ade
Yes always! I love his logo, glow worm!
A sign of the times.

Historic Marble St. Joseph Statue Destroyed in Indianapolis Church Vandalism

CV NEWS FEED // Police are investigating vandalism that destroyed a historic marble statue of Saint Joseph and newly-remodeled …
Fr. Tom Weinandy reflections looking back and forward

Pope Francis and Schism Re-Visited - The Catholic Thing

Much has happened since I first published my original article, “Pope Francis and Schism,” in The Catholic Thing on October 8, 2019. What has …

Pastor Jim-we all know one

"It ain't over til it's over," in the words of baseball legend Yogi Berra.
Trial of pro-lifers continues, may be sentenced 11 years.

Pro-life activists on trial for FACE Act violation

The trial of five pro-lifers facing federal charges continues this week in a Washington, D.C., courtroom. If convicted, the activists could serve up …

Google: 4th most popular religion

I'm a user, but not a believer. 😉
Defending parents and children against radical school gender issue policies is heating up. Silence will get you steam-rolled.More
Defending parents and children against radical school gender issue policies is heating up.
Silence will get you steam-rolled.

California State Official Escorted Out Of Heated School Board Meeting On Gender Policy

California’s superintendent of public instruction was escorted out of a heated school board meeting on Thursday …
The Left continually seeks to tear down society so that they can replace it society in their own image.
Church Militant resides within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Washington.

Detroit archdiocese responds to derogatory attacks on Washington archbishop

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron and the Archdiocese of Detroit in a June 11 statement condemned “racist and …
According to Dr. King, nonviolent resistance “… does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding.”

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) On May 25, 2020, George Floyd would become the victim of a horrifying homicide that has …
Back in the late 1960s Dr. King gave a speech at St. Joseph's Catholic HS in Kenosha, WI.
@Ludovic Denim The Good Samaritan wasn't Jewish, yet Christ recognized the good. Check yourself.
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What is opaque is crystal clear.

Cardinal George Pell Vindicated but Who Will Rescue the New York Times?

Australia’s High Court unanimously dismissed all charges of “historic sexual abuse” against Cardinal George Pell and yet the …
The media is famous for pushing its own narrative even after the facts prove otherwise in court. George Zimmerman and Richard Jewell had their lives …More
The media is famous for pushing its own narrative even after the facts prove otherwise in court. George Zimmerman and Richard Jewell had their lives destroyed through this sort of biased vindictive "reporting".
Rescue the New York Times? Let it hoist by its own petard. (Shakespeare) Why does anyone read this biased rag?
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