
New Research Finds Huge Differences Between Male and Female Brains

New Research Finds Huge Differences Between Male and Female Brains A new study shows huge differences, with no overlap between women …
Common sense, of course they're different because they were designed for a different purpose.
Liam Ronan
Interesting piece.
In besagter Schule hat die eigene Lehrerin ihren 9-jährigen Kindern einen Sexfilm als Aufklärungsmaßnahme gezeigt. Die "heißen" Szenen wurden von ihr immer wieder vor-und zurück gespult, damit die …Mehr
In besagter Schule hat die eigene Lehrerin ihren 9-jährigen Kindern einen Sexfilm als Aufklärungsmaßnahme gezeigt. Die "heißen" Szenen wurden von ihr immer wieder vor-und zurück gespult, damit die Kids es ja gut sehen und "lernen" können. Damit nicht genug: beim "praktischen" Unterricht gab es dann auch Kondome zum Anfassen in allen möglichen Geschmacksrichtungen, damit es besser schmeckt, wenn man den Penis in den Mund nimmt. Was dies bei den Volksschülern ausgelöst hat, kann man sich vorstellen: Kinder als auch Eltern sind empört, verstört und teilweise auch schwer traumatisiert.

"Als fünffacher Vater mit kleinen Kindern ist das für mich mehr als ärgerlich und nicht akzeptabel"

Suchen Sie im Archiv in über 70000 Artikeln: Wien ( Christdemokratie/…

Trauer um Ordensgründer Salerno in Peru und Österreich

Hauptmenü anzeigen Here you can assess and customize the services that we'd like to use on this website. You're in charge! Enable or disable services …
Is the Sacrament of Holy Orders valid when conferred on a deacon or priest by a bishop involved at any time in homosexual acts with the candidate for ordination?

A new—and potentially explosive—dubium

A new—and potentially explosive— And similarly: Is the Episcopal Consecration valid in a case where any one of the three bishops taking part in the consecration …
John A Cassani
Lawler is correct in saying that such ordinations would almost certainly be considered valid, but that it is a very important question to ask.
Francis has once again appealed to Catholic priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no longer than eight minutes or “people will fall asleep.”

Pope Francis: Keep your homilies short or ‘people will fall asleep’

Pope Francis has once again appealed to Catholic priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no …

Hilary Cass Says U.S. Doctors Are ‘Out of Date’ on Youth Gender Medicine

Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT After 30 years as one of England’s top pediatricians, Dr. Hilary Cass was hoping to begin her …
University of Mary Student to Graduate With Toddler, Supported by Campus Program for Moms Chihoski hopes to walk across the stage with Lucia, who will be wearing a toddler-sized cap and gown on graduation day.Mehr
University of Mary Student to Graduate With Toddler, Supported by Campus Program for Moms
Chihoski hopes to walk across the stage with Lucia, who will be wearing a toddler-sized cap and gown on graduation day.

University of Mary Student to Graduate With Toddler, Supported by Campus Program for Moms

University of Mary Student to Graduate With Toddler, Supported by Campus Program for Moms Chihoski hopes to walk …
Cc Ss
Outlawing abortion without setting up an adoption program will further destroy the family and reward promiscuity.
At three months' postpartum, some women had a 'biological age' that had decreased as much as eight years.

Researchers discover 'pronounced reversal of biological aging' after women give birth - LifeSite

Mon Apr 15, 2024 - 6:00 am EDTMon Apr 15, 2024 - 11:05 am EDT (LifeSiteNews) — Researchers have replicated …
Either go crazy or turn holy. The older we get the more we realise how true that is, how eventually that’s the choice forced on all of us, both by the way we are built and the limitations inherent in …Mehr
Either go crazy or turn holy. The older we get the more we realise how true that is, how eventually that’s the choice forced on all of us, both by the way we are built and the limitations inherent in life itself. Why?

Go crazy or turn holy

In a poem Serenade, Brazilian poet Adelia Prado speaks of a painful ache we feel inside us as we forever wait for something or someone to come and make us whole. What are we waiting …
Crocker III: Our new heathenism is an ignorant way, an ugly way, a stupid way, and a way with unhappy consequences for this generation and the next.

Living Among the Heathens - The Catholic Thing

In 1960, Evelyn Waugh confessed to a BBC interviewer that he was much more at ease with his fellow Catholics than he was “with heathens or protestants. …
"The problems with sexual perversion, of course, go all the way up to the Vatican itself, and we can be sure that the headlines only scratch the surface...."

Let’s Call Out Dirty Old Men Again

One cannot speak against the acts that used to be called deviant and perverse because those very acts are being mainstreamed and normalized by all the powers that be.…
Der Fall zweier inhaftierter Mitglieder der früheren PiS-Regierung sorgt für Kontroversen – nun schaltet sich der Vorsitzende der Bischofskonferenz ein.

Erzbischof Gądecki bietet inhaftierten PiS-Politikern Vermittlung an

Der Vorsitzende der Polnischen Bischofskonferenz, Erzbischof Stanisław Gądecki, hat den beiden inhaftierten Politikern der frühren …
Es hatte tatsächlich jemand mit seinem Familiennamen kandidiert, ein Verwandter mit anderem Vornamen. Offenbar aber wurde bei der Erstellung des Ernennungsdekrets von den zuständigen Mitarbeitern der …Mehr
Es hatte tatsächlich jemand mit seinem Familiennamen kandidiert, ein Verwandter mit anderem Vornamen. Offenbar aber wurde bei der Erstellung des Ernennungsdekrets von den zuständigen Mitarbeitern der Erzdiözese Wien die Autovervollständigung genutzt. Sie tippten „Henckel-Donnersmarck“ ein und flugs stand der Vorname des Altabts dabei und fiel keinem auf. Der Irrtum wurde aufgeklärt und der richtige Mann Pfarrgemeinderat.

Kuriose Geschichte: Altabt Henckel-Donnersmarck

Eine humorvolle Verwechslungsgeschichte von Altabt Gregor Henckel-Donnersmarck. Wie eine simple Autovervollständigung zu einer überraschenden Wendung …

Fr. Murray condemns Fiducia Supplicans: ‘Pope Francis has not upheld the Catholic faith’ - LifeSite

‘Catholic bishops and faithful of the world have to tell the Holy See, 'We do not believe that immorality …
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He should have been a bishop, or even a Cardinal.
Fr. Murray, an erudite cannon lawyer, is correct. Blessing the couple, but not blessing the union and at the same time upholding traditional teaching …Mehr
Fr. Murray, an erudite cannon lawyer, is correct. Blessing the couple, but not blessing the union and at the same time upholding traditional teaching on marriage, amounts to "double talk." They are not fooling Catholics well formed in the Faith.
Wahrheit muss weg

Demokratische Politiker wollen Inhalte von Lebensschützern von sozialen Medien verbannen

vor 6 Stunden in Prolife, keine Lesermeinung Druckansicht | Artikel versenden | Tippfehler melden Die großen …
'The majority of women who had an elective abortion in Pennsylvania did so at a facility that failed at least one state health inspection conducted this year,' the Pennsylvania Family Institute reported.

Half of PA Abortion Facilities Failed a Health Inspection in 2023 - PA Family

Where are the fines or penalties – and complaint forms – on abortion facilities with all of these repeated and significant …
chris griffin
Evil cannot be practiced ethically.
Everyday for Life Canada
When a nation intentionally kills the unborn, are we then surprised by all the other evils that follow? Just connect the deadly dots that degrade and …Mehr
When a nation intentionally kills the unborn, are we then surprised by all the other evils that follow? Just connect the deadly dots that degrade and devalue human life. Choose life.
The case defines the struggle for parental rights in Canada.

Transgender custody battle over toddler is so bizarre that an MP's office called the story 'false' -…

Thu Dec 7, 2023 - 5:30 pm ESTFri Dec 8, 2023 - 1:22 pm EST Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators …
The evidence debunking transgender activists’ claims keeps growing, and at some point, the transgender medical complex is going to implode.

Another study exposes the transgender medical complex for the horror show it is - LifeSite

Wed Dec 6, 2023 - 4:28 pm ESTWed Dec 6, 2023 - 6:13 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) — Last November, the Trudeau government …
Nicola D.B. teilt das
Le prove che smentiscono le affermazioni degli attivisti transgender continuano a crescere e, a un certo punto, il complesso medico transgender imploderà.
Die Gewalt-Fraktion mal wieder

Linksradikale beschmieren Briefkasten von 1000plus

Linksradikale schmierten die Parole „Abtreibung ist okay“ auf die Briefkästen von 1000plus in Heidelberg. Ist Abtreibung okay? Wie könnte es das nicht …
Herr Konrad
Bereut eure Sünden, und ich werde euch vergeben.
Bethlehem 2014
@Pretorius Im Fegefeuer oder im Himmel allerdings auch!
13 weitere Kommentare
"Just as the Church guards the integrity of marriage and family to maintain the link to the creation of our first parents, the Church carefully guards and regulates the laying on of the hands in ordination …Mehr
"Just as the Church guards the integrity of marriage and family to maintain the link to the creation of our first parents, the Church carefully guards and regulates the laying on of the hands in ordination to safeguard the continuity of the Church and her Sacraments. Just as the marital embrace is necessary for the expansion of families and the growth of populations, the laying on of the hands is the tangible Apostolic lifeline of grace that protects the integrity of the Church’s Sacraments."

Tangible Lifelines to God’s Strategic Plan for Our Salvation

The Church is not a religious denomination. The Church is the sacramental vessel of the Holy Spirit and the universal Way of Life. God chooses …