
A Friend of Francis: Abolish Celibacy To Prevent Priests form Leading "Double Lives"

Maybe he's on to something. We can eliminate all crime if we just eliminate all staturory law.

Just as a man cannot become a woman, neither can a heretic become a pope

A man who denies immutable truth, as Francis has, is an atheist, since truth is exclusively the reflection of the mind of God.

Viganò Rejects Raked Up Ratzinger Quote About Vatican II

Truth, because it is the reflection of the mind of God, is eternal and immutable. To believe otherwise is to be an atheist no matter if one deludes himself he believes in God.

Pius X Goes Home

You're greatful for his anti-Catholic bigotry?

Bitter Irish Arbishop Attacks Catholics For "Narrowness" And "Bitterness"

Archbishop Martin, why are you so intolerant, disrespectful, and bigoted towards the Catholic religion?

US Army Priest Committed Suicide

I don't have faith in "media report." Anyone can have an accident from disorientation from a variety of reasons that might look intentional to an observer. Nonetheless, Fr. Hirten was one of the best human beings I ever met in life, a rare good priest.

A True Problem – But Cardinal Answers with Ready-Made Slogans

Two questions Cardinal Numbskull. Why should we "accompany" mass murderers? And why is being merciless towards the victims of sin merciful?

Francis Insults Bats – Criticism

The value or the hazards of bats notwithstanding, Francis never demonstrates any human wisdom whatsoever. When has he ever made a single public statement that reflects an understanding of the Catholic faith? One of his early favorite insults was to call Catholic who are Catholic Pelagian, which he doesn't do as much anymore. Maybe someone pulled him aside and explained what the word actually means …More
The value or the hazards of bats notwithstanding, Francis never demonstrates any human wisdom whatsoever. When has he ever made a single public statement that reflects an understanding of the Catholic faith? One of his early favorite insults was to call Catholic who are Catholic Pelagian, which he doesn't do as much anymore. Maybe someone pulled him aside and explained what the word actually means. Given Francis' secular utopianism and denial of the imperfectibility of the human condition, he is the personification of a Pelagian. So, the ignoramus has had to adjust his insult vocabulary. But he has plenty more to choose from. It doesn't seem likely he'll ever humbly undertake a study of the Catholic religion. He prefers to "live in darkness."

Kräutler: Pachamama Can Be Integrated Into "Catholic Liturgy"

And the idiot bishop, an anti-Catholic bigot, should be excommunicated.

Symbolic: This Year’s Vatican Nativity Scene Will Be Of Sand

Well when Francis got pelted with bird droppings when he visited last year's, maybe he got heaven's message to whatever degree his thick skull can receive it.

EWTN Live - 2018-01-03 - James Hitchcock, Ph.d

Sadly, when we listen to these accurate descriptions of contemporary liberal culture, it sounds a great deal like our current pontificate.

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Hoax

There are four mindsets here. The charges are exaggerated, which is true. Outrage towards those who are guilty, are insufficient, also true. There is a lot of sanctimony among those who take one position or the other to extremes. Very true.

Gloria.TV News on the 15th of February 2017

Believing that Pope Francis is humble is like describing Hillary Clinton as honest!