A Friend of Francis: Abolish Celibacy To Prevent Priests form Leading "Double Lives"

Abolishing celibacy could be a means of preventing clerics from leading dangerous double lives [and allowing them to have extramarital affairs (double lives), divorce and live in adultery], Archbishop …More
Abolishing celibacy could be a means of preventing clerics from leading dangerous double lives [and allowing them to have extramarital affairs (double lives), divorce and live in adultery], Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta told NcrOnline.org (30 January).
Scicluna is undersecretary of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith - which, under Tucho, no longer promotes marriage but unnatural sins.
"One of my worries is that people are being put in a situation where they feel comfortable with a double life," Scicluna said, but he seems not to recognise that the cause of the "double life" is not celibacy.
Scicluna doesn't want to diminish "the beauty of celibacy or the heroic commitment of people who have accepted celibacy as a gift and live it, BUT I think it is good that we discuss [= abolish] it".
With such arguments, also marriage and every form of consecrated life must be "abolished", first the Jesuits.
Picture: Charles Scicluna © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPtafkajjchMore
Ann Smith
They've been wanting this for a long time.
John A Cassani
Oh right, because married men never lead double lives. This little guy used to be fairly well respected, but that was obviously misplaced. That is one of the worst rationales that one could offer for getting rid of the requirement of celibacy.
Maybe he's on to something. We can eliminate all crime if we just eliminate all staturory law.
John A Cassani
@bveritas He is an eminent Canon lawyer.
Scicluna is just another pofter wanting the famous red hat from Pope Fascist.
English Catholic
As I have said before: The Anglican communion has married priests, and women priests and openly 'gay' priests, but it is imploding even more quickly than the Catholic Church currently is. QED.
Wilma Lopez
"Both for the private good of husband, wife and children, as likewise for the public good of human society, they indeed deserve well who strenuously defend the inviolable stability of matrimony." Casti Connubii Pius XI
Cornelio Nino Morales
The kind of man who doesn’t take his celibacy vows seriously is the same kind of man who wouldn’t take his marriage vows seriously.
His priesthood should be abolished.
…immediately and completely.
la verdad prevalece
What they really want are "married" gay "priests". Church of England blesses same-sex couples for first time | The Independent
la verdad prevalece
This was the apostate who went by order of Bergoglio to cover up the Pedophilia scandal in Chile.
El Cómplice de pedofilia Juan Barros ha renunciado tres veces sin que Bergoglio haya aceptado (nazareusrex.blogspot.com)
Scicluna couldn't investigate a rats nest under his homo bed.
This is as dumb as those people who say: legalize, drugs, prostitution, abortion, etc. so that the "PROBLEM" is eliminated by throwing in the towel and letting people do wrong-doing without hindrance!
Never mind having them avoid leading
double lives by actually being virtuous🤦‍♀️
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The only virtuous priests I ever met are in the SSPX or ICRSP Orders. Lots of parishes, and unfortunatly alot of our soon to be closed Archdiocesean seminary were infiltrated with rampant homosexuality. As is the NAC (North American College, in Rome).
Getting rid of celibacy isn't the answer. QUeer priest will just join with others of the same kind and consider themselves "married"
Yes, the solution isn't to relax celibacy, it's to insist on virtue which we can expect from the true priest of God.
I'm SURE there are priests of good will in both the novus ordo and sedes as well.More
Yes, the solution isn't to relax celibacy, it's to insist on virtue which we can expect from the true priest of God.

I'm SURE there are priests of good will in both the novus ordo and sedes as well.