
US Army Priest Committed Suicide

Father Timothy Hirten, 66, of the US Military Archdiocese committed suicide on August 15. According to media reports, he was hit by a train. Military Archbishop Timothy Broglio said in a message that …More
Father Timothy Hirten, 66, of the US Military Archdiocese committed suicide on August 15. According to media reports, he was hit by a train.
Military Archbishop Timothy Broglio said in a message that Hirten, a usually exuberant and gregarious person, was suffering from depression and was isolated from his duties at Shepherd Air Force Base, Texas, due to coronavirus restrictions.
Before becoming a priest, Hirten was a professional basketball player in Europe, the Philippines and the US. He was also a remarkable Irish step dancer (video).
Hirten studied at the Angelicum while living at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He was ordained in October 1993 for Brooklyn Diocese.
“I have been a happy priest and am grateful for the gift of the priesthood and the ability to see people benefit from the graces of the sacraments,” he said once.
Here's other footage - was at times a Theological Consultant for the WABC Network in New York and had been a professional basketball player. Father Hirten attended Franciscan University of Steubanville, and had something to do with the Knights of Columbus.
R.I.P Father - God Bless you.
Here's other footage - was at times a Theological Consultant for the WABC Network in New York and had been a professional basketball player. Father Hirten attended Franciscan University of Steubanville, and had something to do with the Knights of Columbus.

R.I.P Father - God Bless you.

I don't have faith in "media report." Anyone can have an accident from disorientation from a variety of reasons that might look intentional to an observer. Nonetheless, Fr. Hirten was one of the best human beings I ever met in life, a rare good priest.
@bveritas To be quite honest. The Police who said he committed suicide should have found out who he was before they came to a decision.. To them, he was possibly just a person found dead - they should have reserved their judgement until they had discovered something about him - such an enquiry should take a month or two at least. What is wrong with the Authorities today?
Why didn't they ask his …More
@bveritas To be quite honest. The Police who said he committed suicide should have found out who he was before they came to a decision.. To them, he was possibly just a person found dead - they should have reserved their judgement until they had discovered something about him - such an enquiry should take a month or two at least. What is wrong with the Authorities today?

Why didn't they ask his family and friends who he was before coming to their conclusions?. How very sad. I don't think he would have killed himself deliberately. Perhaps he tripped and hit his head, perhaps he had a stroke? . He was a much loved Priest - and He had the shyness and virtue of God in his eyes. I don't think he killed himself - no vanity in him,children clearly loved him, so why would he die? Christ's love, compassion, friendship and the Holy Ghost are evident in that type of Priest. More should be done to find out what happened. Instead of treating him as just another apparent statistic. God Bless