Ivan Tomas

9 July: St. Veronica Giuliani - amazing saint - MOVIE

Today is the Feast of a saint about whom, when Padre Pio learned of her and her writings, said, “Someone who understands me.” This is in Italian …

Abominatio desolationis – der Greuel der Verwüstung und die Diözese Linz

Von Wolfram Schrems* Am 1. Juli wurde die blasphemische Statue enthauptet und ein Bekennerschreiben tauchte auf. Bischofsvikar …
Mir vsjem
Das "Leidtun" akzeptieren wir Katholiken überhaupt nicht, weil es unwahr ist. Denn immer noch ist der Gräuel vorhanden und soll noch acht Tage bleiben …More
Das "Leidtun" akzeptieren wir Katholiken überhaupt nicht, weil es unwahr ist. Denn immer noch ist der Gräuel vorhanden und soll noch acht Tage bleiben. Dass es um die Ehre Gottes geht und um Seine hochheilige Mutter ist diesen "Bischöfen" einerlei. Es geht um eine Gotteslästerung, einen schauerlichen Skandal, um die Entehrung der Allerheiligsten Gottesmutter. Das ist für uns Katholiken die daraus erklärende INTENTION! Ein Hinweis auf "Dogmenleugnung" ist nutzlos, glauben die Herren doch nicht mehr an Dogmen. Der Begriff "DOGMA" hat die Konzilssekte ausgerottet.
Was heißt: „Auch diesen Weg ist Maria gegangen“? Will Dr. Hintermaier damit sagen, daß Maria in Sorge war, daß sie selbst oder Jesus die Geburt nicht überleben könnte?
Hier ist jedes übernatürliche Leben ausgelöscht, und so definieren sie auch nicht die hochheilige Geburt als übernatürlich.
"Im Jahr 2015 weihte Diözesanbischof Ludwig Schwarz einen Angehörigen der Petrusbruderschaft im überlieferten Ritus im Dom zum Priester..." …More
Mir vsjem
Sehr passend, auf Fatima hinzuweisen, wo das Motiv für die Zahl "Fünf" für die fünf Herz-Mariae-Samstage erläutert wird.
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Dr. Marshall, for many of us (myself included), your podcasts have been a source of enlightenment, entertainment, and—quite frankly—hope, during this very dark …
Maria delos Angeles
Who do you suppose it is? Who penned the letter, and why the anon?
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In Defense of Archbishop Viganó

Last week, Archbishop Viganó wrote this on his site: “The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial …

Extreme racial supremacy pushed as mysticism by influential religious denomination - LifeSite

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and stiffen your neck no more. Because the Lord your God he …
"Jews have a superior soul", that's not racism but psychism. Interestingly, this heretical sect of Judaism is against Zionism and the modern state. They …More
"Jews have a superior soul", that's not racism but psychism. Interestingly, this heretical sect of Judaism is against Zionism and the modern state. They want to see a return of the monarchy as was in the days of David and Solomon but they reject the Israeli government b/c it allow Arab Muslims and Christians to be Israeli citizens. 2 million Palestinian-Arabs are Israelis, which exposes the lie of Palestinian genocide.
If any single book can claim to be the quintessential Christian classic it must be St. Augustine’s Confessions.

Saint Augustine's "Confessions": An Introduction ~ The Imaginative Conservative

Augustine is accessible and applicable because he is one of us. He suffers from the same temptations and succumbs to those …
If Cardinal Burke does not act, he endangers his soul —Bishop Gracida -- Si Burke no actúa pone en peligro su alma —Ob Gracida - ReligiónLaVozLibre

If Cardinal Burke does not act, he endangers his soul —Bishop Gracida -- Si Burke no actúa pone en …

William Binney Binney at the Congress on Privacy & Surveillance (2013) of the École polytechnique …
Push for One World Government: Why You Should Be Losing Sleep Over the New Pandemic Treaty In essence a wish-list of everything the globalists have been working for decades to attain, the pandemic treaty …More
Push for One World Government: Why You Should Be Losing Sleep Over the New Pandemic Treaty In essence a wish-list of everything the globalists have been working for decades to attain, the pandemic treaty grants the WHO vast powers to take total control during any type of 'health emergency.' Truly horrific, it must be stopped. Here are three things you can do to help.

Push for One World Government: Why You Should Be Losing Sleep Over the New Pandemic Treaty In essence …

Push for One World Government: Why You Should Be Losing Sleep Over the New Pandemic Treaty In essence …
Father Donald Kloster, of the US Diocese of Bridgeport, has published a very courageous letter in favour of the Traditional Latin Mass, demanding that the Bishops take action to promote it as the only …More
Father Donald Kloster, of the US Diocese of Bridgeport, has published a very courageous letter in favour of the Traditional Latin Mass, demanding that the Bishops take action to promote it as the only cure to the present illness of the Church.

Feature, Not Bug

Feature, Not Bug Father Donald Kloster, of the US Diocese of Bridgeport, has published a very courageous letter in favour of the Traditional Latin Mass, demanding that the Bishops take …
Jao meni ako ne propovijedam Evanđelje!More
Jao meni ako ne propovijedam Evanđelje!

Ivan Zlatousti: Jao meni ako ne propovijedam Evanđelje!

U ovom našem vremenu u kojemu Crkvu potresaju krize i progoni (doista, diljem svijeta se danas kršćane progoni, a u ovećem broju zemalja čak i …
MAJOR STATEMENT: The Crimes and Heresies of Pope Francis, Their Causes and Effects, and the Action to Be Taken

MAJOR STATEMENT: The Crimes and Heresies of Pope Francis, Their Causes and Effects, and the Action to …

May 2, 2024 here) The actions listed below are crimes because they violate either canon law, the law …
Denis Efimov
From this document: "The Catholic Church has always held that popes can be heretics, and that a pope who commits the public crime of heresy loses the …More
From this document:
"The Catholic Church has always held that popes can be heretics, and that a pope who commits the public crime of heresy loses the papal office thereby. This belief is based on the teachings of the Scriptures, which assert that the heretic separates himself from the Church by committing the sin of heresy.
Theologians and canonists have disagreed on the details of how a heretical pope falls from office".
Well, based on what was said in the first paragraph, the authors of the document, if I understood them correctly, still reached a consensus that Francis, being a public and notorious heretic, fell away from the Church according to Divine Law. The only difficulty (noted in the second paragraph) is the question of how to remove a heretic (who has already fallen away from the Church) from the position he occupies. It seems to me that despite the difficulty noted, consensus on the first point is important.
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St. Catherine of Siena: A laywoman called by God to rebuke an antipope who was invalidly “elected” while the throne was already occupied.

St. Catherine of Siena: A laywoman called by God to rebuke an antipope who was invalidly “elected” …

Happy Feast! (April 29th in the Novus Ordo, April 30th in the Traditional calendar) Excerpt reblogged …
“Yeshua Ha’Nazarei W’Melech Ha’Yehudim” The code in Hebrew above the Cross The first letters of each of these four words spell YHWH, the name of God.More
“Yeshua Ha’Nazarei W’Melech Ha’Yehudim”
The code in Hebrew above the Cross
The first letters of each of these four words spell YHWH, the name of God.

The Name of God Written Over the Cross

The Crucifixion Of Jesus John 19:19 reads as follows: “Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the Cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE …
NO to the WHO Pandemic Treaty – it threatens the very basic freedom of all humanity!

NEIN zum WHO-Pandemievertrag – er bedroht die Freiheit der gesamten Menschheit!

Der vorgeschlagene WHO-Pandemievertrag ist die „größte Bedrohung für die Freiheit, die nationale Souveränität und die …
Everyday for Life Canada
Get rid of the WHO. The world will be a much better place.
European Farmers United in Fight Against Prohibitive ‘Green’ Regulations, Cheap Imports Countrie that have now joined the farmers protest: Netherlands 🇳🇱 Scotland 🏴 France 🇫🇷 Germany 🇩🇪 Poland 🇵🇱More
European Farmers United in Fight Against Prohibitive ‘Green’ Regulations, Cheap Imports
Countrie that have now joined the farmers protest:
Netherlands 🇳🇱
Scotland 🏴
France 🇫🇷
Germany 🇩🇪
Poland 🇵🇱
Lithuania 🇱🇹 Romania 🇷🇴 Belgium 🇧🇪 Greece 🇬🇷 Spain 🇪🇸 Italy 🇮🇹 Portugal 🇵🇹 Ireland 🇮🇪 Bulgaria 🇧🇬 Britain 🇬🇧 Wales 🚜 Moldova 🇲🇩

European Farmers United in Fight Against Prohibitive ‘Green’ Regulations, Cheap Imports

The rise of farmer protests in Poland has further heightened the country’s existing political tensions. The liberal …
Tucker, Putin and Fatima Why an American Episcopalian interviewing a Russian Orthodox leader matters to the Catholic Church.More
Tucker, Putin and Fatima
Why an American Episcopalian interviewing a Russian Orthodox leader matters to the Catholic Church.

Tucker, Putin and Fatima

Why an American Episcopalian interviewing a Russian Orthodox leader matters to the Catholic Church. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts…
Enormous historical ignorance. Russian schismatic church had nothing to do with Vatican II??? On the contrary - cf. the scandalous so-called agreement …More
Enormous historical ignorance.
Russian schismatic church had nothing to do with Vatican II???
On the contrary - cf. the scandalous so-called agreement of Metz.
It was also active in the masonic World Council of Churches - Russian member of the WCC central committee became later in 1990 the "patriarch of Moscow" known as Alexei II. And so on.
Russia has spread her error - as it was predicted in Fatima but useful idiots want to treat her as a kind of savior from the Western decadence closing eyes to the errors of Russia, including but not limited to tzaropapism, immorality - cf. e.g. the abortion problem in Russia. Just another version of known false alternative: americanism - Soviet communism that produced Vatican II and its disastrous fruits.
BTW, when the war in Ukraine broke out another display of errors of Russia & Vatican II appeared in Poland in 2022 as Polish post-conciliar bishops issued a heretical instruction pointing out that children of "Orthodox" parents who escaped to Poland …More
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The abbot of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was attacked by radical Jews on Saturday.

Warum greifen radikale Juden Christen an?

(Jerusalem) Am Samstag wurde Abt Nikodemus Schnabel von der Dormitio-Abtei von Jerusalem Opfer einer Spukattacke radikaler Juden. Der Benediktiner ist im …
Bruceph Mildur
It's perhaps the cleanest, quietest, most Logos filled place in town. It's got to GO!
Sean Johnson
Sorry, but this is antisemitism. Jew are our elder brothers and they love us and want us to spread the Gospel. Ha-ha-ha.
If this is all what they know, if this is all what they can, if this is all what they dare? Then let me know when you've some really "breaking" news about, let's say, calling the bishops and cardinals …More
If this is all what they know, if this is all what they can, if this is all what they dare?
Then let me know when you've some really "breaking" news about, let's say, calling the bishops and cardinals to take some measures about "Franciscia Apostaticans".

BREAKING: Priests, scholars ask Church leaders to request the Pope withdraw Fiducia Supplicans - …

Fri Feb 2, 2024 - 8:00 am ESTFri Feb 2, 2024 - 8:19 am EST (LifeSiteNews) — Today, the feast of …
But @Louis IX many would say Francis is NOT Pope, but who is? Does it matter if there isn't one? That's the rub were in!
Louis IX
Slave, so if a pope tells you that the Virgin Mary was not born holy, that the three Persons of the Triune Godhead have disagreements amongst each other …More
Slave, so if a pope tells you that the Virgin Mary was not born holy, that the three Persons of the Triune Godhead have disagreements amongst each other, that God positively wills all religions (even false ones), and on and on and one, you just nod your head and say “ I submit”? If that is the case you should ask if you worship the papacy or God.
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Fiducia Supplicans and Diabolical Logic

Fiducia Supplicans and Diabolical Logic

We have already written about the diabolical logic (or sophism).[1] We explained how the modernists do not use logic, but sophism (cunning fabrication) and based …
Ivan Tomas
Amen! An Imperfect Council! Now!More
An Imperfect Council!

Archbishop Viganò: ‘False prophet’ Bergoglio is guilty of ‘all-out apostasy' - LifeSite

'We have all sorts of hair-splitting about the distinctions between formal and material heresy, none of which do …
Denis Efimov
Indeed, Francis' problem, unlike Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, is not simply heresy and apostasy, but its totality. And of course, he can well …More
Indeed, Francis' problem, unlike Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, is not simply heresy and apostasy, but its totality. And of course, he can well be identified as a biblical false prophet, and not in a figurative or symbolic sense, but in a very literal and real sense. There is no doubt about his de facto pro-Masonic character and his truly animal hatred of everything Catholic.
Archbishop Vigano is also absolutely right in one more thing, which he spoke about elsewhere: no “reform of reform” is possible, nothing can be corrected if we act in the field of the Second Vatican Council, which is a revolution carried out by the enemies of the Church who participated in the council and honestly admitted this.
This Council is the founding Council of a completely new, "Conciliar Church" (as Paul VI himself called it). We cannot correct anything in this Conciliar Church, and we should not do this, for the simple reason that this is another religious organization, not the Catholic Church. …More