
Archbishop Viganò Gives Message Calling out Ennemies of the Church with transcription

Worthy successor to Saint Peter and God willing - our next Pope.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

@la verdad prevalece Indeed - even more so, given that since Vatican II evangelisation has virtually disappeared; contrary to Our Blessed Lords instruction to His Apostles and their successors.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

@la verdad prevalece The need to 'disarm' that you mention can only relate to Divine Intervention which is worse than anything man can bring upon himself. It also means that time is about to run out and of the absolute necessity for sacramental confession by Catholics and the leading of good lives by all others.
Prepare for the worst.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

The Cardinal had no alternative since Francis appointed him to the Episcopacy. For him to declare otherwise would effectively mean his own election to be also invalid.
What a mess!
Pray for the return of The Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel to come soon.

New Research Finds Huge Differences Between Male and Female Brains

Common sense, of course they're different because they were designed for a different purpose.

"Nunca volvería a ponerme otra vacuna en el cuerpo"... Jessica Sutta, víctima de la "vacuna" COVID,…

A sad case and reminder for others to do their homework before accepting treatment for questionable medical conditions.

A beautiful Carmelite Nun in France is worshipping God & praying for you right now

Search online for video downloader software compatible with your operating system. Install the program and download the video to your computer (file size is 1.0MB).

George Orwell - 1984 (English]

Thank you.

Is John XXIV Already Under Way?

Even better; Pope Peter II.

Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Viganò

NOTE to MODERATOR. Please remove all vindictive and judgemental comments.

Fr Jim Blount: How America Will Be Saved! Prophetic Vision of Virgin Mary To US President

@Maria delos Angeles./@Naomi Arai
Quote: "The Great Deceiver will provoke the apostasy of many before Christ’s definitive victory. Which is to say: “underhandedly, he will please everyone, he won’t accept offices or positions, he will not show favoritism to people, he will be amiable to everyone, calm in all things, he will refuse gifts, will appear affable to his fellow man, and thus, everyone …More
@Maria delos Angeles./@Naomi Arai
Quote: "The Great Deceiver will provoke the apostasy of many before Christ’s definitive victory. Which is to say: “underhandedly, he will please everyone, he won’t accept offices or positions, he will not show favoritism to people, he will be amiable to everyone, calm in all things, he will refuse gifts, will appear affable to his fellow man, and thus, everyone will praise him exclaiming: “Behold a just man!” This excerpt, from St. Ephraem’s Latin, has a disquieting prospect: the Antichrist in the deceitful guise of “a man of dialogue”; a peaceful, restrained, honest “humanist”?
The Antichrist will arise from a society similar to the modern West, where: “men are poor devils who know everything and believe in nothing”; a society where “the most important and newest things are secularized: beauty has become good taste, the Church is a pacifistic organization and in the place of the distinction between good and evil, what is useful and harmful.” In such a culture, the underhanded, “dialoguing” Antichrist will have you believe that salvation depends on social certainties and development. Most of all, the Antichrist will not be a materialist at all, neither an enemy of religion: rather “he will provide for all needs, including those spiritual.” He will satisfy man’s yearning for transcendence by talking about spirituality, by proposing a “religion of humanity” where everyone is in agreement with everything and where any divergence is banished, and, above all, any dogma is seen as a radical evil practically unnoticed, appearing decidedly improbable. Yet, is it not perhaps the case to reflect on it today when what’s threatening us, in the religious sphere, is certainly no longer intolerance, but if anything, its opposite: the “tolerance” that is transformed into indifference, by refusing to consider the various faiths as something more than one unique way (differentiated only by historical and geographical factors) of venerating the same, identical God? Where the “enemy”is no longer old, honest materialism, but perhaps, an insidious “humanitarian” spiritualism? End Quote.
[From the book Pensare la storia,(Thinking History) San Paolo, Milan 1992, p. 517-519]
Primary Source: (condensed) Vittori Messori/Carl Schmitt. 2016.

New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

As the crisis intensifies its more important than ever 'We get right with God' in preparation for what's soon to come. Divine Intervention is far worse than anything man could ever bring upon himself.

¿Que diluvia y está cayendo granizo en Madrid? Nos da igual

A courageous example for others to follow and the only solution to the present crisis.

Praying for everyone struggling with same-sex attractions

Amend your lives and pray the Rosary every day.

Three Characteristics of the Diabolical, And How they Are Manifest in the Modern World - Community in …

@Tom Jones. Good post - essential reading and highly relevant in today's world. Thank you for making it available.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

OFF-TOPIC and unrelated to the subject matter. I have no interest in pussy cats nor am I a Sedevacantist as you claim.
Pax Vobiscum.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

@Carol H stop being childish. Disagree as you will, until the cows come home - beyond that, personal insults are a no-go area or expect to be blocked.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

There is a very good reason for blocking anyone: it's known as 'Offensive Behaviour' GET MY DRIFT?