
New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

As the crisis intensifies its more important than ever 'We get right with God' in preparation for what's soon to come. Divine Intervention is far worse than anything man could ever bring upon himself.

¿Que diluvia y está cayendo granizo en Madrid? Nos da igual

A courageous example for others to follow and the only solution to the present crisis.

Praying for everyone struggling with same-sex attractions

Amend your lives and pray the Rosary every day.

Three Characteristics of the Diabolical, And How they Are Manifest in the Modern World - Community in …

@Tom Jones. Good post - essential reading and highly relevant in today's world. Thank you for making it available.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

OFF-TOPIC and unrelated to the subject matter. I have no interest in pussy cats nor am I a Sedevacantist as you claim.
Pax Vobiscum.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

@Carol H stop being childish. Disagree as you will, until the cows come home - beyond that, personal insults are a no-go area or expect to be blocked.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

There is a very good reason for blocking anyone: it's known as 'Offensive Behaviour' GET MY DRIFT?

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

@CatMuse. Probably on the road to a place where he really doesn't want to go.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

@Carol H. In transition - awaiting the valid election of a successor to Benedict XVI.
A good friend expresses it another way " UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE"

Bill Gates Launches 'Maggot Milk' to Feed General Public - Slay News

In a word: INSANITY!

Archbishop Viganó charged with schism by the Vatican, will face trial

@Father Karl A Claver. Your profound comment begs the question of JUST WHO SITS ON THAT SEAT? Answer that, and every thing else immediately falls into perspective; including the trumped up charges against an innocent Archbishop - even worse, the identity of the Son of Perdition.
Divine Intervention (terrifying) pending...

Attendite a falsis prophetis

A call to arms for Catholics worldwide to support in prayer and sacrifice our beloved and courageous Archbishop. No allegation of schism is possible based upon a 'denial of legitimacy' against Francis whose supposed election to the Papacy is well and truly invalidated by the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. CASE DISMISSED.

Archbishop Viganò EXCOMMUNICATION Trial Begins

A call to arms for Catholics worldwide to support in prayer and sacrifice our beloved and courageous Archbishop. No allegation of schism is possible based upon a 'denial of legitimacy' against Francis whose supposed election to the Papacy is well and truly invalidated by the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. CASE DISMISSED.

BREAKING: Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for 'denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis …

A call to arms for Catholics worldwide to support in prayer and sacrifice our beloved and courageous Archbishop. No allegation of schism is possible based upon a 'denial of legitimacy' against Francis whose supposed election to the Papacy is well and truly invalidated by the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. CASE DISMISSED.


@English Catholic. I note again you and your supporters have an endless habit of sowing confusion; only this time you have drawn a blank. Bishops don't issue opinions, they are supposed to confirm authentic Catholic dogma consistent with that of Christ's teaching and as necessary validated by Saint Peters legitimately elected successors.
You selectively misinterpret the local ordinaries in Santander …More
@English Catholic. I note again you and your supporters have an endless habit of sowing confusion; only this time you have drawn a blank. Bishops don't issue opinions, they are supposed to confirm authentic Catholic dogma consistent with that of Christ's teaching and as necessary validated by Saint Peters legitimately elected successors.
You selectively misinterpret the local ordinaries in Santander to support your own personal opinion, while purposefully ignoring the fact the bishops, as stated by them, endorse that of their predecessors - that is: NON CONSTAT DE SUPERNATURAL meaning the supernatural aspect remains UNCERTAIN and therefore open to amendment at some future date. More here: Is Garabandal approved yet?
I do not consider Unity Publishing to be a creditable source of information.

Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

@SonoftheChurch. It was held on a weekday - probably with the deliberate intent of reducing the number of attendees. Even so, 850 is a remarkable achievement, given the circumstances.

Garabandal Film - Second Message June 18th, 1965

@English Catholic.
You are constantly repeating yourself - ad nauseam, as the sole authority on Garabandal therefore, don't you think its about time you started preparing for the Worldwide Warning?
On your second point , I do not classify our recent exchange of opinions as a 'debate'. If it was, then clearly you lost.
Have a good day.More
@English Catholic.

You are constantly repeating yourself - ad nauseam, as the sole authority on Garabandal therefore, don't you think its about time you started preparing for the Worldwide Warning?

On your second point , I do not classify our recent exchange of opinions as a 'debate'. If it was, then clearly you lost.
Have a good day.