

Latest news and testimonials from those who have visited the village including comprehensive video resources. As necessary, use machine translation to convert text/webpage to English. …More
Latest news and testimonials from those who have visited the village including comprehensive video resources.
As necessary, use machine translation to convert text/webpage to English.
2 pages
English Catholic
Under the 'old rules' of the CDF on alleged apparitions, the local Ordinary had the initial responsibility for any declaration on what occurred in his …More
Under the 'old rules' of the CDF on alleged apparitions, the local Ordinary had the initial responsibility for any declaration on what occurred in his diocese. No other local Ordinary had any authority to intervene. Bishop Venancio may have held this opinion, but he was not entitled to publish it or make declarations regarding Garabandal, which is in another diocese. He had authority for Fatima, not for Garabandal. If this opinion had been accepted by the subsequent local Ordinaries at Garabandal, why have all the official declarations up to 2022 been negative? I have written to Bp Monge's successor at Garabandal (made bishop on October 31, 2023) but have received no reply yet. Incidentally, here is an original letter of the 1996 declaration on Garabandal, sent to an enquirer in 2001. No mention of Garabandal being approved, or being an update of Fatima. OBISPADO DE SANTANDER
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THE WARNING and MIRACLE. Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino. (Click on the text to enlarge it). Pax …More
Sourced from the US Garabandal site before it ceased operation following the unexpected death of its founder; Joseph (Joey) Lomangino.
(Click on the text to enlarge it).
Pax Vobiscum.
17 pages
Fake aparition
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The Blessed Mother has promised that all the sick present at the Great Miracle will be cured. Visionary Conchita will announce the date of the promised Miracle to the world eight days ahead of timeMore
The Blessed Mother has promised that all the sick present at the Great Miracle will be cured.
Visionary Conchita will announce the date of the promised Miracle to the world eight days ahead of time


Events unfolding as expected Exposing Feminism and The New World Order; (updated regularly) except, there will not be a THIRD WORLD WAR. Divine Intervention will prevent it, (aka Garabandal). Beyond …More
Events unfolding as expected Exposing Feminism and The New World Order; (updated regularly) except, there will not be a THIRD WORLD WAR. Divine Intervention will prevent it, (aka Garabandal).
Beyond that, expect the Chastisement; ('worse than anything man could bring upon himself'). Visionary; Conchita believes that even after the Worldwide Warning and Great Miracle the people will continue to live their lives in a state of unrepentant grievous sin. Should they continue to do so here is what will happen:
"About the Chastisement: "Oh! It was horrible to see. We were absolutely terrified...I cannot find words to explain it. We saw the water in the river turning to blood...Fire was falling from heaven...And something worse still, which I cannot reveal at this time. Mari Loli continues: "At a certain time, not a single motor or machine will operate; a terrible heat wave will come down on the earth and men will start experiencing a great thirst; they will search desperately for water but …More
Live Mike
Dear John, There is little and uncertain evidence from Conchita's testimony that there "will not be a Third World War. In addition, there is evidence …More
Dear John, There is little and uncertain evidence from Conchita's testimony that there "will not be a Third World War. In addition, there is evidence and reason to suggest that Our Lady's comment was never intended to extend beyond the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Conchita González of Garabandal was asked, "WILL THERE BE WAR?" on the 17th of November 1966. Conchita answered:
"En 1962, cuando también hablaban del peligro de una guerra, yo le dije a la Virgen: "¿habrá guerra?" Ella sólo me contestó: "La guerra no la quiere Dios para sus hijos". - Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, Se fue con prisas a la Montaña, pdf p. 330
"In 1962, when they were also talking about the danger of war, I said to the Virgin: 'Will there be war?' She only answered me: "War is not what God wants for his children." - Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, She went in haste to the Mountain, p. 654
Editor's Note: The original question only mentioned the word "war." The original question NEVER mentioned "world war" or "a third …More
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PADRE PIO AND GARABANDAL Comprehensive and accurate summary of his extraordinary life; Connection to Garabandal; Testimonies and Holy Mass. (The readability of the text can be improved somewhat by …More
Comprehensive and accurate summary of his extraordinary life; Connection to Garabandal; Testimonies and Holy Mass.
(The readability of the text can be improved somewhat by enlarging it in your browser setting - or, even better, by downloading the pdf directly: go to More/Download/Save.)
18 pages
Hi John, you might want to take a look at the information on this thread: Alleged revelation about the Miracle of Garabandal
Live Mike
An article from 2019
15 more comments


Interested viewers seeking the latest updates to Bergoglio's travel arrangements are recommended to bookmark this site: Francis to meet Kirill in Moscow? Note: This is a developing event subject to …More
Interested viewers seeking the latest updates to Bergoglio's travel arrangements are recommended to bookmark this site:
Francis to meet Kirill in Moscow?
Note: This is a developing event subject to change at short notice.


1 hour of Peaceful Gregorian Chants: Dan Gibson’s Solitudes - Illumination (Full Album) Recommended throughout the day to counter the bad news and restore your peace of mind in a deeply troubled world.More
1 hour of Peaceful Gregorian Chants: Dan Gibson’s Solitudes - Illumination (Full Album)
Recommended throughout the day to counter the bad news and restore your peace of mind in a deeply troubled world.


TERRACOTTA shares this

GARABANDAL RESOURCE: Maria Schutz , Vortrag "Garabandal" mit Dr. Michael Hesemann, am 9.5.2023

Presentation by Dr Michael Hesemann in German with English sub-titles available via the cog wheel (auto translate/menu/English). The video was 'Live Streamed' in Austria on May 10, 2023 is well researched …More
Presentation by Dr Michael Hesemann in German with English sub-titles available via the cog wheel (auto translate/menu/English). The video was 'Live Streamed' in Austria on May 10, 2023 is well researched and highly recommended.
Maria Schutz , Vortrag "Garabandal" mit Dr. Michael Hesemann, am 9.5.2023


'At the time of our particular sunset -- our thing -- our accomplishment, won't matter a great deal but the clarity and care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift …More
'At the time of our particular sunset -- our thing -- our accomplishment, won't matter a great deal but the clarity and care with which we have loved others will speak with vitality of the great gift of life we have been.'
Source: The Book of Ruth.


Garabandal Worldwide Warning imminent. Prepare NOW. Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’More
Garabandal Worldwide Warning imminent. Prepare NOW.
Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’
Servant Of Divine Mercy
I believe it is about to happen, no one knows the dates of course; just BE READY with our soul and invite others to the Wedding Feast and back to God's …More
I believe it is about to happen, no one knows the dates of course; just BE READY with our soul and invite others to the Wedding Feast and back to God's Grace and Mercy before the Door of Mercy is SHUT.
One more comment


Home - Garabandal is alive Site includes presentations by Fr Rojas (Spanish), activate cog wheel for English sub-titles) and more - very informative.More
Home - Garabandal is alive
Site includes presentations by Fr Rojas (Spanish), activate cog wheel for English sub-titles) and more - very informative.
One page
@john333 Good question. I'm not a prophet but Pope John Paul II who incidentally, believed in Garabandal - (at least in the Virgins Messages), indicated …More
@john333 Good question. I'm not a prophet but Pope John Paul II who incidentally, believed in Garabandal - (at least in the Virgins Messages), indicated a full restoration of the Papacy after the "return of the Virgin". I understood his comment to mean Her appearance at the Great Miracle above the Pines in Garabandal, (a group of trees on a hill above the village where many of the ecstasies occurred), so yes I remain optimistic and see no need for despair despite the current crisis; concern yes but despair no. Remember too the Virgin told Conchita there will not be a Third World War. Meantime, while we wait, I highly recommend Sacramental Confession and the Daily Rosary for Catholics and the leading of good lives for all others.
EVENING PRAYER TO THE HOLY VIRGIN [Left click the text twice to enlarge it]. Recommended after the family Rosary or before retiring for the night. Pax LJ.More
[Left click the text twice to enlarge it].
Recommended after the family Rosary or before retiring for the night.
One page
WHAT WILL THE ANTI-CHRIST BE LIKE? In a document published in 2016, Italian Journalist Vittorio Messori comments briefly upon Robert T Bensons 1907 book 'The Lord of the World' relating the subject …More
In a document published in 2016, Italian Journalist Vittorio Messori comments briefly upon Robert T Bensons 1907 book 'The Lord of the World' relating the subject matter to the work of the noted Jurist and author Carl Schmitt who died in 1985.
2 pages
sorry, can't read the very small print

Garabandal and the Communist Tribulation to happen before the Worldwide Warning.

The late German Author Albrecht Weber's book contains this statement attributed to Conchita: "The pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in …More
The late German Author Albrecht Weber's book contains this statement attributed to Conchita: "The pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe." [The source for this information was also requested. Mr. Weber answered: "Conchita said this in a long conversation at her house on November 14,1965"].
The visionary is also reported to have made known to Padre Pio: "The Great wonder of God, [Miracle], must be paid for with much blood throughout Europe". Mr Weber was again requested to verify his source. He replied; Conchita mentioned it in the presence of his mother Eloise Deguia and himself; confirming she wrote it down word for word.
The above statements also relate to correspondence sent on behalf of Pope John Paul II to Mr Weber thanking him for promoting the Holy Virgins Messages to those most in need of them before it was too late.
The Warning is to occur when conditions in the world are 'at their worst' …More

Francis to visit Moscow soon? Undoubtedly related to the latest developments in Western Europe and the potential for expanding Military action by Russia beyond the Ukraine.More
Undoubtedly related to the latest developments in Western Europe and the potential for expanding Military action by Russia beyond the Ukraine.

Garabandal seer answers 48 questions about the Warning and Miracle including updated commentary by 'LiveJohn'.

Garabandal's Seer Conchita Answers 48 Questions Regarding the Warning and the Miracle! Note: On June 18, 2014 Joseph Lomangino died after suffering a heart attack. The Holy Virgins promise that Joey …More
Garabandal's Seer Conchita Answers 48 Questions Regarding the Warning and the Miracle!
On June 18, 2014 Joseph Lomangino died after suffering a heart attack.
The Holy Virgins promise that Joey will receive 'new eyes' on the day of The Great Miracle is consistent with the supernatural aspect of that event and still stands. The Church will declare its final decision on the apparitions following the fulfillment of the major prophecies.
Further Comment:
The Miracle and Joey’s new eyes AN OPINION.
Many commentators have presented explanations in an attempt to explain away the restoration of Joey's new eyes.
Points for consideration; accepting the supernatural aspect of the promised Miracle: At all times while in ecstasy, the girls were aware of the physical presence of the Holy Virgin who frequently cradled the infant Jesus in Her arms and with whom the visionaries could engage in normal conversation about every day life. Its important for us to understand that throughout those ecstasies …
There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of those involved. That being said, (1) Joey is dead and didn't get eyes. Some Garabandal Champions say that …More
There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of those involved. That being said,
(1) Joey is dead and didn't get eyes. Some Garabandal Champions say that will happen after the Miracle.
(2) After death, Fr Luis Andreu's body was supposed to be found incorrupt. It was not found so. Then a Seer refined her comments to say “I had a locution in which I was told that on the day after the miracle your brother (Fr. Luis Andreu) would be removed from his grave and his body would be intact.”
Signs are given BEFORE an event to help us believe in the veracity of the vision. After the purported event occurs, we won't need any signs.
I don't need anything more than Fatima.
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Pope: 'I am ready to meet Putin in Moscow'

Amongst others, this latest report from Corriere della Sera has serious consequences for future developments in Europe and elsewhere. Full details here: Pope Francis: 'I am ready to meet Putin in Moscow …More
Amongst others, this latest report from Corriere della Sera has serious consequences for future developments in Europe and elsewhere.
Full details here:
Pope Francis: 'I am ready to meet Putin in Moscow' - Vatican News
Our governments care and talk about is how many Guns ,missiles they are providing Ukraine ,Not much on the peace talks and how to stop this war
Tony Smith
I don't think Putin really cares much for meeting another UN Diplomat.