Michael Son of the Servant of John
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Williamson Consecrates More Bishops

So what are you using for your sources? My guess it's accusations made by those that have an interest in discrediting, especially as he's a "holohaux denier."
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Cardinals Marx Wants More Problems: Homosexual Priests

Someone's gay my Lord.... Kumbaya....... someone's gay my Lord..... Kumbaya....... someone's gay m'Lord..... Kumbaya..... Oh Lord.... Kumbaya..... 😂
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Exclusive Interview With Mother of Thirteen: The Judge Ruled that "My Intention" Was Illegal

If Australia thinks the fires were bad, keep it up. The next chastisement will be worse.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Gays Hate Christians: Chick-Fil-A Abandones Christian Charities - Christians Abandone Chick-Fil-A

I don't support the Salvation army either. They support abortion.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Say Goodbye to Hollywood, the Beatles & Bugnini

I got here from watching Taylor Marshall video on YouTube. When I tried to watch it, there was a copy write block put on by Sony Entertainment. I'm glad it's still working here. It's now 2019 and what Michael is speaking of it more true today. The forces of evil are two years along in the degradation of Catholic society. God bless what the remnant does and the fight they are trying to wage. We are …More
I got here from watching Taylor Marshall video on YouTube. When I tried to watch it, there was a copy write block put on by Sony Entertainment. I'm glad it's still working here. It's now 2019 and what Michael is speaking of it more true today. The forces of evil are two years along in the degradation of Catholic society. God bless what the remnant does and the fight they are trying to wage. We are in a very dark period of our history.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

United States: Dramatic Decline in Birthrate

But...but... muh overpopulation
Michael Son of the Servant of John

The Great Unknown During Vatican Abuse Summit Press Briefings

Nothing signifies the end like modern 'art'
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Street Preacher to police: "Don't take my Bible away."

The suffering will become greater as the prince of this world attacks the one true faith.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Tell Xavier University to Cancel the Vile V-Monologues Play. Join the Protest

Being a Catholic in the post Vatican II world sure is grand. Ambiguity leading to a dissolution of the faith. Unbelievable! A "Catholic" university showing a play based on free masonry ideals.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Vatican media expert Fr. Rosica admits to plagiarism, blames interns

When leaders throw subordinates under the bus, they prove themselves to be unfit for leadership.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Notre Dame willing to cover up Columbus mural but not graphic porn

....and the university is named after Our Lady
Michael Son of the Servant of John

NFL Star Ben Watson Challenges Men to End Abortion: “Step Up & Lead”

I've been saying that for years. Women don't get abortions when men don't impregnate them. Men need to lead properly and rightly ordered and it will solve this horrific crime.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Cardinal Dolan will not excommunicate Gov. Cuomo

Shocker. The guy who celebrates faggots.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

What a great righteous story. Sarah Wickline on facebook: "People are talking about the medical …

God is the Lord of history. He is control of every person's circumstances at all times. He likes to give us the illusion we're on control. God bless you for facing down the evil known as modern medicine.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Majority of US Bishops Would [Invalidly] Ordain Women

Hmmm I wonder why Church attendance is falling ..... I wonder....
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Star Parker: How abortion changed America

America changed when it started to accept contraception. Abortion is only the last link in the contraception chain. All contraception is abortion.
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Arab Christians clash violently with police in Haifa over ‘McJesus’ sculpture

What a surprise. Jews disregarding Christians. More of the same from the so called "chosen people." Perhaps we should superimpose Ronald McDonald's face on holocaust victim pictures and call it "art". I wonder how that would go over?
Michael Son of the Servant of John

Bishop Lopez Celebrates Mass for the Aberrosexual Lobby

and then we wonder why the homo problem exists in the Church.