
Exclusive Interview With Mother of Thirteen: The Judge Ruled that "My Intention" Was Illegal

Kathy Clubb is a homeschooling Melbourne mother of thirteen and one of Australia’s most prominent pro-life activists. Together with a colleague who was praying silently, she approached in 2016 a couple …More
Kathy Clubb is a homeschooling Melbourne mother of thirteen and one of Australia’s most prominent pro-life activists. Together with a colleague who was praying silently, she approached in 2016 a couple breaching for four seconds an exclusion zone around an abortion mill in order to test the law. Both pro-lifers carried no signs or banners. For this, Kathy was fined 5000 Australian dollars. On February 19, she lost an appeal at the Victoria's Supreme Court. Gloria.tv spoke with her.
How long have you been going through this?
Kathy Clubb: This Supreme Court appeal was the final stage of a 3 1/2 year legal challenge which began in 2016.
How did it start?
KC: The first stage was a Magistrate's Court hearing at which I was convicted and given a good behaviour bond.
Why did you not stop there?
KC: Our goal was to go to the High Court of Australia to challenge the validity of the exclusion-zone laws, based on their infringement on our freedom of political communication. There is no right to …More
1- Fighting against laws, even when they are unjust, is impossible: worse, it often reinforces them.
2- Demonstrations against abortion, whatever they may be, are useless: worse, they exacerbate and may cause more abortions.
3- The only effective means is prayer and especially the recitation of the Rosary.
4- There is another means that almost nobody uses. It consists in warning women who want to …More
1- Fighting against laws, even when they are unjust, is impossible: worse, it often reinforces them.
2- Demonstrations against abortion, whatever they may be, are useless: worse, they exacerbate and may cause more abortions.
3- The only effective means is prayer and especially the recitation of the Rosary.
4- There is another means that almost nobody uses. It consists in warning women who want to have an abortion beforehand and suggesting that they take care of the child from birth. But for this, structures are needed, and it is certainly not the conciliar who will contribute to this since she is pro-death.
1- Lutter contre les lois, même quand elles sont injustes, est impossible : pire, cela souvent les renforce.
2- Les manifestations contre l'avortement, quelles qu'elles soient, ne servent à rien : pire, elles exacerbent et peuvent provoquer davantage d'avortements.
3- Le seul moyen efficace est la prière et spécialement la récitation du Chapelet.
4- Il y a un autre moyen que personne ou presque …More
1- Lutter contre les lois, même quand elles sont injustes, est impossible : pire, cela souvent les renforce.
2- Les manifestations contre l'avortement, quelles qu'elles soient, ne servent à rien : pire, elles exacerbent et peuvent provoquer davantage d'avortements.
3- Le seul moyen efficace est la prière et spécialement la récitation du Chapelet.
4- Il y a un autre moyen que personne ou presque n'emploie. Il consiste à prévenir en amont les femmes qui veulent avorter et leur proposer de s'occuper de l'enfant dès sa naissance. Mais pour cela, il faut des structures, et ce n'est certainement pas la conciliaire qui y contribuera puisqu'elle est pro-mort.
Kathy Clubb, thank you for your witness and all of your efforts to protect the innocent, unborn. As you said, it is a group effort, and everyone can play a part.
A conviction based on the court's determination of the defendant's intention is indeed, "Thought Crime".
I had never heard this term before but now realize it goes all the way back to a 1949 George Orwell novel. Well, this (or its opposite …More
Kathy Clubb, thank you for your witness and all of your efforts to protect the innocent, unborn. As you said, it is a group effort, and everyone can play a part.

A conviction based on the court's determination of the defendant's intention is indeed, "Thought Crime".

I had never heard this term before but now realize it goes all the way back to a 1949 George Orwell novel. Well, this (or its opposite, depending on your place in the ideology in power) what got Hillary Clinton off the hook - she didn't "intend"...to put the country in danger by declassifying info., losing info., not being tech-savvy...etc.
Today marks a shameful anniversary for Australian justice Cardinal Pell has spent one year in jail for crimes impossible to commit
Michael Son of the Servant of John
If Australia thinks the fires were bad, keep it up. The next chastisement will be worse.
Australia and many more countries became institutionally anti-Christian.
De Profundis
Would be interesting to know what Kathy Clubb said in her 5 seconds. "Hallo, can I help..."
Childless judges want more abortions and then will have to bring in Muslims, Chinese. This mother of 13 (!) is a bearer of future. Judges of death.
Victoria is the most left-wing and socialist state in Australia: Jailing Cardinal Pell on bogus charges, passing a law to try to force priests to break their vow of Confessional secrecy, pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia.
1st I want to thank this Mother of 13 for fighting against those Hell bent on murdering the unborn.
I want to thank this mom for her courage in the face of such darkness.
I hope she knows what a role model she is to so many Christians, and people of good will that daily ask God in prayer and penance to Rebuke the Evil that manifests itself in the Murder of the unborn children of the world.
Long …More
1st I want to thank this Mother of 13 for fighting against those Hell bent on murdering the unborn.
I want to thank this mom for her courage in the face of such darkness.
I hope she knows what a role model she is to so many Christians, and people of good will that daily ask God in prayer and penance to Rebuke the Evil that manifests itself in the Murder of the unborn children of the world.

Long Live Christ The King.
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God Rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O' Prince of The Heavenly Hosts by the power of God cast into Hell , Satan and all the other evil spirits prowling about the World seeking the ruin of souls.
Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us
Holy Cannoli
In my limited way, I understand the motivation and the miscarriage of justice that Kathy Clubb has suffered at the hands of the Australian Justice system.
Kathy states:...the justice system in Australia, and particularly in my state of Victoria, is largely driven by ideology.
True and the tragic fact is that that ideology is of political correctness (read: liberalism) and does not incorporate values …More
In my limited way, I understand the motivation and the miscarriage of justice that Kathy Clubb has suffered at the hands of the Australian Justice system.

Kathy states:...the justice system in Australia, and particularly in my state of Victoria, is largely driven by ideology.

True and the tragic fact is that that ideology is of political correctness (read: liberalism) and does not incorporate values that especially Christians embrace.

My personal belief is that until the Church takes a bold, unambiguous and firm stand for life, at all stages, the pro-death cult will continue to sway the hearts and minds of the populace and, in turn, of the judiciary which attempts to reflect the will of the people within the boundaries of the constitution. This is only one area that Church teaching and its teachers are lacking and the devastating effects are seen in this Australian case, in the US and, indeed, throughout the world.
Don Reto Nay
It's a fact that most episcopal conferences (also those named by JPII) are "pro-choice" = pro-death.
Don Reto Nay
While we are betrayed first by the bishops and then by the priests, we should remember that Pius X? said: "If you need something to be done, then ask a mother with 10 children." Women have always been the backbone of the Church, but not in the way the Anti-Catholics would like them to be(come).
Yes, we shall feminism replace by motherism. Ten cheers to this brave woman. How could our prayers be accompanied by some financial support?
Fischl, thank you for your generous offer: if anyone wishes to contribute, then here is the link. Please mention my name in the reference: www.fli.org.au/defence-fund/
God bless you all.