Kathleen Keating
October could be the turning point where a door opens that can't be closed. Several major events are scheduled for this month with ominous predictions about their consequences.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Vatican II is not Catholic. Francis is a pope of the Novus Ordo Conciliar religion. How long do you think he would last in the Chair of Peter if he …More
Vatican II is not Catholic. Francis is a pope of the Novus Ordo Conciliar religion. How long do you think he would last in the Chair of Peter if he decides to restore the Faith to pre Vatican II. His Masonic handlers won't allow it. This is the elephant in the room.
Hit the ground running! Don't look back! Kathleen is making some game changes. She shares important updates on releasing information you need to know!
Kathleen Keating
2nd Installment of the Antichrist Diaries Now Available - Free : THE ANTICHRIST DIARIES | Kindle Vella
Who is your real enemy? Congress started hearings on the existence of UFO's and UAP's. We're about to be faced with a new reality, a false one that many people will accept not realizing it is the Ultimate …More
Who is your real enemy? Congress started hearings on the existence of UFO's and UAP's. We're about to be faced with a new reality, a false one that many people will accept not realizing it is the Ultimate Deception.
Another part of their scheme to install the one world religion with all of us who survive the depopulation activities becoming slaves; but relax, we'll …More
Another part of their scheme to install the one world religion with all of us who survive the depopulation activities becoming slaves; but relax, we'll own nothing and we'll be happy.Project B*** Beam: Get Ready For The Fake Alien Invasion To Usher In The Anti Christ New World Order + The Ancient Of Days – The Grand Deception (1) + (2)
Demonic scam to undermine God's Creation.
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Is it really possible that we could enter a nuclear war? Some experts don't think Russia will initiate a nuclear strike, nor China, but we're nevertheless running ever closer to a nuclear scenario on …More
Is it really possible that we could enter a nuclear war? Some experts don't think Russia will initiate a nuclear strike, nor China, but we're nevertheless running ever closer to a nuclear scenario on our own shores. If Russia and China don't want nuclear war, which entity does? Is Biden driving us ever closer to that reality?
Laura Yunque
Yes, it is possible. Quite possible.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Biden and his lunatic Democrats would start it, if anybody. They want "all in" with regard to Ukraine and Taiwan. Long gone are the days the USA can …More
Biden and his lunatic Democrats would start it, if anybody. They want "all in" with regard to Ukraine and Taiwan. Long gone are the days the USA can come riding to protect other countries. Our own people don't want it. That's the end of the Democrats if they start anything.
We have no idea as to the magnitude, frequency and efficacy of the Massive Rituals taking place. We are about to experience some very dark changes and most of us are not prepared. Several obstacles were …More
We have no idea as to the magnitude, frequency and efficacy of the Massive Rituals taking place. We are about to experience some very dark changes and most of us are not prepared. Several obstacles were placed to prevent the upload of this show. From a computer that couldn't connect to the internet to accounts being shut down. Don't kid yourselves. This is an unprecedented battle for each of us.
Do you feel a sense of urgency? Do you get the sense that something is wrong? You're not alone. Has the countdown begun? Time is speeding up. Where are we on the timeline? You may be surprised.
There is far more at stake following President Trump's indictment than we know. Many things will be decided on Tuesday regarding our futures. Our lives are on the line. Another major indictment is …More
There is far more at stake following President Trump's indictment than we know. Many things will be decided on Tuesday regarding our futures. Our lives are on the line. Another major indictment is looming that will have eternal consequences.
A sickening sound is about to be heard in this country. Many of us think that hell doesn't exist but we're about to find out it's real. We won't have to wait until we die to discover that because we're …More
A sickening sound is about to be heard in this country. Many of us think that hell doesn't exist but we're about to find out it's real. We won't have to wait until we die to discover that because we're going to find hell on earth. At our most vulnerable, we are primed for the takedown.
Live Mike
High grade audio. Crystal clear sound, easy to comprehend what is being said. Broadly speaking these are warnings. Kathleen lays out the need for the …More
High grade audio. Crystal clear sound, easy to comprehend what is being said. Broadly speaking these are warnings. Kathleen lays out the need for the Most Holy Rosary and Holy Eucharist as our only weapons against what is coming for America.
The debate about the antichrist being alive or not and whether he is poised to make his appearance has been ongoing but now it has gained traction. What do you think? Is the antichrist about to reveal …More
The debate about the antichrist being alive or not and whether he is poised to make his appearance has been ongoing but now it has gained traction. What do you think? Is the antichrist about to reveal himself to the world? All the signs seem to point to that but is that the case? This show will be published in its entirety on YouTube, on Rumble with links on Twitter and Gloria.tv.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis shares this
LaVoix 2023 2023
He is here. He has been consecrated recently by luciferian priests in Egypt. He travels in the world.
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With the run on Silicon Valley Bank and the problems with other banks and our precarious economic state, it's time to look at who is really behind the upheaval. Get ready for rocky and uncertain times!
mimi ga shares this
LaVoix 2023 2023
What is told in this video, is what God told to Maria Divine Mercy
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Significant problems arose in trying to produce this show. The truth is that the Antichrist's War has already begun and we're in for a monumental battle. The question is: Which side are You on? Are you …More
Significant problems arose in trying to produce this show. The truth is that the Antichrist's War has already begun and we're in for a monumental battle. The question is: Which side are You on? Are you sure about your answer? This battle is much more complicated than we think.
What if you found yourself on the Road to Hell? What if the people that put you on that road were wolves in sheep's clothing? What would you do? It's time to find out.
I have the blue book of Veronica. Everything she said has come true! The church has not approved her apparitions though.
Michel Rafayel
Read the messages given to Veronica Lucken at Bayside, you will understand what happening in the Catholic Church. Thank you. Apparitions of Our Lady of …More
Read the messages given to Veronica Lucken at Bayside, you will understand what happening in the Catholic Church. Thank you.
Apparitions of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers - the prophecies of Jesus and the blessed Virgin Mary to the seer Veronica Lueken
Do we even have time to prepare for what's coming? People seem to think that the antichrist is lurking just around the corner. They're also concerned about the scary advances in AI or artificial …More
Do we even have time to prepare for what's coming? People seem to think that the antichrist is lurking just around the corner. They're also concerned about the scary advances in AI or artificial intelligence.Time is speeding up. Curiously, these are all topics that are interconnected. Just exactly what is in store for us?
Are you plugged into the antichrist? It's time to find out.
Live Mike
Sister Lucia of Fatima on 26 December 1957 to Father Agustín Fuentes: “Father, the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of …More
Sister Lucia of Fatima on 26 December 1957 to Father Agustín Fuentes:
“Father, the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of the world but She made me understand this for three reasons.”
“The first reason is because She told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.”
“The second reason is because She said to my cousins as well as to myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others.”
“The third reason is because, in the plans of Divine Providence, God always, before He is about to chastise the world, exhausts all other remedies. Now, when …More
We cannot be in the end times because the Immaculate Heart must triumph first.
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Deals done in the dark will come to light soon but not without havoc being unleashed on the world. At the heart of everything is money and power and the world's population will pay the price. A light …More
Deals done in the dark will come to light soon but not without havoc being unleashed on the world. At the heart of everything is money and power and the world's population will pay the price.
A light is about to shine on the cockroaches and their corruption. Brace yourselves!
Find Kathleen Keating on Twitter:@KeatingOriginal
A major upheaval has begun fueled by desperate people who feel they are about to be discovered. Suspect reporting is trying to control the narrative but people are waking up. The war between words and …More
A major upheaval has begun fueled by desperate people who feel they are about to be discovered. Suspect reporting is trying to control the narrative but people are waking up. The war between words and actions is heating up.
The mile markers indicate that the Final Warning could happen quite soon. What does that mean? If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Planned chaos, the Synod in Rome are precursors …More
The mile markers indicate that the Final Warning could happen quite soon. What does that mean? If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Planned chaos, the Synod in Rome are precursors. Financial scandals, government meltdowns and unique disortientation are things to watch very carefully. Time isn' what we think and we would be surprised how soon the Triple Correction could happen. Are you ready?
Kathleen Keating
I agree about the closeness of the chastisement. I worry about the disturbances in thinking and the lack of reason due to the distance from God. That …More
I agree about the closeness of the chastisement. I worry about the disturbances in thinking and the lack of reason due to the distance from God. That may overwhelm many people and with Satan's assistance come to the conclusion that all is lost including themselves. Has the window of Divine Mercy closed yet? Not yet, but soon. Pray for the conversion of all souls and the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.