
Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

“Sterile” indeed. What a monstrosity of projection. As if the crippling and disfiguring zeitgeist of the NO isn’t, by all observable and empirical proofs, the definition and epitome of STERILITY, having imposed decades and generations of abject barrenness — a veritable abortive plague of impotence and infertility — upon the the entirety of Holy Mother Church, infecting all aspects of her mission …More
“Sterile” indeed. What a monstrosity of projection. As if the crippling and disfiguring zeitgeist of the NO isn’t, by all observable and empirical proofs, the definition and epitome of STERILITY, having imposed decades and generations of abject barrenness — a veritable abortive plague of impotence and infertility — upon the the entirety of Holy Mother Church, infecting all aspects of her mission, message, manner, methods and ministry. Over half a century of spine-chilling, bone-crushing, death-dealing barrenness upon the whole Church, always and everywhere (except in small pockets of fierce resistance that remain steeped in Tradition) relentlessly and unabated. THAT then, is the actual grievous phenomena that can truly be defined and confirmed as “sterile.”

False Flag Operation? Obscene Statue in Linz Beheaded

True. So very true and well stated. It is an act of sanctity like unto that which was committed by the zeal of the Priest, Phinehas, grandson of Aaron, the High Priest of Israel.

False Flag Operation? Obscene Statue in Linz Beheaded

Absolutely….always — ALWAYS — follow the money.

Cardinal Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in Ireland

@Klaus Elmar Müller You should make sure you know of that which you speak….BEFORE you open your mouth and slam your foot deep into it. In charity, and because I deem your dismally blithering ignorance to be rooted in innocence, I will forgo the reproof and censure you so richly deserve for your erroneous presumption, revoltingly arrogant though it may be. That being said, please know and be …More
@Klaus Elmar Müller You should make sure you know of that which you speak….BEFORE you open your mouth and slam your foot deep into it. In charity, and because I deem your dismally blithering ignorance to be rooted in innocence, I will forgo the reproof and censure you so richly deserve for your erroneous presumption, revoltingly arrogant though it may be. That being said, please know and be irrevocably certain of this one thing: I would never, ever frame any words, nor would it ever even occur to me to conceive of any words, privately or publicly, that would express (to quote you) “hating the traditional Catholic faith” and “hiding this hatred in superficial, mocking criticism of externals such as the venerable Cappa Magna.” And any assertion to the contrary by you or any other ill-informed ne’er-do-well is absolutely absurd and utterly asinine. To attempt, falsely, to place my words in such a sickening, mendacious context is grossly misleading, and is nothing less than a ponderous, outrageous, evil LIE that borders on the diabolical. I have nothing but the zenith of love, respect, honor and esteem for the illustrious Raymond Cardinal Burke, whom I hold in the highest regard and maintain the deepest filial affection toward, as one of the few, true and faithful remaining Shepherds and sweet Princes of Holy Mother Church to be found in stalwart, uncompromising leadership within her remnant of this generation. As a devotee of Tradition I ADORE his undaunted commitment to the ancient Roman Rite, and with awe and the reverence due all things sacred and holy, I GLORY in his adherence to the rubrics and vestments thereof, as they have been prescribed and practiced from time immemorial for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass….I live for the day when all such things of the like, as have been fiendishly stolen from the patrimony of the Faithful by the satanic machinations of freemasons and other scions of Luther and Lucifer, will be FULLY and WHOLLY and universally restored. So don’t get it twisted. My humorous reference to His Eminence’s beautiful lime green shoes was made to bring complimentary attention to an aspect of his ecclesiastical attire that was partially hidden and almost uncaptured by the naked eye; in that, by definition, liturgical footwear is often obscure, rarely vividly seen and goes unremarked, unlike the instantly recognizable and wondrously voluminous Cappa Magna or other prominent articles of holy vestment popularly seen and observed for such sacred occasions and celebrations. It was a comment made to accentuate the unveiling of the unusual. Nothing more, I assure you. And certainly nothing as nefarious as you have, with great calumny and egregious offense, accused me of, without cause or justification.

Cardinal Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in Ireland

His Eminence’s lime green shoes are really kicking it, aren’t they?

: Toronto Pride turns into a degenerate parade as pervs take their clothes off to celebrate their ‘…

Unspeakable depravity: THIS is what they want to expose our children to….and worse, it is what they want the Church to embrace and to become. THIS is what the words of the Pontiff mean when he says unleash and let in everyone, everyone, everyone!!!”

Festa dei patroni di Roma: nel programma di eventi gratuiti, cammini, spettacoli e veglie a San Pietro

Theater shows, operas, plays and show tunes in venerable Saint Peter’s, but NO ancient Roman Mass allowed. Sickening…..just sickening. 😡 😒😫🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Change the Name, Keep the Heresy: German Bishops Resume Vatican Talks

Are any of them Bishops, truly? 😐

Many such cases, sadly 😕 There are far more predatory men who will gladly steal your years and your …

I regret this for you.....but you only have yourself to blame, my dear.

Secularised Sisters Strip Their Foundress of Her Habit

Sadly, many are. 😭😭

Tucho Fernández Revives the Glory of the of the Church of Bygone Days

Although the so-called full image is indeed a joke, it actually reveals a far more accurate reflection of his true self and a keener insight into the corrosively sinister embodiment of abominable perversion by him.

Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

@P. O'B Yeah…sorry but that crazed clan is even worse.

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

Now, now, now…I know just how you feel. But we can’t allow ourselves to fall off or be pushed off into such a dark rabbit hole as this. Take a deep breath….count to 10….and remember it’s Christ’s Church. And they will ALL have to answer to Him for the monstrous horror they are putting her through. It is nothing less than the spiritual rape of the Spouse of Christ. So you know what fate lies in …More
Now, now, now…I know just how you feel. But we can’t allow ourselves to fall off or be pushed off into such a dark rabbit hole as this. Take a deep breath….count to 10….and remember it’s Christ’s Church. And they will ALL have to answer to Him for the monstrous horror they are putting her through. It is nothing less than the spiritual rape of the Spouse of Christ. So you know what fate lies in store for them all, like a freight train coming just around the bend while they play stupid games and tricks malevolently on the tracks. Just hold on and remain faithful unto death. Our God reigns!

Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

Well done, Sisters….well done, indeed! Kick out that sedevacantist poison.

Famous British Opposition Politician Asked Francis To Save the Holy Mass

Nothing like that British Connection” coming to your rescue to get things all sorted. Thanks Mate!

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

I'm fairly certain that a teething ring and pacifier is NOT what he'd prefer to have in his mouth 😐 .......especially if it's coming from one of his legion of "homosexual fans/companions/co-workers, associates."

Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican

Blasphemous Idolatry!!

Tucho went to Francis over Concerns He Was Being "Surveilled"

One can only HOPE desperately that what he suspects and is so paranoid about is actually true and taking place….nothing could be better than to catch the rat red-handed with the cheese in his filthy, monstrous mouth.

PM Viktor Orbán: 🇭🇺 🇩🇪 "Now, Germany is no longer Germany. It’s a colorful, changed multicultural …

Hmmm, Hungary and Germany….let’s see, when have we heard talk like that before, sounds familiar…..oh wait — 😳😟😨😱😱😱

FSSPX Distances Itself from Monsignor Viganó

Sadly, they are correct. 😐