
Cardinal Tucho Announces Even More Rulings on Apparitions "in Coming Days"

It doesn't seem like 'discernment' may be one of his strong points.

Tucho Addresses another Apparition: Madonna della Scoglio

@English Catholic I agree with everything you said. If an apparition is real or isn't real, I'm sure we'll hear about it from someone other than Tucho. That is my only point. Whatever he says concerning Our Lady is completely irrelevant.

Tucho Addresses another Apparition: Madonna della Scoglio

Whatever Tucho comments on, I'll ignore. Our Lady doesn't need anything from him.

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

Yep, I'll go with Leo XIII and Pius X. At my judgement, I won't be afraid to admit I followed what they had to say.

New Zealand: Transalpine Redemptorists Kicked Out

You can't live peaceably with 'hirelings'.

Spanish Bishops Entrust 'Catholic Education' to Ex-Priest

What could possibly go wrong?

Second Vatican Council: Only Four Survivors Left

I hope they repent before it's too late!

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H "The gates of hell shall not prevail" means that the Church will crush through the gates of hell and evil will not have it's way, thus losing. The Church can't very well crush through the gates of hell if it's following a satan-infested crew of gay false prophets! Therefore, Francis must not be he actively, proveably, works to tear the Church down. How can you deny this?! Are …More
@Carol H "The gates of hell shall not prevail" means that the Church will crush through the gates of hell and evil will not have it's way, thus losing. The Church can't very well crush through the gates of hell if it's following a satan-infested crew of gay false prophets! Therefore, Francis must not be he actively, proveably, works to tear the Church down. How can you deny this?! Are you a football player just because you call yourself one? No, Carol, you're not. The Pope is the Vicar of Church's Church on earth. Francis does not even call himself that and has dropped it all together. Again, you can't deny this!

Judging something to be evil and incompatablie with the laws of God is NOT outside your competence!😊 Christ asks us not to be deceived by false prophets...He also asks us to be perfect as His Father is. Therefore, it must be possible for us to judge between what is the Good and what is evil.

I'm not sure what else to say to you other than you obviously have an attachment that's holding you back from making an honest effort to understand these things - or you're lazy and don't feel like looking into this seriously/don't what to deal with the consequences that will result if you do.

I will be praying for you!🙏

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H Amongst the many reasons why the Immaculate Conception was necessary, is that Jesus could never be under the yoke of sin in any way, shape, or form. Thus, His Mother must be free from Original Sin.
If God has taken the care for His Son in the above manner - not putting Him under the yoke of sin - do you think He loves us less by demanding that we be under subjection to an apostate/heretic …More
@Carol H Amongst the many reasons why the Immaculate Conception was necessary, is that Jesus could never be under the yoke of sin in any way, shape, or form. Thus, His Mother must be free from Original Sin.

If God has taken the care for His Son in the above manner - not putting Him under the yoke of sin - do you think He loves us less by demanding that we be under subjection to an apostate/heretic who encourages us to sin and offend Him? No one can be the pope who is not first a Catholic. Is it impossible and been stated numerous times throughout the history of the Church. Please think about this!

God loves you. He does not ask you to follow heretics or try to trip you up with canonical questions of obediance vs. what is the good He has commanded us to to.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H Ok, let me put a question to you. Do you believe what the Church teaches about the Immaculate Conception?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H Pfftt...spare me. Think about what I said. You're attachment is obviously to something else that's blocking your devotion to Our Lord Jesus.
I proclaim Christ as King over all the inhabitants of the earth, whether they like it or not. Does that sound masonic to you?More
@Carol H Pfftt...spare me. Think about what I said. You're attachment is obviously to something else that's blocking your devotion to Our Lord Jesus.

I proclaim Christ as King over all the inhabitants of the earth, whether they like it or not. Does that sound masonic to you?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H "Rome" is not mentioned in scripture as to whom we should be following. We should be following Christ. Again, you should be ashamed of yourself for the games you're presenting on this thread.
So, what's your deal? You'll lose family by admitting Francis is an apostate heretic? Or, perhaps your income is tied to "Rome"?More
@Carol H "Rome" is not mentioned in scripture as to whom we should be following. We should be following Christ. Again, you should be ashamed of yourself for the games you're presenting on this thread.

So, what's your deal? You'll lose family by admitting Francis is an apostate heretic? Or, perhaps your income is tied to "Rome"?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

@Carol H Sorry, I mean'false prophets' can't declare schism. When Jesus told us to beware of false prophets, He wasn't hiding behind canonical qualifyers. You either know the sound of His voice, or you don't. For shame to play games with the Lord!

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Declared Excommunicated

🤣Heretics can't declare schism!

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

I guess they're letting +Williamson handle all of it. That's probably going to work out better anyway.

Linz Diocese Presses Charges: Statue Will Be Restored

What's the rock in the hand for on this thing? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter. We know Who wins this battle.🎉

La Croix: No Document in Preparation against the Roman Mass

Jurisdiction not necessary in a Crisis!