San Atanasio ora pro nobis
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Mons. Aguer: «El cardenal Bergoglio propuso aprobar la licitud de las uniones civiles de personas …

Any Catholic who investigates Bergoglio's past can verify that Bergoglio was already an apostate, heretic and schismatic in Argentina, therefore he was disqualified to be pope.
Because he no longer professed the Catholic faith.
To call a heretic who is stubborn in his old heresies 'pope' is to be a willing blind man.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Mons. Aguer: «El cardenal Bergoglio propuso aprobar la licitud de las uniones civiles de personas …

Cualquier católico que investiga el pasado de Bergoglio puede comprobar que Bergoglio ya era un apostata, hereje y cismático en Argentina por lo tanto estaba descalificado para ser papa porque ya no profesaba la fe católica. Llamarle papa a un hereje que se empecina en sus viejas herejías es ser un ciego voluntario.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"You Are Welcome": Francis Makes Phone Call to Homosexual With Three Surrogacy Children

Santo Tomás de Aquino comenta Romanos 1:
«(Rm 6,23): El salario del pecado es la muerte. Todos sus dones serán quemados al fuego (Miq 1,7). Y es de notarse que muy razonablemente les asigna el Apóstol a los vicios contra natura, que son gravísimos entre los pecados carnales, la pena de la idolatría (...)Más
Santo Tomás de Aquino comenta Romanos 1:

«(Rm 6,23): El salario del pecado es la muerte. Todos sus dones serán quemados al fuego (Miq 1,7). Y es de notarse que muy razonablemente les asigna el Apóstol a los vicios contra natura, que son gravísimos entre los pecados carnales, la pena de la idolatría (...)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"You Are Welcome": Francis Makes Phone Call to Homosexual With Three Surrogacy Children

I don't think it's fun to see this new Roman coliseum crucify Catholics.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"You Are Welcome": Francis Makes Phone Call to Homosexual With Three Surrogacy Children

Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that Sodomites are idolaters.
How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?Más
Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that Sodomites are idolaters.

How is it that on this Catholic page this arrogant ignorant @Ultraviolet is allowed to insult Catholics?
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"You Are Welcome": Francis Makes Phone Call to Homosexual With Three Surrogacy Children

For WICKED cannot sleep unless they have done EVIL;
they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble. (Cf. Proverbs 4:16)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Cardinal Müller: Francis Should Be “More Careful”

@Louis IX "Only God can depose a pope" According to you, a pope could not resign either. You forget that the Church has had two persons claiming that they are popes at the same time so according to you it would be impossible to resolve the issue. Also the Church has decreed that the elevation of a heretic is invalid and void. Furthermore, the Church has taught that if a pope falls into heresy, he …Más
@Louis IX "Only God can depose a pope" According to you, a pope could not resign either. You forget that the Church has had two persons claiming that they are popes at the same time so according to you it would be impossible to resolve the issue. Also the Church has decreed that the elevation of a heretic is invalid and void. Furthermore, the Church has taught that if a pope falls into heresy, he is automatically excommunicated.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Francis' Ghostwriter: Francis Has Always Supported Gay Unions

Only a wicked man at the service of the devil can support what God abominates. A Vice for which God destroyed 5 Cities. 2 Peter 2: 6
and if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and made them an example of what is coming to the ungodly.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Escritor en las sombras de Francisco: Francisco apoyó siempre las uniones homosexuales

Solo un hombre perverso al servicio del demonio puede apoyar lo que Dios abomina. Un Vicio por el que Dios destruyó 5 Ciudades. Castigo que quedó como escarmiento para las generaciones impías. (Cf. 2 Pedro 2:6)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"Eres bienvenido": Francisco hace una llamada telefónica a un homosexual con tres "hijos" subrogados

Que tipo de "educación católica" es esa que niega la practica de la moral católica? R/ Una Doctrina de demonios.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

"Eres bienvenido": Francisco hace una llamada telefónica a un homosexual con tres "hijos" subrogados

Aquí vemos al apostata JM Bergoglio acompañando a los sodomitas al Infierno. La apostasía de Bergoglio es doble aquí esta dando su apoyo a las adopciones gay y a los pseudo-matrimonios gay. Si a Bergoglio realmente le hubiera interesado el bienestar espiritual de esos niños hubiera aconsejado a la pareja homosexual separarse por el bien de los niños. Hubiera dado la asistencia espiritual y …Más
Aquí vemos al apostata JM Bergoglio acompañando a los sodomitas al Infierno. La apostasía de Bergoglio es doble aquí esta dando su apoyo a las adopciones gay y a los pseudo-matrimonios gay. Si a Bergoglio realmente le hubiera interesado el bienestar espiritual de esos niños hubiera aconsejado a la pareja homosexual separarse por el bien de los niños. Hubiera dado la asistencia espiritual y sicológica a los homosexuales para que abandonaran el Pecado Mortal. A Bergoglio no le interesa la salvación de esos niños ni de los homosexuales.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

The Church of Sodom: the Magisterium of Bergoglio

Bergoglio is not a pope who fell into heresy but is a heretic who was invalidly elected pope and who is obstinate in his rebellion.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

The Church of Sodom: the Magisterium of Bergoglio

St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
"Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church . .."Más
St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Bishop and Doctor of the Church

"Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church . .."
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Resurgence of Pachamama worship in the Church

Ultraviolet has the arrogance to contradict the official Vatican website and the sculptor of the pagan coin who identifies the coin with the Pachamama, that was made to honor the pagan idol for the 50th Anniversary of World Earth Day, released on the anniversary of the closure of the Amazonian pagan pseudo-synod.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Resurgence of Pachamama worship in the Church

As Archbishop Fulton John Sheen said that “Arrogance is the manifestation of weakness, the secret fear towards rivals.”
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Resurgence of Pachamama worship in the Church

@Ultraviolet Vade retro satana Nunquam suade mihi vana Sut mala quae libas Ipse venena bibas
San Atanasio ora pro nobis

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

Joseph Sciambra on Amy Coney Barrett apologizes for use of phrase 'sexual preference':
ACB proves one thing - a pro-life Catholic can be confirmed to the SCOTUS, but if you dare to even slightly diverge from LGBT talking-points, you are in trouble - and you must apologize.
The issue of our age is not abortion - it's identity. Doesn't take as much courage to be pro-life as to question the LGBT …Más
Joseph Sciambra on Amy Coney Barrett apologizes for use of phrase 'sexual preference':
ACB proves one thing - a pro-life Catholic can be confirmed to the SCOTUS, but if you dare to even slightly diverge from LGBT talking-points, you are in trouble - and you must apologize.
The issue of our age is not abortion - it's identity. Doesn't take as much courage to be pro-life as to question the LGBT doctrines; as a pro-lifer, you can march in parades, speak at conferences, and get book deals; I can testify - there are few opportunities in society (or the Church) on the other side of gay.