Malubate shares from San Benedicto José Labré
Examen general de conciencia. (Guía)
14 pages
Malubate shares from DefendTruth
HILARIOUS: Congressman Troy Nehls (Rep-TX) questions Attorney General Merrick Garland and cuts him off every time he starts to lie
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Müller to Strickland: Do Not Resign under Any Circumstances!

What is being done to Tyler Bishop Strickland, is "terrible" and an "abuse of office against the divine right of the episcopate," writes Cardinal Müller about Strickland's threatened removal ( …More
What is being done to Tyler Bishop Strickland, is "terrible" and an "abuse of office against the divine right of the episcopate," writes Cardinal Müller about Strickland's threatened removal (, 21 September).
He advises the heroic bishop "under no circumstances" to resign, because "they" [=Francis] could then wash their hands of the matter.
Bishops who have committed heresy, schism, apostasy, a crime or unpriestly behaviour should be deposed, writes Müller. As an example, he cites to the pseudo-blessing of adulterers and homosexuals, which is "offensive to God" and "cheats people of their salvation".
Müller believes that Francis is bullying Catholic bishops simply because false friends denounce good bishops to him as enemies, "while heretical and immoral bishops can do as they please."
Meanwhile, Strickland has reiterated that he would not resign but would accept removal by Francis.
Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOqmlcrvtvo
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Cardinal Sarah: Francis Is Perceived As an Aggressor Against Peace

Traditionis Custodes (July 2021) and the related Responsa (December 2021) are “perceived as acts of liturgical aggression” and “seem to have damaged” Benedict XVI's liturgical peace, writes Cardinal …More
Traditionis Custodes (July 2021) and the related Responsa (December 2021) are “perceived as acts of liturgical aggression” and “seem to have damaged” Benedict XVI's liturgical peace, writes Cardinal Sarah in a 20-page article in the Winter 2022 issue of
These documents “could even pose a threat to the Church’s unity”, he fears. Sarah describes the facts in "if"-terms, "If there is a revival of the post-conciliar ‘liturgy wars,’ or if people simply go elsewhere to find the older liturgy, these measures will have backfired badly.”
For Sarah, it's “difficult" to conclude that Benedict XVI was wrong in asserting that the Roman Liturgy cannot suddenly be totally forbidden or even considered harmful, especially when its unrestricted celebration has manifestly produced good fruits” [while the Novus Ordo is in full decadence.]
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
A New Press Speaker Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQvhjqmvjknMore
A New Press Speaker
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQvhjqmvjkn
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
Dissolution Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsShevfrrnhnMore
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsShevfrrnhn
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
Not A Snowball's Chance In Hell Synod on Synodality Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQhxpjrtwymMore
Not A Snowball's Chance In Hell
Synod on Synodality
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQhxpjrtwym
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
Back to the 1960s Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsZsdudlrnhjMore
Back to the 1960s
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsZsdudlrnhj
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
"Todos" - Everybody Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsEdwegyaxeuMore
"Todos" - Everybody
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsEdwegyaxeu
Malubate shares from en.cartoon
Treasure In The Field Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQtraojifniMore
Treasure In The Field
Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsQtraojifni
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Schneider: "If We Formally Disobey Francis, We Obey The Church Of All Times"

Bishop Athanasius Schneider told (12 October, video below) that he opposes Francis because the Church is "not a dictatorship". "In a dictatorship, everyone is afraid to speak out …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider told (12 October, video below) that he opposes Francis because the Church is "not a dictatorship".
"In a dictatorship, everyone is afraid to speak out because the dictator will suddenly punish you. But that should [sic!] not be the atmosphere in the Church," he said.
The bishop stressed that the current crisis over Catholic doctrine and the papacy was unique in the entire history of the Church. Not even the immoral Renaissance popes caused scandals by confusing doctrine.
Schneider sees "poor Francis" in a pitiable situation because he will have to answer to God one day "for leaving such a mess in the Church."
Therefore, he said, Francis' harmful orders should not be obeyed if they undermine the faith or take away the treasure of the liturgy: "Even if we would formally disobey, we will obey the whole Church of all times."
Schneider believes that canceled priests who oppose the dictatorship of Francis and his bishops cannot be fully independent …More
Malubate shares from Ana Luisa M.R
Way of the Cross from Jerusalem
Malubate shares from la verdad prevalece

Rosario de las Lágrimas de María

Ver historia de este Rosario, revelado a la hermana Amalia Aguirre (1901- 1977) Para empezar la coronilla (Como rosario, en vez de 5 décadas, se hacen 7 grupos de 7 oraciones) Oh Jesús crucificado, …More
Ver historia de este Rosario, revelado a la hermana Amalia Aguirre (1901- 1977)
Para empezar la coronilla (Como rosario, en vez de 5 décadas, se hacen 7 grupos de 7 oraciones)
Oh Jesús crucificado, nos postramos a tus pies y te ofrecemos las lágrimas de ella, quien con profundo amor lleno de compasión te acompañó en tu doloroso camino de la cruz. O buen Maestro, concédeme que lleve al corazón las lecciones que las lágrimas de tu Santísima Madre nos enseñan, para que podamos cumplir tu Santa Voluntad en la tierra, para que podamos ser dignos de alabarte y exaltarte en el Cielo por toda la eternidad. Amen
Dolores de la Virgen María
1 Profecía de Simeón. Meditar el dolor que tuvo del conocimiento de los sufrimientos de Jesús anticipadamente.
Ave María.
Oh Jesús, mira las lágrimas de quien tanto te amó en la Tierra, R. Y que te ama aún más ardientemente en el Cielo.
7 veces. Oh Jesús, oye nuestras Oraciones, R. Por las lágrimas de tu Santísima Madre la Virgen María. 2 Huida a Egipto. …More
Malubate shares from tavor
Hermana María Luján: "Estamos frente a la "bestia" en su manifestación final."More
Hermana María Luján: "Estamos frente a la "bestia" en su manifestación final."
Malubate shares from Fiel A La Verdad
Documental | "Semana Santa de Andalucía [España] la película" Documental dirigido y producido por Ricardo Medina y grabado en su mayoría en la Semana Santa de 2016. Es un magnífico resumen de cómo …More
Documental | "Semana Santa de Andalucía [España] la película"
Documental dirigido y producido por Ricardo Medina y grabado en su mayoría en la Semana Santa de 2016. Es un magnífico resumen de cómo se vive en esta celebración religiosa en las diferentes provincias de Andalucía a lo largo de ocho días, de Domingo de Ramos a Domingo de Resurrección.
En este documental los andaluces se aproximarán a los grandes momentos de la Semana de Pasión como son la procesión de El Cautivo (Málaga), Los Gitanos (Granada), La Madrugada de Sevilla (La Esperanza Macarena, La Esperanza de Triana y Jesús del Gran Poder), Los Judíos de San Mateo (Jerez), La Borriquita (Almería), Las Ánimas (Córdoba), El Abuelo (Jaén), El Santo Entierro (Cádiz) y El Resucitado (Hinojos, Huelva).
¡¡¡Miren el agua!!!