Marsch für das Leben in den USA: Englische Rede vom US-Vizepräsidenten Mike Pence. "I am deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United states to speak at the March for Life." "President …More
Marsch für das Leben in den USA: Englische Rede vom US-Vizepräsidenten Mike Pence.

"I am deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United states to speak at the March for Life."
"President Donald Trump asked me to be here today."
"Life is winning in America. Through science..., adoptive families..., through the compassion of caregivers and volunteers and crisis centers..., and through the quiet counsels between mothers and daughters.... The truth is being told! Compassion is defeating convenience.
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. Let this movement be known for love not anger; for compassion not confrontation."
"The God who gave us life gave is liberty." - a quote from the Jefferson Memorial
War Dolan davor immer dabei?
Vered Lavan
@Eugenia-Sarto - S.E. Kardinal Timothy Dolan of New York muss wohl selbst dabei gewesen sein!: www.catholicnewsagency.com/…/vice-president-…
Hat man noch nichts von einer Reaktion der amerikanischen Bischöfe gehört?
Hoffentlich kommt das rüber nach Europa!!!
Man atmet richtig auf! Gott segne ihn!
Tradition und Kontinuität
Fantastisch! Davon konnte man Jahrzehnte lang nur träumen!
Pence's appearance and his address are an inspiring turning point in the prolife movement.
Much better than Madonna!