
New statement from USCCB president Cardinal DiNardo on Father Weinandy

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement on the nature of dialogue within the Church today.

Full statement

"The departure today of Fr. Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap., as a consultant to the Committee on Doctrine and the publication of his letter to Pope Francis gives us an opportunity to reflect on the nature of dialogue within the Church. Throughout the history of the Church, ministers, theologians and the laity all have debated and have held personal opinions on a variety of theological and pastoral issues. In more recent times, these debates have made their way into the popular press. That is to be expected and is often good. However, these reports are often expressed in terms of opposition, as political – conservative vs. liberal, left vs. right, pre-Vatican II vs Vatican II. These distinctions are not always very helpful.
Christian charity needs to be exercised by all involved. In saying this, we all must acknowledge that legitimate differences exist, and that it is the work of the Church, the entire body of Christ, to work towards an ever-growing understanding of God's truth.
As Bishops, we recognize the need for honest and humble discussions around theological and pastoral issues. We must always keep in mind St. Ignatius of Loyola's "presupposition" to his Spiritual Exercises: "…that it should be presumed that every good Christian ought to be more eager to put a good interpretation on a neighbor's statement than to condemn it." This presupposition should be afforded all the more to the teaching of Our Holy Father.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a collegial body of bishops working towards that goal. As Pastors and Teachers of the Faith, therefore, let me assert that we always stand in strong unity with and loyalty to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful" (LG, no. 23)."
Nancy D.
Our call to Holiness, is a call to be chaste in our thoughts, in our words, and in our deeds; Our call to Holiness is not a call to remain silent in the face of apostasy.
The erroneous notion that private and public morality are not complementary is a grievous error in both Faith and reason, that has reached even into the Magisterium of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
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Our call to Holiness, is a call to be chaste in our thoughts, in our words, and in our deeds; Our call to Holiness is not a call to remain silent in the face of apostasy.
The erroneous notion that private and public morality are not complementary is a grievous error in both Faith and reason, that has reached even into the Magisterium of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

On Page 117, of the pope's book, On Heaven and Earth, in regards to same-sex unions, Jorge Bergoglio dismisses the harmful nature of certain same-sex sexual relationships.

“If there is a union of a PRIVATE NATURE, THERE IS NEITHER A THIRD PARTY NOR IS SOCIETY AFFECTED. Now, if this union is given the category of marriage and they are given adoption rights, there could be children affected. Every person needs a male father and female mother that can help them shape their identity. - Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Approval of same-sex sexual unions is approval of same-sex sexual acts.
Prior to being elected pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, by condoning same-sex sexual acts in relationships that he referred to as private, did not include children, and were not called marriage, denied the Sanctity of the marital act. To deny the Sanctity of the marital act, is to deny that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Is The Author of Love, of Life, and of Marriage, and thus deny Salvational Love, God's Gift of Grace and Mercy. To deny The Divinity of The Blessed Trinity, is an act of apostasy. One can know through both Faith and reason, one cannot be an apostate and in communion with Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, simultaneously.(Catholic Canon 750 and The Law of Noncontradiction.)

Our Call to Holiness, has always been a Call to be Chaste in our thoughts, in our words, and in our deeds.

Reordering and identifying human persons according to sexual desire/inclination/ orientation, which sexually objectifies the human person, and denies the inherent Dignity of our beloved sons and daughters, in direct violation of God's Commandment regarding lust and the sin of adultery, is a complete renunciation of Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

It is Through, With, and In Christ, in the Unity of The Holy Ghost, that Holy Mother Church exists. One cannot be autonomous from and in communion with The One Body of Christ, simultaneously.

One Bridegroom, One Bride, on earth.

One Bridegroom, One Bride, (One Holy Mother Church), in Heaven.

Spiritual adultery, without repentance, and the acceptance of Salvational Love, God's Gift of Grace and Mercy, will leave one autonomous, and no longer in communion with Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Sólo Díos basta
Cardinal DiNardi: "conservative vs. liberal, left vs. right, pre-Vatican II vs Vatican II." But: Characterizing ecclesial and theological concerns in terms of “left” and “right” is not helpful.
I had already zero confidence in the USCCB so I can't be any more disappointed.
Reading between the lines Cardinal DiNardo says: I sacked Fr Weinandy because, while we encourage dialogue, his sound traditional dialogue is contrary to our embracing of ambiguities so we found it necessary to shut down his right to engage in our dialogue.
Iam sorry ,Dr Stuart Reiss ,you see, iam not a Dr. but i thought Gloria tv ,would be a place for even an educated catholic like me ,to have an humble opinion ,but i guess not .
Se ve que el cardenal Di Nardo lee muy poco la Biblia. Además, ¿en qué parte de su carta el padre Weinandy le faltó el respeto al Santo Padre? En todo caso es éste quien le habría faltado el respeto, al no contestarle, como ha hecho en otras ocasiones. Respecto a la cita que el cardenal hace de LG n. 23, ¿el obispo de Roma no está haciendo justamente lo contrario?
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio stated at a gathering in Columbia, that when Jesus walked the earth, pagan blood flowed through His veins.
Bergoglio is a son of the devil.
Dr Stuart Reiss nothing is SOOOOOOOOOOOO PASSE, Over 2000 years old things like communion to adulters is not passe .
What diologue , if Pope Francis does not want to meet the cardinals that want to dialogue ,istead he gives the silent treatment .
Lisi Sterndorfer
Because of the letter, “the USCCB asked him to resign from his current position as consultant to the bishops, and he has submitted his resignation,” Catholic World Report (CWR) revealed. “In making such a request, the USCCB, it would appear, reinforces Fr. Weinandy’s very point about fearfulness and lack of transparency” in the Church, CWR noted.
Don't imagine, that this resignation was requested by a phone call from Santa Marta.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Speaking the truth is most dangerous - in the reign of mercy.
See how quickly they act! Cretins!
Dear Bishops: God will judge us all. Look to that. Not just us. You, too.