
Cardinal De Kesel Wants Church to Accept Homosexual Fornication

“The Church must respect homosexuals more - also in their experience of sexuality”, Brussels Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, an enemy of the Church, said during a meeting with the gay group “HLWM” on April 24.

According to the gay propaganda webpage hlwm.be De Kesel claimed that the condemnation of homosexual acts is “no longer sustainable”.

De Kesel referred to Francis’ words “Who am I to judge” when he was faced with homosexual allegations against one of his collaborators. According to De Kesel such words would have been unthinkable "ten years ago" [when Benedict XVI was in charge].

De Kesel admitted that he himself, twenty years ago, would have spoken differently about homosexuality and would have followed the teaching of the New Testament and the Church.

According to De Kesel the [dying] Church in Europe “has changed for the better”, but the Church in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia “is not yet included” in this change "for the better".

Picture: Jozef De Kesel, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsWvtkvixdma
Dr Bobus
The more that perfidious and fatuous clerics like him talk, the more votes there will be for Cardinal Burke in the next conclave.
Gesù è con noi
🤮 😡 Belgian "Cardinal" Jozef de Kesel mulls special prayer services for sodomite couples - www.vaticannews.va/…/kardinal-bedenk… twitter.com/hashtag/catholic
Lisi Sterndorfer
“Christ did not die because he was compassionate. He died because he witnessed too uncompromisingly to the truth of God.” Aidan Nichols, OP (homily on the English Martyrs)
Catholics lest us pray for the removal of all these clergy that are decieving the church , the Bride of Christ
REject, resist ,refuse these wolfes with sheep`s clothing , sold to the seculiristic man not Christ
Lisi Sterndorfer
It's not just LGBT, but LGBTQ now (hard to keep up)
The destroyer of a thriving traditional priestly society, and protégée of the sordid Danneels, is probably think of his colleagues.
Dr Bobus
Does De Kesel also want a special liturgy for bestiality and necrophilia?
De Kesel also says that he has no problem with civil gay marriages. Catholic gay marriage is for him problematic, but a special liturgy "certainly possible".