
Jurist nimmt Argumentation von Ampelkommission zur Abtreibung auseinander

Peter Hahne kritisiert die CDU-Freude darüber, daß ausgerechnet ein abtreibungsbefürwortender, auch sonst kinderfeindlicher "Erotikstar" sich der Partei angeschlossen hat:
Die CDU wird um eine "Nacktschnecke" reicher und um einen wichtigen Satz ärmer - Christliches Forum

Aborto: voto espresso oggi da Plenaria è indicatore inquietante su progetto sinistre per futuro Ue - FDI

"Una nazione che uccide i propri figli è una nazione senza speranza". - Papa San Giovanni Paolo II

Abt Notker Wolf OSB auf der Rückreise von Italien nach Ottilien, Deutschland, verstorben. RIP

Das Requiem und die Beerdigung feiern wir am Samstag den 6ten April um 10:30 in St. Ottilien

God is in charge

Better sleep here, better eternity there 🙏

Manipulation: "Christus vergab Judas" - Franziskus


Easy Rechnung

Oder: 10 + [(5+4+4) x 4) = 62

In diesem Video von Artur Homan kann man sehen, wie ein Kuckuck geboren wird und sofort die anderen …

Die Vögel und Fische wurden am fünften Tag erschaffen, der gnadenvolle Mensch am sechsten (also danach). Aber die Erbsünde hat auch etwas mit dem Rest der Welt gemacht, der jetzt in Wehen liegt.

Lebenslügen, Sex und Ehe

Welche Rolle spielt der Porno?

Stift Wilten zeigt Mahnmal in Form eines Trümmerhaufens

Spekulation: weil er die katholische Lehre kennt, aber nicht einhalten kann/will.

Vatican: Rupnik’s Art Is Still in Demand

"Here’s the serious artistic reason why the eyes in Rupnik’s work are wrong, and most decidedly not in keeping with either the eastern or western traditions of sacred art: they’re expressionless. The blank Rupnik stare is the expression of a lifeless doll."
The eyes of Marko Rupnik: black "soulless" holes?

MondayVatican – Vatican » Pope Francis, legislator or reformer?

Vatican journalist Andrea Gagliarducci notes that Pope Francis has now issued more than 70 motu proprios during his pontificate, reflecting a leadership style in which: “The Pope makes decisions alone.”

Müller: A Priest of Christ Cannot Bless Sin Against Nature

More quotes here:
'Although every human being is able to recognize the existence of God and his eternal power from the works of creation on the basis of his reason, most people have nevertheless been seduced by the allure of the world, wealth, power and fame.'
Cardinal Müller: May St. Agnes help us distinguish God's truth from the 'lies of the new paganism' - LifeSiteMore
More quotes here:

'Although every human being is able to recognize the existence of God and his eternal power from the works of creation on the basis of his reason, most people have nevertheless been seduced by the allure of the world, wealth, power and fame.'

Cardinal Müller: May St. Agnes help us distinguish God's truth from the 'lies of the new paganism' - LifeSite

"Perennial Doctrine" or "Novelty"? "Blessing" Without "Blessing" and "Couple" Without "Couple"

The picture is a Catholic church in Lexington, Kentucky, hosting a “blessing” of a same-sex couple that had been civilly “married” for 22 years, citing the Vatican’s heterodox declaration Fiducia Supplicans.

Petitions To Francis Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsKskaoaozvn

The traditional Latin liturgy: currently being micromanaged to an absurd degree by Rome (see «Traditionis custodes», its «Responsa ad dubia» and rescript). Same-sex blessings: from now on, do what you want, Rome has washed her hands of it («Fiducia supplicans», n. 41)